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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. It's always nice to have a plan. Even better if you had some idea of what it was. Yeah. Especially when you're like me, who has to know exact;y what she's doing at all times. Hamsters are like you are. We need to know. Of course, inquiring minds need to know. lol true. And I am forever an inquiring mind. It annoys my friends when I question the oddities on the game katamari (katamari is the escence of Japanese video games combined with several different illegal substances. And you thought rainbow road in mario kart was bad.... )
  2. It's always nice to have a plan. Even better if you had some idea of what it was. Yeah. Especially when you're like me, who has to know exact;y what she's doing at all times.
  3. Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own? I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut. Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share. He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision. We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened. ♥ Lee I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox. Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was. Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back* ♥ Lee lol you're welcome. It seems lately that all the guys I have any feelings for I can't have (mostly because I can't date outside of my faith). But within the course of two days, one of said guys became single, and at inter-varsity we talked about how to share our faith with others. God is somehow at work here, and right now all I can do is pray and wait.
  4. Be careful or you will be frozen cheese!!! i was a bit cold... next day i wore long pants and a hoodie. xD Glad to hear you switched over. LOL lol yeah, it's getting cold out. It's not so bad if the ground is dry though. Let me hear you say that when there is lots of snow on the ground. LOL Have you ever walked barefoot in the snow? Let me tell you. It hurts. Snowboots are definately on my list of things I need mom to bring me from home.
  5. Be careful or you will be frozen cheese!!! i was a bit cold... next day i wore long pants and a hoodie. xD Glad to hear you switched over. LOL lol yeah, it's getting cold out. It's not so bad if the ground is dry though.
  6. Today I'm actually in a much better mood, of all things. God has some great timing with things. I know He's using me as a part of His plan, I just wish I knew more details...
  7. XD Today I actually remembered proper shoes and a winter jacket the first time I left the building, as opposed to the flip flops and hoodie I normally wear.
  8. O RLY? o: Ya RLY! No wai. o: Am I the only one that sees where this is going? or maybe it's a joke only my friends understand. And Vixen, I totally feel your pain right now. It's not fun. *hugs*
  9. The past couple of days have been kinda tough on me. I've been slightly ill, and in a bad mood for no good reason. And I've had lots of work to do. It's been one of those days, only that lasts for a couple of days instead of just one, if that makes any sense. :closedeyes:
  10. My friend Marius is planning on going as one of the monks from monty python and the holy grail, and my friend Lara has a dress that's almost the same as mine but with different colors and fabric.
  11. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Cool! Yeah, it is a bit dark, but I'm sure you could fix it. But yeah, the band competition was really cool. I think that if I went to a normal high school, I would have definately been in colorguard. And Steph's band is awesome! They did this Pearl Harbor theme. It was really sad, but very well done. I'll hve to ask if they won.
  12. Now it's overcast, chilly, and windy! Now all we need is the torrential downpours.
  13. 1. I totally agree with you. If there is something that bothers you about the person before you are even going out, it will only get worse as time goes on. Don't waste your time, the other person's time just to out and be seen. Never, never, ever think you will change someone. It will NEVER work, so don't even try. 2. Again, very true. The difference I believe is that you 'love' yourself, and do not need to validate who you are by the guy on your arm. When you find the guy of your dreams, I am certain that you will have a superior relationship!!! For your insight, I am awarding you The Blue Note Award. Thanks. Cheese, I'm sorry she doesn't feel the same way. But at the same time, you lucked out. She could have been like "creep... :glare: " and never talked to you again. There's still hope for the future.
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    So yesterday I went to a marching band competition at TCNJ with some of my friends to watch our friend Steph's band play (they were amazing) and it made me think of you. I was like "wow, it would be really cool if Jesse was here." But like all the bands were from New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
  15. Well, seeing as this is the relationships topic, I figure I'll put my two cents in. The following is from a note I put up on (insert networking site here). Some of it might be relevant to you, and some of it might not be. But yeah, I think it's worth reading.... Hm...yes...dating. The one thing everyone seems so obsessed over. I've actually never had a boyfriend. Probably because I'm really picky. For me personally, being a Christian, I won't date anyone outside my faith. It's not easy, but it makes sense overall. I also won't date anyone that I know for a fact I'd never marry. This might sound extreme, but think about it. If I wouldn't marry the guy, that means we'd eventually have to break up, and then the relationship is ruined. Wasted emotions, energies, and possibly a ruined friendship. I've never dated before, so I have no regrets. Beyond that, for all practical purposes, dating should be held as a very special thing. Too many people just "go out" with each other for no reason whatsoever. Like having a boyfriend or girlfriend is a fashon accessory. It's pathetic. So many people mix up love and lust. And there's such a huge difference between the two. Beauty fades. Love is more permanent. Even if you don't believe the Bible is true, these verses make a lot of sense. (yes, I know the language is a bit archaic, but the point still stands. I'll add some notes in parenthesis to clear things up a bit) 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 "Love suffers long (is patient) and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself (is not show offy), is not puffed up (full of itself); does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity (bad things or wrongdoing), but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." For me, faith and love are the most important requirements in finding a boyfriend. Everything else involves having similar interests, getting along well, and all that other normal stuff. It narrows down my choices of potential boyfriends to the point that it can be frustrating, but in the long run, I think it's worth it. Feel free to ask questions....
  16. Overcast and chilly here in New Jersey. Typical October.
  17. So what is everyone else going as for Halloween?
  18. Ska is teh roxorz. XD *sings harmony*
  19. Play a different game, then! XD fish award for you
  20. Don't misunderstand me... I LOVE sunny weather, but I would love to have a total day of downpouring rain. Those are great days to hang around the cage, hot soup, hot coffee and a great book. I agree, but such days are not good for trudging back and forth between classes. :glare: So true... but I still would like just one of those to trudge back and forth and get drenched. *wonders just how wet hamster fur smells* It's only fun when you're in the mood for it, and definately not when it's also cold out.
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! *giant hug!* And thank you. *giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back! Now to make sure you stay!!! i'll duck-tape myself to the board *goes to get duct tape* What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board. I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies.
  22. Coming between a member of the male species and his video games never works too well. Your best bet is to join him in playing vdeo games.
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! *giant hug!* And thank you. *giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back! Now to make sure you stay!!! i'll duck-tape myself to the board *goes to get duct tape*
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