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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold. 60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly.
  2. It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here)
  3. Jesusfreak


    Let me guess! You used a hair brush, didn't you.
  4. I think you will get an A+ on this! You will be able to passionate about allergies because this is very personal. lol I hope so. I got an A- on my first two, and a B- on my last one (I went way over the time limit), so and A+ would be excellent. When I have a choice, I always pick a topic that interests me. It makes the assignment easier to do.
  5. So tomorrow I have to do a persuasive speech on a topic of my choice. I'm going to "persuade" people to ask their friends if they have severe allergies, what they're allergic to, and where they keep their epi-pens, and also persuade people with these allergies to tell their friends. And now I'm eating ramen. Because it's better than cafeteria food.
  6. I'm back at college now. And I found the best Christmas album EVER. It's the Relient K Christmas CD; "Deck the Halls: Bruise Your Hand." Go buy it. It's awesome!
  7. Yeah. Watching your friend nearly suffocate isn't fun. And I told him not to eat it. He never was good with following directions. o.O The liquid benadryl apparently works faster than the normal kind, and apparently for some reactions, you can stop them with the benadryl. The the "epi" in epi-pen is short for epinephrine, which makes your blood vessels open up and helps the allergen (whatever is causing the reaction) to get out of your body, and helps you breathe better. They can be used for any allergy like that, yes. But they apparently hurt really really bad. Because it's baasically this giant needle that gets jabbed into the outer side of your thigh, about half way between your knee and hip bone for at least 10 seconds, 15 if possible. Basically, epi-pens save lives. If your friends have allergies to stuff like that, ask where they keep their epi-pens. Thanks for the great information. We watched a girl run into a stop sign after she was stung by a bee and she had a really bad allergic reaction. If I had known what to ask I could have possibly helped her. Instead we just called 911. I felt totally helpless in this situation. At least I now know what to ask. Thanks again. You did the right thing. If you ever see anyone having an allergic reaction, ALWAYS call 911. Oh another IMPORTANT note about the epi-pens: NEVER use an epi-pen that is expired, and NEVER use an epi-pen if the liquid inside looks cloudy or milky, because it could kill the person. Also, make sure the person is actually having an allergic reaction, and get their permission to use their epi-pen on them. Because nobody wants to get stabbed with one of those if they're not having a reaction.
  8. Yeah. Watching your friend nearly suffocate isn't fun. And I told him not to eat it. He never was good with following directions. o.O The liquid benadryl apparently works faster than the normal kind, and apparently for some reactions, you can stop them with the benadryl. The the "epi" in epi-pen is short for epinephrine, which makes your blood vessels open up and helps the allergen (whatever is causing the reaction) to get out of your body, and helps you breathe better. They can be used for any allergy like that, yes. But they apparently hurt really really bad. Because it's baasically this giant needle that gets jabbed into the outer side of your thigh, about half way between your knee and hip bone for at least 10 seconds, 15 if possible. Basically, epi-pens save lives. If your friends have allergies to stuff like that, ask where they keep their epi-pens.
  9. So I should probably add the lesson learned to my previous post: 1. Know what allergies your friends have 2. Know where there epi-pens are (Ian's was all the way in his car, and probably expired) 3. keep liquid benadryl around 4. Find out which of your other friends have epi-pens (turns out my friends' roomie has one for bee stings, but we didn't know that) 5. know how to deal with an allergy attack (breathe slowly, remain calm, take liquid benadryl, if you have an epi-pen, you stab it in your thigh, and call 911)
  10. okay so anyone that saw my comment in the thankful topic might wonder why I'm thankful that Ian's alive. Well, he came over to visit on Monday night and we were hanging out in Lindsay and Steph's room (where I was spending the night because my roomnie's bf was visiting from Utah). They were all munching on this giant box of assorted chocolates. I told Ian to be careful, that he might not want to eat those, because they might have peanuts (he has an allergy). He ate a pecan cluster, which was fine, but the pecan clusters and peanut clusters look about the same, and the box had been around long enough that the chocolates weren't all where they were on the map. The second one Ian ate had peanuts in it. So we ran across the lawn to the c-store for benadryl, but they didn't have the liquid kind so he took a normal one instead. It didn't help, so he called 911 for an ambulance and I called my sister (she's an EMT) to find out what to do. We then went back towards the dorm building where we met campus security, who game Ian oxygen (his breathing was getting really bad at this point) but couldn't give him an epi-pen. The ambulance finally showed up, gave him epinephrine, and we went to the emergency room. His breathing was much better by the time we got there, but we still had to be there for the better part of two hours. One of the RA's from his campus came when she found out, and she brought us both back to my dorm building. Since one of the medications they gave Ian made him feel a bit woosy, he also spent the night in Lindsay and Steph's room. Then three of our other friends decided to do the same, so we had a total of 7 people in one tiny dorm room. XD It was fun, but i didn't sleep very well, so I was totally braindead all day yesterday. At one point, ian was definately singing in his sleep. He was well enough in the morning to get up and go to class, which was good. Later when I went to geet my stuff from Lindsay and Steph's room, I found out Ian left his prescription papers in their room by mistake. So when my mom came to pick me up last night, we went to his campus to drop off the papers with him. It was nice to be able to chat with him for a little while, even if it was through the car window. So yeah, the past couple days have been kinda crazy.
  11. lol It got cold out! And now I'm at my grandma's house (yay neighbors with wireless internet! ) and it's a bit warmer, but windy and rainy.
  12. I have to say that if Ian is a really great guy and you say that you will not marry anyone outside of your faith, have you ever considered looking into the Jewish faith? Two people of different faiths can marry and have children if the details of the religions are worked out ahead of time. I, for one and my sister, would not be here if our parents followed your line of thought. What our parents worked out was that the children would be raised in the mother's religion. What is even more interesting is that I went to both churches and my mother had me attend services in every religion she could find. This helped me to decide what I felt was the best religion for me. You and Ian could work out how holidays would be celebrated, foods, the raising of children, etc. and this could ultimately be an even better experience for your children. The bottom line is respect. If you both respect each other, then you have a relationship that could grow and flourish. It seems more logical for him to add Christianity to his faith, as Christianity is a continuation of Judaism. I don't know how he would feel about the whole children issue. I think it would be hard to have a husband that when he dies, I won't see him again. Either way, the Bible says you're not supposed to marry outside of your faith. It's really hard, but it kinda makes sense. I figure that if God wants me and Ian to get married, He will make Ian believe as I do. So I'm going to keep praying, and waiting.
  13. It's been unseasonably warm here, like temps up in the 70's. It's starting to cool down a bit though. Today some friends and I went shopping, and we saw all the Christmas stuff at target, and I am soooooooo ready for snow!
  14. Isn't it unsettling that in your dreams you can experience all sorts of emotions and feelings?!?!? Well, um, I don't find it unsettling when I feel different emotions in my dreams :/ I have had dreams where the feelings were so real that I still wonder if the dream actually happened. The dream wasn't that strange or wild, but something that could be a part of everyday life! I have had dreams like that before! It feels strange when you realise that it wasn't real. Sometimes the dream is so good you wish that it came true in real life. So, sticking to the topic of this thread, theres this boy. And I'm pretty sure he likes me. Last night he walked me home from a party which is a 45 minute walk, he also attempted to flirt on the way. Then he walked back to the party by himself rather drunk (I was completely sober, I've given up drinking). He's nice and stuff but I don't like him that way at all. Theres no attraction there what-so-ever. I don't want him to ask me out or anything 'cause I hate rejecting people. ♥ Lee My gosh. I swear when it comes to guys, we live like parallel lives or something. You and your ex is like me and ian, and you and this guy you're talking about now is like me and my guy friends. (so to solve that one, I published a note on (insert website here) about what I think about dating where I said i only date people of the same faith as me).
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    what are the x-note runs? They are these vicious pieces in the music where several measures are comprised entirely of that type of note and it goes up and down all the time. Sometimes it is hard to play all the notes, especially for the 32nd note runs. And usually the music is going at a fast tempo too, just for me... Also sometimes it is tough to go between two particular notes due to the clarinet's fingerings, for example going down from c# to b at those speeds is difficult for me. 32nd notes=death...and I can't even read music that well. And congrats on National Honors Society! I got into that too, but they didn't tell us until a couple of days before we graduated at our senior awards assembly.
  16. Ooh wow I haven't been here in awhile. Lots has happened since I last wrote. Remember Ian? He was supposed to visit me on Halloween, but he got pulled over for speeding on his way over (so he says). The day after that was Wednesday,and I went to inter-varsity that night. I got back a little after 10, and noticed that there were two people in the room, which is odd because Lacey (my roomie) doesn't usually have guests in the room. Just as I was thinking that, I realized it was Ian! He had apparently showed up to my room about 15 minutes after I left, and was waiting around for about 2 hours for my return. I was SO excited, I couldn't even talk. We hung out until he headed back home around 4:30 am. It was wonderful to see him again. That Friday I got to see him in a performance at his college, and in the process got to meet his family. They're all really cool, and he's so much like his father. He then showed up last Wednesday for no particular reason, and I got to see him on Saturday because he was part of a concert on my campus. I *might* be seeing him in a concert on Sunday in NYC, but that's kinda up in the air. During this whole process I have become painfully aware of the fact that we both love each other very much, but we can't be more than friends because of the difference in faith (he's Jewish, and very stubborn. For those of you that believe in salvation, please pray for him). Just about everyone that knows both of us thinks we should be a couple. It's really hard. However, I think God has a reason for everything, and I'm curious to see where He goes with this one. In other news, some brilliant person thought it would be funny to pull the fire alarm at 4am. Just to clear this up, don't EVER pull the fire alarm at 4am unless there's a FIRE. Or else people will want to do much worse things to you that put you through a meat grinder. Add to this that I didn't get to sleep until 2:30 am and had an important physics exam at 9am, and you get a very cranky Jesusfreak. o.O
  17. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas. *totally agrees with Horatio* you're very talented! Jesse is teh roxorz. XD Sorry, just felt like saying that. But Jesse is definately smarter than I'll ever be.
  18. Oi. The past several days have been really busy around here. But today I'm in a really good mood. Last night was the Halloween party, which was a lot of fun. I'm considering switching my second major from physics to biology. Physics is getting boring and frustrating, and Bio seems more interesting. Plus a lot of the course requirements are the same, so it shouldn't be a hard switch. you know, normally I'd be falling apart at an idea like that, but for some reason I have a good feeling of peace about it. Maybe God was tryng to tell me something when I got a 1 on the AP calc and a 5 on the AP Bio, despite the fact that we only had a real teacher until March last year.
  19. These are some pretty easy costume ideas (some easier than others, depending on your age): Cat: Black clothes, cat ears and tail, face paint. Witch: Black dress, witch hat Celebrity: Wear any formal clothing (be sure to pick which one you are) Bunny: light colored sweat pants and sweatshirt and bunny ears. Employee of (wherever you work): If you have a required uniform where you work or for something you do, just wear your uniform. Fairy: Pretty dress/skirt and fairy wings Princess: Prom dress and a tiara Ancient Greek: one word: Toga
  20. Ok, I hope I answered at least some of them. Now it's your turn to tell me what happened when I was away. Awesome! I just started University this year.. I'm doing a double major in Secondary Education and Physics (I'm planning on being a high school physics teacher). It's a lot of work so far, but still lots of fun.
  21. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Yeah, 'n MK's gonna do her hair like that, too. >D XD Lovely.
  22. It's always nice to have a plan. Even better if you had some idea of what it was. LOL Yeah. Especially when you're like me, who has to know exact;y what she's doing at all times. Hamsters are like you are. We need to know. Of course, inquiring minds need to know. LOL LOL lol true. And I am forever an inquiring mind. It annoys my friends when I question the oddities on the game katamari (katamari is the escence of Japanese video games combined with several different illegal substances. And you thought rainbow road in mario kart was bad.... ) It's actually great fun to watch. Basically what it is is that you are this funny ball thing (called a katamari) and you roll around and pick stuff up. You start out small, and at first you can only pick up small things. As you pick up more things, you get bigger, and you can pick up bigger things. The objects range as small a crayons and legos to as big as gods and continents. The idea is that your katamari needs to reach a certain diameter. There's a whole story line involved, but I don't know exactly how it works.
  23. LEGUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That snapshot is worth one zillion points!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh My!!!!!!!! Darn too late. I got one, too. We will give you the runner up points, one half of one zillion. How's that? get this: Leguan AND HK!
  24. Be careful or you will be frozen cheese!!! i was a bit cold... next day i wore long pants and a hoodie. xD Glad to hear you switched over. LOL lol yeah, it's getting cold out. It's not so bad if the ground is dry though. Let me hear you say that when there is lots of snow on the ground. LOL Have you ever walked barefoot in the snow? Let me tell you. It hurts. Snowboots are definately on my list of things I need mom to bring me from home. So, what's your favorite color? ...green...?
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