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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Oh... I am sorry your professors are working you so hard. lol it's okay. Most of my professors are actually being nice. I just have a huge history project due tomorrow. It's my own fault for putting it off for so long, but I work better under pressure. I work better under pressure is the phrase I use when I procrastinate too much! So far I have the research and the powerpoint done. The essay is due Friday, so I'm going to try and get it written today, and then edit it and add citations tomorrow. I didn't think it would take this long.
  2. Oh... I am sorry your professors are working you so hard. lol it's okay. Most of my professors are actually being nice. I just have a huge history project due tomorrow. It's my own fault for putting it off for so long, but I work better under pressure.
  3. New tips: Digital cameras use up batteries pretty quickly, and batteries are expensive. Solution: go to Wal-mart, and buy rechargeable batteries and a charger. It's well worth it. Also, always keep a charged set of batteries on hand for when your batteries die. It's no fun having your camera turn itself off when you're about to take a picture.
  4. Wow it's been forever since I put some pics in here. !!! I'll put up the pic of me and Ian! It's such a cute picture. And here's the pic he took of me... And uhm...Ian wearing my renaissance shirt. I told him it was too small...
  5. so...much...work...*twitch*
  6. Ian has a great sense of humor in light of all that has happened. He sounds like a really cool guy. The opera sounds like it was phenomenal, followed by a great place to have dinner. As for Ian's car problems... well, have you ever thought of getting him a bicycle? lol yes, Ian is an amazing person. The type of person you only meet once in a lifetime, if you're lucky. And the opera was phenominal, and I was quite happy to get chicken noodle soup at Panera. Lol, a bike is sounding better and better, although I've got a feeling that the handlebars would fall off. ROFOCLH... then perhaps a unicycle. Less parts. Ohgosh. I could only imagine Ian on a unicycle. Teaching Ian to ice skate was rather entertaining. Hopefully you got the ice skating on video. It could be worth big bucks $$$$. lol no, but I have pictures.
  7. Ian has a great sense of humor in light of all that has happened. He sounds like a really cool guy. The opera sounds like it was phenomenal, followed by a great place to have dinner. As for Ian's car problems... well, have you ever thought of getting him a bicycle? lol yes, Ian is an amazing person. The type of person you only meet once in a lifetime, if you're lucky. And the opera was phenominal, and I was quite happy to get chicken noodle soup at Panera. Lol, a bike is sounding better and better, although I've got a feeling that the handlebars would fall off. ROFOCLH... then perhaps a unicycle. Less parts. Ohgosh. I could only imagine Ian on a unicycle. Teaching Ian to ice skate was rather entertaining.
  8. Ian has a great sense of humor in light of all that has happened. He sounds like a really cool guy. The opera sounds like it was phenomenal, followed by a great place to have dinner. As for Ian's car problems... well, have you ever thought of getting him a bicycle? lol yes, Ian is an amazing person. The type of person you only meet once in a lifetime, if you're lucky. And the opera was phenominal, and I was quite happy to get chicken noodle soup at Panera. Lol, a bike is sounding better and better, although I've got a feeling that the handlebars would fall off.
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks for clarifying it for me. Being a violin player, you never learn about marching band. LOL Hmm...marching violinists! Now there's a thought...could it actually be done?? Probably. I think most instruments you can march with. It's just ones like double bases and violoncellos that you can't o_O Ironically enough, I used to play the piano (can't march with that...) and the cello (nor that...) and I've been thinking of taking up drumming (and how would you march around with a whole kit? o_O) You will get to pick one to hang around your neck. Might I suggest the kettle drum? LOL The Timpani. But I still think you wouldn't get a good beat out of a drum without at least the basics. You just have a bunch of drumming marchers. Co-ordinating them would be heck xD You can have drums in the marching band. They're an essential part of each breakfast of the band.
  10. That is so cool. It got COLD out around here! My feet were numb several times yesterday. But now at least we have a chance of snow.
  11. Yesterday was crazy. It was Ian's opera, and I wanted to go, but I didn't have a ride. So I got Kevin to drop me off, because he and some friends were already headed out to go get a Wii. The opera was amazing. There were actually two. The first one was Savitri, which Ian was not acting in, but part of the "unseen voices" (kantorei). It was a very pretty love story. The second one was Gianni Schicci, which was hilarious. Ian played this really creepy guy Betto, it was sooo funny. Afterwords, I ran into Ian's mom, her friend, and Ian's sister, and we eventually found Ian, and went out for a quick dinner at Panera. After that, we helped strike (take apart) the set, and then went back to Ian's room to hang out for awhile. We looked at pictures, he played music, and tried to teach me how to dance (which is hard in a tiny dorm room). Then we came back to my room, and we hung out here for awhile while I worked on some physics homework. Ian then left to go home. About a half hour later, he called me. Someone had slashed the tires on his car and broken off the antenna, and he was at the security office filing a report. I told him to come back here when he was done, and made him some peppermint tea. He borrowed my computer to contact some people to tell them what happened, and then Lindsay drove him back to his campus, because he had classes in the morning that he couldn't miss. I feel so bad for him. Tires are so expensive, and he just replaced one of them. I guess Ian and cars just don't mix very well... The interesting thing is, shortly after he left my room I prayed for him to have safe ride home (which happened). I was talking to my mom about it today, and she said that pretty much the entire church is praying for Ian, and that often times, when someone is close to being saved, Satan tries to intervene. So please keep praying for him. When I was talking to him last night I said, "Hey, crud happens." He said something along the lines of, "It seems like someone upstairs has been taking laxatives." XD Poor kid...
  12. *runs outside* It is dark, a relatively clear night, a little cool for my liking. No wind, pretty quiet and a few Christmas lights here and there. Is that enough of an outside perspective for you? lol
  13. Can you eat the decorations? No. o.O It's all lights and trees and penguins and poinsettias and stuff. lol the penguins remind me of Sheena...is she even still alive? I miss her British-penguin self.
  14. It's actually cold out now! And they decorated the dining hall for Christmas. It's so pretty!
  15. All you relationships-topic people might find my recent posting in my topic in Fuzzy somewhat interesting...I'm looking for some outside perspectives...
  16. You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. Ooops. That must have been a mistake! *thinks again* Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day. Wow. Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here. Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day. Oh my. o.O My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks. Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL XD Sounds like a plan.
  17. You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. Ooops. That must have been a mistake! *thinks again* Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day. Wow. Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here. Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day. Oh my. o.O
  18. You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. Ooops. That must have been a mistake! *thinks again* Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day. Wow. Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.
  19. Not yet!!! Not unless you do not want your girl friend as a friend anymore. And besides, she will believe that you broke them up. Just be cool. If you to are meant to be together, give it time and it will happen. *waits for someone else to jump in* I agree 100% Give it time, lots of time. Be supportive of your friend. I should mention that now is NOT a good time to tell your friend that you like her ex.
  20. You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. Ooops. That must have been a mistake! *thinks again* Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason.
  21. You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago.
  22. Hm...so on (insert networking site here) a bunch of my friends were posting this 14 questions thing. These are the questions: 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 6. Describe me in one word. 7. What was your first impression? 8. Do you still think that way about me now? 9. What reminds you of me? 10. If you could give me anything what would it be? 11. How well do you know me? 12. When's the last time you saw me? 13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? 14. Are you going to post this in your notes and see what I say about you? A bunch of my friends answered them, but most of the answers (aside from one of my friends admitting that he had a crush on me in 4th grade) were pretty boring. Except Ian's answers. This is what he wrote, tell me what you think: 1. I'm just your average long-haired opera-singing Israeli boy from CT.... 2. Gee, I hope so... 3. O we met during my junior year of HSC when you TAed my geometry class and I finally got up the guts to talk to you because I was so shy. *blush* 4. A crush!? *gasps* Oh my. Are we 14? 5. I think you already have to many nicknames and its probably rather confusing, so I'm just going to call you what I've been for the past 5 years. 6. Sincere, sweet, honest, genuine, and all around lovely person, someone who God loves...ok thats not one word, but I dont care. 7. I thought you were logical and can basically reason your way through anything. 8. That's proven. 9. Hmm cameras, hiking, having fun. Happy blonde people with blue eyes and glasses. 10. I'd probably give you pretty music that you could fall asleep to. 11. I'd like to think I know you rather well, you certainly know me. 12. Um the last time I saw you I was looking up from a hospital bed. 13. What does this question even mean? 14. ? What do you make of this?
  23. It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.
  24. We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold. 60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. Excuse me... anything belowe 80 is freezing!!! lol you crazy Floridians.
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