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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. How did I miss not responding?!? I think Ian is a super person who really likes you as a person and loves you as a friend. My feeling is that Ian would like to have more of a relationship, but respects you and your wishes and knows the boundaries. He sounds like he knows you very, very well on a deeper level than most committed relationships. Let me ask you a question... you do not have to answer this, but honestly think about what your heart would feel. .....How would you feel if Ian started dating and became serious about another girl? Please do not answer me. Just look deep inside and think about how you would feel. This is a very tough question if you are truly honest about your feelings. Okay, that's what i got out of it too. I've actually already asked myself that question. I think it would kinda bother me, but I can't get too mad because I can't have him anyways. It would be unfair and silly for me to think that he would not look into dating someone else. Whatever happens, I know it's part of God's plan. If me and Ian aren't meant to be more than friends, it's okay (although somewhat disappointing). I just need to trust God with it and hope and pray for the best. Why can't you date outside of your religion? If you both discussed it before hand, looking at the possibility of marriage, and you both agreed that the children would be raised in the mother's religion, why couldn't you date and marry him? Woah, the boards got all wierd. Anyways...problem one is IF we agree on that. Ian is very stubborn. Problem two is that if I marry someone, I want to be with them forever. If I marry someone of the same faith, I can have the hope of seeing them again after we both die. The idea that Ian and I, at the moment, are not headed for the same eternity already bothers me enough. I know it doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but it makes sense to me. Like I said before, if God wants me to marry Ian, God will cause Ian to be saved. Strange ions wandering around the boards. I guess the update that HampsterKing was talking about finally went through. It doesn't sound wierd to me. I admire you for following your beliefs. Ian seems like a very special person, a guy that does not always pop into your life and it would be sad that the religious differences couldn't be worked out. But, I do understand and respect you for following your faith. Thank you. It is kinda sad, but if it doesn't work out, I'm sure God has other plans. I'll just have to wait and see... Oh! And God helped me with my physics exam today. Dead serious. I was taking the exam, and couldn't remember like half of the stuff. So I stopped and prayed asking God to bring the knowledge back to my mind so I could answer the questions. And He did. I answered all of them hopefully correctly. Oh, and my mom got tickets to see the Westminster Messiah performance.
  2. Wait, is the Denzel one of those "Omg i am such a prissy drama queen" kinda people? I dont think so. Shes more like the person who thinks everyone loves her, and she wont shut up. >_> And is fun about half the time, other times shes kind of annoying. I dunno what you'd call it. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~ I sit with three girls just like that in math. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~* The Denzel is contagous. o: She is spreading to a number of other states! -cowers- One is plenty for me. n_n; One for you, one for Cheesemaster, three in Mushroom_king's math class, the list keeps growing. LOL I knew people like that once, but I left them behind when I went to high school... As for my dealings with relationships, lately everyone's been telling me what a cute couple me and Ian are, and we're not even dating. And this morning my roomie was like, "Do you guys like, like each other or something?" And I said, "Well, it's kinda complicated..." I used "like" a lot in that last sentence. o.O And the proceeded to explain that I like him, and I'm pretty sure he likes me (still want you all to look at the 14 questions thing in my topic in Fuzzy), but I can't date outside of my faith. Yeah. *runs over to the 14 questions in Fuzzy* What happens if you date outside your faith? God will still love you just the same. Of course He'll still love me the same, but as a Christian I need to do what God says, whether I like it or not. As for the rest of the answer, see what I posted in my own topic.
  3. How did I miss not responding?!? I think Ian is a super person who really likes you as a person and loves you as a friend. My feeling is that Ian would like to have more of a relationship, but respects you and your wishes and knows the boundaries. He sounds like he knows you very, very well on a deeper level than most committed relationships. Let me ask you a question... you do not have to answer this, but honestly think about what your heart would feel. .....How would you feel if Ian started dating and became serious about another girl? Please do not answer me. Just look deep inside and think about how you would feel. This is a very tough question if you are truly honest about your feelings. Okay, that's what i got out of it too. I've actually already asked myself that question. I think it would kinda bother me, but I can't get too mad because I can't have him anyways. It would be unfair and silly for me to think that he would not look into dating someone else. Whatever happens, I know it's part of God's plan. If me and Ian aren't meant to be more than friends, it's okay (although somewhat disappointing). I just need to trust God with it and hope and pray for the best. Why can't you date outside of your religion? If you both discussed it before hand, looking at the possibility of marriage, and you both agreed that the children would be raised in the mother's religion, why couldn't you date and marry him? Woah, the boards got all wierd. Anyways...problem one is IF we agree on that. Ian is very stubborn. Problem two is that if I marry someone, I want to be with them forever. If I marry someone of the same faith, I can have the hope of seeing them again after we both die. The idea that Ian and I, at the moment, are not headed for the same eternity already bothers me enough. I know it doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but it makes sense to me. Like I said before, if God wants me to marry Ian, God will cause Ian to be saved.
  4. How did I miss not responding?!? I think Ian is a super person who really likes you as a person and loves you as a friend. My feeling is that Ian would like to have more of a relationship, but respects you and your wishes and knows the boundaries. He sounds like he knows you very, very well on a deeper level than most committed relationships. Let me ask you a question... you do not have to answer this, but honestly think about what your heart would feel. .....How would you feel if Ian started dating and became serious about another girl? Please do not answer me. Just look deep inside and think about how you would feel. This is a very tough question if you are truly honest about your feelings. Okay, that's what i got out of it too. I've actually already asked myself that question. I think it would kinda bother me, but I can't get too mad because I can't have him anyways. It would be unfair and silly for me to think that he would not look into dating someone else. Whatever happens, I know it's part of God's plan. If me and Ian aren't meant to be more than friends, it's okay (although somewhat disappointing). I just need to trust God with it and hope and pray for the best.
  5. Wait, is the Denzel one of those "Omg i am such a prissy drama queen" kinda people? I dont think so. Shes more like the person who thinks everyone loves her, and she wont shut up. >_> And is fun about half the time, other times shes kind of annoying. I dunno what you'd call it. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~ I sit with three girls just like that in math. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~* The Denzel is contagous. o: She is spreading to a number of other states! -cowers- One is plenty for me. n_n; One for you, one for Cheesemaster, three in Mushroom_king's math class, the list keeps growing. LOL I knew people like that once, but I left them behind when I went to high school... As for my dealings with relationships, lately everyone's been telling me what a cute couple me and Ian are, and we're not even dating. And this morning my roomie was like, "Do you guys like, like each other or something?" And I said, "Well, it's kinda complicated..." I used "like" a lot in that last sentence. o.O And the proceeded to explain that I like him, and I'm pretty sure he likes me (still want you all to look at the 14 questions thing in my topic in Fuzzy), but I can't date outside of my faith. Yeah.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Aw. *big hugs* Losing a pet is always really sad, but it sounds like you've got a good perspective on it. kudos for being so strong.
  7. How exciting!!! Ian sounds like such a considerate person. Glad to hear your finals are over. What a relief... especially before Christmas. Have fun in the city! I love walking down Fifth Avenue and looking at the displays in the store windows. Paris has some wonderful displays as do many cities in Germany. You will enjoy the show at Radio City Music Hall. If you have not been before, I guarantee you will have a fantastic time. Wish I was there with you!!! No, classes are over, finals are not. I still have finals. Yes, Ian never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes this is in a good way, and sometimes it's in a "You're a total idiot" way. Guilty of reading what I wanted to read, not what you wrote. Good luck on finals. Please let me know what Ian's surprise was if that's okay. Also tell me how you enjoyed Radio City Music Hall. It was the Christmas concert! I feel smart now. The concert was, in typical Westminster style, amazing. And they sang Betelehemu, which is a Nigerian Christmas carol, which we sang in our high school chorus last year (and did an awful job on, but anyways... ) It was so cool! And I got to meet a bunch of Ian's friends, and they all seem really nice. So yeah, an amazing day overall. Fantastic!!! Sounds like a great way to spend a day. It was. And Radio City was amazing! I especially loved the last scene. Much kudos to them reading it straight from the Bible.
  8. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    oh em geee! Snow! Haha I sound like an idiot. My brain doesn't function too well this late at night. Oh, and lol @ Horatio. I'm not going to continue with that. Or else my sanity might run off with the ptmy's again.
  9. How exciting!!! Ian sounds like such a considerate person. Glad to hear your finals are over. What a relief... especially before Christmas. Have fun in the city! I love walking down Fifth Avenue and looking at the displays in the store windows. Paris has some wonderful displays as do many cities in Germany. You will enjoy the show at Radio City Music Hall. If you have not been before, I guarantee you will have a fantastic time. Wish I was there with you!!! No, classes are over, finals are not. I still have finals. Yes, Ian never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes this is in a good way, and sometimes it's in a "You're a total idiot" way. Guilty of reading what I wanted to read, not what you wrote. Good luck on finals. Please let me know what Ian's surprise was if that's okay. Also tell me how you enjoyed Radio City Music Hall. It was the Christmas concert! I feel smart now. The concert was, in typical Westminster style, amazing. And they sang Betelehemu, which is a Nigerian Christmas carol, which we sang in our high school chorus last year (and did an awful job on, but anyways... ) It was so cool! And I got to meet a bunch of Ian's friends, and they all seem really nice. So yeah, an amazing day overall.
  10. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Glad you like them. This is the best avatar yet. *lights a fire under HampsterKing's chair* I must get him to add this one! *is entertained by the clever use of the word "chair" * Spiffy avatar, Jesse! ROFOCLH!!!!! I was wondering if anyone would catch that. You just started my day off with a laugh! When you're in college and know all of the uncensored versions, you catch these things. Oh, and ptmyrofoclh
  11. How exciting!!! Ian sounds like such a considerate person. Glad to hear your finals are over. What a relief... especially before Christmas. Have fun in the city! I love walking down Fifth Avenue and looking at the displays in the store windows. Paris has some wonderful displays as do many cities in Germany. You will enjoy the show at Radio City Music Hall. If you have not been before, I guarantee you will have a fantastic time. Wish I was there with you!!! No, classes are over, finals are not. I still have finals. Yes, Ian never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes this is in a good way, and sometimes it's in a "You're a total idiot" way.
  12. lol I put the pic up in (insert networking site here) and he commented, "It had been a long time since i buckled some swash." LOL. Great minds think alike!!! LOL Indeed.
  13. I'm feeling much better today, because classes are overrrrrrr! I just have finals now. And today I went out shopping, and got most of my Christmas shopping done, and also got a bunch of other stuff I needed/wanted. My weekend is going to be busy. Tomorrow, Ian says he has a suprise for me. All I know, is that I need to be at his campus sometime tomorrow afternoon, whatever the suprise is will be inddors, but we will have to walk to get there, and I should dress warm. This should be interesting....I'm thinking it might be a Christmas concert, because he knows how much I love Christmas music. But then again, this is Ian, and you never know... Then on Sunday I'm going to NYC to see the radio city Christmas thing, which should be tons of fun.
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Glad you like them. This is the best avatar yet. *lights a fire under HampsterKing's chair* I must get him to add this one! *is entertained by the clever use of the word "chair" * Spiffy avatar, Jesse!
  15. Yeah, I miss all the old people too. Maybe if we get enough of the old people to stick around, the others will come back too. And yes, 2002....When I joined here, I was a freshman in high school. Now I'm a freshman in college...how wierd is that?
  16. Better in New Jersey than in Florida. Yep. I can't wait for snow! They say it might snow on Friday, I think. I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL lol The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare: Just to make your day a bit worse, here is a picture of the moon last night... tonight is the space launch. It is going to happen at around 21H35 this evening. Pictures hopefully will be posted later. The night launches are really hard to take pictures of with this digital, so cross your paws, fingers, toes, hooves, anything. Very pretty. What brand of camera do you have?
  17. You get The Red Rose Award for that screenshot!!! *hands Jesusfreak her award* Wooo! At the rate I'm going, I can make a bouquet!
  18. Better in New Jersey than in Florida. Yep. I can't wait for snow! They say it might snow on Friday, I think. I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL lol The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare:
  19. lol I put the pic up in (insert networking site here) and he commented, "It had been a long time since i buckled some swash."
  20. Such great advice!!! *gives Jesusfreak The Red Rose Award* lol thanks.
  21. Today for some reason I've been in an awful mood. It's just sooooo much crud all piling up at the same time. Not good. After tomorrow things should be a bit better though...I hope....
  22. LIFESEAGLE!!!!!!! *supertackleglomphugs* I missed you so much! Ironic you should talk about depression today of all days, because today has been my worst day in a loooonng time. Anyways, welcome back!
  23. Better in New Jersey than in Florida. Yep. I can't wait for snow! They say it might snow on Friday, I think.
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