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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. It's almost Christmaaaaaaaaaasss!!!!!! That makes me so happy. I'm listening to Christmas music online now. I actually found a website that doesn't get stuck all the time. And Ian came to visit last night, and finally got his tires fixed. They guys at the tire place felt bad for him and gave him one of the tires for free. And I made a video and put it online to the tune of "don't worry, be happy." It's so awesome, I wish I could post it here. Oh, and last night Santa decided to visit our college on a fire truck. I kept hearing all these sirens, and I was like OMGosh, people are dying, an apartment building must have blown up or something...no...it was just Santa. I got video footage of that too. I also got a picture. Maybe I'll post that later. I really ought to start working on my 7.5 page BHP paper...
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay Christmas concerts!
  3. Great!!! I thought so. Having links in my siggy makes life easier. Now if only we could get mk to put her siggy elsewhere and just link to it...
  4. lol that reminds me of the time a bunch of the kids from Jazz band were just staring at our music teacher as he ate a piece of pizza. He didn't get it either. I sat there laughing at the kids that were staring at him.
  5. *whispers* Psst! Always say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. Yeah, I see that now. XD I dont always think to do that, and feel obligated to say something back to them (but honestly dont have anything good to say about some of them -cough- ) but cant think of anything. so I dun' say anything. and I confused myself by trying to say that, so I wont be surprised if I confused you, too. XD Nope, I understand that. Just make sure when you compliment someone, it's sincere. So if you like someone's shirt or shoes or something, don't be afraid to say, "Hey, you have awesome shoes!" 'Cause girls (and probably most guys, I'm guessing, although they won't admit it) love getting random compliments on stuff like that. It shows that you notice these things. But don't compliment someone if you don't mean it, because most people can tell the difference. I'm pretty sure guys like that mess, too. or at least I do. I always feel uncomfortable commenting on a girls clothing though, I feel like it shows I'm more focusing on her physical appearance or clothing rather than paying attention to her as a person instead of something physical. I never want that message to get across, 'cause... its... not how it goes. it just isnt. XD I see what you're saying. As long as you don't make mention of a pert of her clothing that is located on *cough* certain parts of her anatomy, you should be fine (like don't comment on decorated back pockets, etc.). Otherwise you might be subject to lots of "why were you looking at that" comments, which makes things akward. Yeah, Thats... what... I was talking about. XD So just avoid commenting on anything that would potentially lead to something awkward? I could probably do that. except clothes designers like to put anything of interest in very inconvenient places. ._. so I imagine that wont happen often. Unless, of course, they happen to have their hair done up all purdy and the super-shiney earrings and all. That shouldnt be a problem at all. Yeah, jewelry, hair, and shoes are all generally safe to comment on. Backpacks and keychains are good too.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Very nice! I generally don't buy dress clothes that aren't comforatble. As a result, I'm a tough person to go shoe shopping with.
  7. *gasp* It worked! Nevermind.
  8. Hey, is it possible to edit my first post in this topic to include a link to my pictures and my poetry topics? Because that would be really cool. or maybe I can put the links in my siggy...
  9. *whispers* Psst! Always say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. Yeah, I see that now. XD I dont always think to do that, and feel obligated to say something back to them (but honestly dont have anything good to say about some of them -cough- ) but cant think of anything. so I dun' say anything. and I confused myself by trying to say that, so I wont be surprised if I confused you, too. XD Nope, I understand that. Just make sure when you compliment someone, it's sincere. So if you like someone's shirt or shoes or something, don't be afraid to say, "Hey, you have awesome shoes!" 'Cause girls (and probably most guys, I'm guessing, although they won't admit it) love getting random compliments on stuff like that. It shows that you notice these things. But don't compliment someone if you don't mean it, because most people can tell the difference. I'm pretty sure guys like that mess, too. or at least I do. I always feel uncomfortable commenting on a girls clothing though, I feel like it shows I'm more focusing on her physical appearance or clothing rather than paying attention to her as a person instead of something physical. I never want that message to get across, 'cause... its... not how it goes. it just isnt. XD I see what you're saying. As long as you don't make mention of a pert of her clothing that is located on *cough* certain parts of her anatomy, you should be fine (like don't comment on decorated back pockets, etc.). Otherwise you might be subject to lots of "why were you looking at that" comments, which makes things akward.
  10. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay new avatars!!! I should just take some of my pictures and chop them into square shape to they can be avatars. How exactly do you go about submitting new avatars again?
  11. Um...okay. o.O Done. Nothing bad. I appreciate it. Thanks. lol yay for nothing bad! Today at dinner they had a Christmas theme. The were showing Christmas movies and had a place to make gingerbread men. It was amazing. I took a picture of the one I made, I'll have to put it in my pictures when I get the chance.
  12. And to make it even better, I'm pretty sure it was HK who modded this post, because Horatio isn't online...
  13. *whispers* Psst! Always say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. Yeah, I see that now. XD I dont always think to do that, and feel obligated to say something back to them (but honestly dont have anything good to say about some of them -cough- ) but cant think of anything. so I dun' say anything. and I confused myself by trying to say that, so I wont be surprised if I confused you, too. XD Nope, I understand that. Just make sure when you compliment someone, it's sincere. So if you like someone's shirt or shoes or something, don't be afraid to say, "Hey, you have awesome shoes!" 'Cause girls (and probably most guys, I'm guessing, although they won't admit it) love getting random compliments on stuff like that. It shows that you notice these things. But don't compliment someone if you don't mean it, because most people can tell the difference.
  14. The headphones I have are Sony, but they're not cordless, and they're not so loud that they require extra batteries. The sound quality is really good though As for batteries, just go to wal-mart and get a set of rechargeables, which you can use on anything. It's worth it.
  15. *whispers* Psst! Always say thank you when someone gives you a compliment.
  16. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    On the "comments" section on my score sheet they wrote "please don't tap your foot." ..hollowed by "practice with a metronome." Which I found contradictory. How does tapping your foot NOT help maintain your rhythm? (For the record yes, I did practice with a metronome). I was just watching an orchestra on the tele and you would never guess what I saw... players tapping their feet. *sends a copy of the program to all the judges* I know I often tap my feet when I'm singing. But then again, for marching band, I guess if one player is tapping their foot, they all have to tap their feet to keep it uniform. This isn't for marching band, I finished that last month. This is for concert band. I can't stand these fatal errors! It took me 31 tries to try and get into this topic. I don't think I can try and get into many topics while this is going on, lest my patience run out and I pull my fur out. What I am doing is just hitting the back button. About the third try it goes through. If you make a post and a fatal error appears, the post will go through. Just back-track and you should be fine. Interesting thing that Jesusfreak noticed, the new topics do not have the fatal errors, only the old topics. For me trying to get to the page through a different link usually works too...
  17. It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas. Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. I wouldn't mind one of those! Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs? No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze.
  18. How did I miss not responding?!? I think Ian is a super person who really likes you as a person and loves you as a friend. My feeling is that Ian would like to have more of a relationship, but respects you and your wishes and knows the boundaries. He sounds like he knows you very, very well on a deeper level than most committed relationships. Let me ask you a question... you do not have to answer this, but honestly think about what your heart would feel. .....How would you feel if Ian started dating and became serious about another girl? Please do not answer me. Just look deep inside and think about how you would feel. This is a very tough question if you are truly honest about your feelings. Okay, that's what i got out of it too. I've actually already asked myself that question. I think it would kinda bother me, but I can't get too mad because I can't have him anyways. It would be unfair and silly for me to think that he would not look into dating someone else. Whatever happens, I know it's part of God's plan. If me and Ian aren't meant to be more than friends, it's okay (although somewhat disappointing). I just need to trust God with it and hope and pray for the best. Why can't you date outside of your religion? If you both discussed it before hand, looking at the possibility of marriage, and you both agreed that the children would be raised in the mother's religion, why couldn't you date and marry him? Woah, the boards got all wierd. Anyways...problem one is IF we agree on that. Ian is very stubborn. Problem two is that if I marry someone, I want to be with them forever. If I marry someone of the same faith, I can have the hope of seeing them again after we both die. The idea that Ian and I, at the moment, are not headed for the same eternity already bothers me enough. I know it doesn't make sense to a lot of people, but it makes sense to me. Like I said before, if God wants me to marry Ian, God will cause Ian to be saved. Strange ions wandering around the boards. I guess the update that HampsterKing was talking about finally went through. It doesn't sound wierd to me. I admire you for following your beliefs. Ian seems like a very special person, a guy that does not always pop into your life and it would be sad that the religious differences couldn't be worked out. But, I do understand and respect you for following your faith. Thank you. It is kinda sad, but if it doesn't work out, I'm sure God has other plans. I'll just have to wait and see... Oh! And God helped me with my physics exam today. Dead serious. I was taking the exam, and couldn't remember like half of the stuff. So I stopped and prayed asking God to bring the knowledge back to my mind so I could answer the questions. And He did. I answered all of them hopefully correctly. Oh, and my mom got tickets to see the Westminster Messiah performance. Glad you had divine intervention on your physics exam. I hope you get 100%! How exciting. I wish I was in the city for all the great performances. That is one thing I miss being here. Me too. Divine intervention is always a good thing. I'm also happy that it finally let me see the last page of my own topic. o.O Now let's see if it lets me post...
  19. Aw, thank you! Knowing him he probably would, but he's the one person that's not allowed to see it. Of course. I do know how that works. Yeah, there are only two ways he's seeing that poem. One would be if he was saved and two would be if the poem no longer applies to him. I'm hoping for the first one.
  20. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    On the "comments" section on my score sheet they wrote "please don't tap your foot." ..hollowed by "practice with a metronome." Which I found contradictory. How does tapping your foot NOT help maintain your rhythm? (For the record yes, I did practice with a metronome). I was just watching an orchestra on the tele and you would never guess what I saw... players tapping their feet. *sends a copy of the program to all the judges* I know I often tap my feet when I'm singing. But then again, for marching band, I guess if one player is tapping their foot, they all have to tap their feet to keep it uniform.
  21. Aw, thank you! Knowing him he probably would, but he's the one person that's not allowed to see it.
  22. So, I got bored and made an attempt at poetry. Being the science geek that I am, poetry isn't exactly a talent of mine. But I wrote one anyways, and actually kinda liked it, so I'm sharing it with you guys. Anyone who's been reading my posts lately can guess the inspiration... I'm sitting here, another lonely night. I miss you, do you miss me too? As much as I do, you? Will my dreams e'er come true? Thoughts so distracting, From my work they're detracting. Do you suffer this distraction? Do you share my passion? You should know that I'm waiting And the picture I'm painting, Of you and I, In my mind's eye, Gives me hope for tomorrow. May it not end in sorrow. May our hearts not be broken. The words were unspoken. It might not show, But do you know? I admit it's true, That I love you
  23. It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December...
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