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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!! Thanks! I hope so too. Remember that insane history project I was doing? I got an A on the presentation and an A- on the paper...way better than I expected. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my last final too. It is sooo nice to be home for the holidays. When I got back, I saw this huge trailer in our front yard. Apparently we got a new ultralight airplane. It only has one seat though. Then on the front porch is a piano, that's new. o.O It's so strange coming home after 3.5 months...But so nice! Because I don't have ANY academic work to do for the next month. If I haven't told you before, you have very cool parents. But I noticed all the "toys" showed up after you departed for college. LOL, do you think your parents are trying to tell you something? LOL I want to go fly the ultralight. lol thanks. I think they're pretty cool. I found out this morning that I got an A- in my BHP class, which makes me happy. I can't wait for the weekend! Congratulations!!! Are your parents giving you the Ultralight for Christmas??? Thanks! lol no, the ultralight is definately my dad's. I don't know how to fly (yet). For Christmas I'm more or less expecting a playstation 2 and some DDR games, which is what my sister is getting. So I guess the piano is your mother's. LOL I think it's more for my sister than anyone. We got it for free from our neighbors. And it is sitting on the front porch, and will hopefully stay there until after I go back to college.
  2. I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!! Thanks! I hope so too. Remember that insane history project I was doing? I got an A on the presentation and an A- on the paper...way better than I expected. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my last final too. It is sooo nice to be home for the holidays. When I got back, I saw this huge trailer in our front yard. Apparently we got a new ultralight airplane. It only has one seat though. Then on the front porch is a piano, that's new. o.O It's so strange coming home after 3.5 months...But so nice! Because I don't have ANY academic work to do for the next month. If I haven't told you before, you have very cool parents. But I noticed all the "toys" showed up after you departed for college. LOL, do you think your parents are trying to tell you something? LOL I want to go fly the ultralight. lol thanks. I think they're pretty cool. I found out this morning that I got an A- in my BHP class, which makes me happy. I can't wait for the weekend! Congratulations!!! Are your parents giving you the Ultralight for Christmas??? Thanks! lol no, the ultralight is definately my dad's. I don't know how to fly (yet). For Christmas I'm more or less expecting a playstation 2 and some DDR games, which is what my sister is getting.
  3. *big smile* Soooooooooooo superb!!! Thanks! You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away. Just in case... . I have. I type them up in open office (my version of word) and save them to my computer before I put them here. I believe he will read them one day. Maybe.
  4. hahaha right? But hey, William Hung got a record deal out of it. XD Would you buy one if his CD's????? No, but I know people who have. I think the idea is that it's so bad, it's funny. o.O
  5. *big smile* Soooooooooooo superb!!! Thanks! You will have to make hard copies of these and put them away. Just in case... . I have. I type them up in open office (my version of word) and save them to my computer before I put them here.
  6. I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!! Thanks! I hope so too. Remember that insane history project I was doing? I got an A on the presentation and an A- on the paper...way better than I expected. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my last final too. It is sooo nice to be home for the holidays. When I got back, I saw this huge trailer in our front yard. Apparently we got a new ultralight airplane. It only has one seat though. Then on the front porch is a piano, that's new. o.O It's so strange coming home after 3.5 months...But so nice! Because I don't have ANY academic work to do for the next month. If I haven't told you before, you have very cool parents. But I noticed all the "toys" showed up after you departed for college. LOL, do you think your parents are trying to tell you something? LOL I want to go fly the ultralight. lol thanks. I think they're pretty cool. I found out this morning that I got an A- in my BHP class, which makes me happy. I can't wait for the weekend!
  7. *big smile* Soooooooooooo superb!!! Thanks!
  8. While reading all these posts it occured to me that I should tell you all something. Before you date someone, get to know them as really close friends first, instead of rushing into a romantic relationship. Once you're good friends with someone, it gives you a better idea of whether a dating relationship will actually work out or not, and you have a better shot a basing it on trust, common interests, and, most important of all, love. If you can't honestly say you love someone, don't date them. Another thought: dating in high school rarely ever works. There are a couple reasons for this. One if that most high schoolers aren't mature enough to handle it properly. Two is that you will both (hopefully) graduate, and probably go to college far away from each other. I'm not even going to talk about middle school relationships, they never work. How do I know? I'm a freshman in college, and even all the freshman relationships I've seen this year haven't worked out, and it's only been three months. I have never had a boyfriend before, not because I can't find anyone who's willing to date me (haha), but because I've kept them all as friends without dating them. It's less stressful, and I haven't ruined any good friendships. Also, most of you have seen my hopeless ramblings about Ian by now. The two of us are closer as friends than most dating couples, and if we were to start dating (if he was saved) I know it would work, because our relationship has been proven in friendship first. Just some things to think about. Don't obsess over having a boyfriend or girlfriend right now. You're not missing out on much, aside from a broken heart.
  9. I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home. *coffee in paw, reads very carefully Jesusfreak's post* Okay...congratulations on completing your paper and I am sure you will get an A! Good luck on your last final exam. You should receive and A on this one as well. Yeah for being home for the holidays!!! Thanks! I hope so too. Remember that insane history project I was doing? I got an A on the presentation and an A- on the paper...way better than I expected. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my last final too. It is sooo nice to be home for the holidays. When I got back, I saw this huge trailer in our front yard. Apparently we got a new ultralight airplane. It only has one seat though. Then on the front porch is a piano, that's new. o.O It's so strange coming home after 3.5 months...But so nice! Because I don't have ANY academic work to do for the next month.
  10. *gasp* I wrote another one I deemed decent. I'll not be a liar, You're the object of my desire Placed in a box Secured with locks I asked a Friend for the key He said, “We shall see”
  11. You are so beautiful!!! Ian looks like he is a conductor of a major philharmonic! The cookie looks good enough to eat and the fire truck... that would have scared me. LOL Aw, thank you! Ian isn't the conductor of the philharmonic, but he's performing with them in a few days in NYC (I'm going to see his concert with my family ) The gingerbread cookie was good enough to eat, and is long gone. And yeah, I was mildly disturbed. The sounds of blaring sirens contrasted rather oddly with my happy peaceful Christmas music. Please correct me if I am wrong, you said Ian sung opera. Tenor or Bass? He looks like a Tenor. LOL Something about sirens does not really work with a Santa and Christmas music. I do agree!!! Yup, he sings opera too. He sings lots of things. I would have guessed tenor as well, but he's actually a bass, and he has a gorgeous voice. (but then again, by the time you're a junior at a choir college, I would hope you can sing well) @MK, Thank you! I'm not so sure about the statement in the parenthesis... I guess you have not watched too many episodes of American Idol or Nashville Star. Some of these people are way past college and can not sing a note. LOL Of course, they certainly did NOT attend a Choir College. LOL I watch american idol only for the horibble singers. xD lol Oh my gosh I know. The first round of singing is always the best. XD What amazes me is that they have the guts to get up before anyone and sing. hahaha right? But hey, William Hung got a record deal out of it. XD
  12. I agree. Papers and I do not agree. I finally finished it around 4am. Now I get to take my last final exam and go home.
  13. Writing papers is the worst part of college. I hate writing papers. You have no idea. Especially the kind with minimum page requirements. When I'm a teacher, I'm not making my kids write insanely long papers...
  14. Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns.
  15. You are so beautiful!!! Ian looks like he is a conductor of a major philharmonic! The cookie looks good enough to eat and the fire truck... that would have scared me. LOL Aw, thank you! Ian isn't the conductor of the philharmonic, but he's performing with them in a few days in NYC (I'm going to see his concert with my family ) The gingerbread cookie was good enough to eat, and is long gone. And yeah, I was mildly disturbed. The sounds of blaring sirens contrasted rather oddly with my happy peaceful Christmas music. Please correct me if I am wrong, you said Ian sung opera. Tenor or Bass? He looks like a Tenor. LOL Something about sirens does not really work with a Santa and Christmas music. I do agree!!! Yup, he sings opera too. He sings lots of things. I would have guessed tenor as well, but he's actually a bass, and he has a gorgeous voice. (but then again, by the time you're a junior at a choir college, I would hope you can sing well) @MK, Thank you! I'm not so sure about the statement in the parenthesis... I guess you have not watched too many episodes of American Idol or Nashville Star. Some of these people are way past college and can not sing a note. LOL Of course, they certainly did NOT attend a Choir College. LOL I watch american idol only for the horibble singers. xD lol Oh my gosh I know. The first round of singing is always the best. XD
  16. Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago.
  17. You are so beautiful!!! Ian looks like he is a conductor of a major philharmonic! The cookie looks good enough to eat and the fire truck... that would have scared me. LOL Aw, thank you! Ian isn't the conductor of the philharmonic, but he's performing with them in a few days in NYC (I'm going to see his concert with my family ) The gingerbread cookie was good enough to eat, and is long gone. And yeah, I was mildly disturbed. The sounds of blaring sirens contrasted rather oddly with my happy peaceful Christmas music. Please correct me if I am wrong, you said Ian sung opera. Tenor or Bass? He looks like a Tenor. LOL Something about sirens does not really work with a Santa and Christmas music. I do agree!!! Yup, he sings opera too. He sings lots of things. I would have guessed tenor as well, but he's actually a bass, and he has a gorgeous voice. (but then again, by the time you're a junior at a choir college, I would hope you can sing well) @MK, Thank you!
  18. YEAH!!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* The Astronomy Domine had plenty of fun sliding around on ice, having snowball fights, and poking each other with Iceicles! *~*The Psychedlic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Snow is great when it is first falling. Then while it is new and you can play in it, make snow angels, snow men and have snow ball fights. Then..... .....UCK..... the brown, yellow slush is all around turning the ground to mud. Agreed. That was one of the very few nice things about my bus ride to high school being at 6am. When it snowed overnight, you got to see everything in the morning covered in a sparkling pristine coat of snow. And then you sat through two hours of traffic on I-95. The sludge is no fun though.
  19. LOL, but you make a bigger fool of yourself when you try to sit down on the T bar. LOL *cough, cough* Do you think I have done that before? :rolleyes: lol lucky for me, my ski instructor warned us not to do that. There was the time that I was a bit late in getting off the chair lift and fell about four feet down.
  20. You are so beautiful!!! Ian looks like he is a conductor of a major philharmonic! The cookie looks good enough to eat and the fire truck... that would have scared me. LOL Aw, thank you! Ian isn't the conductor of the philharmonic, but he's performing with them in a few days in NYC (I'm going to see his concert with my family ) The gingerbread cookie was good enough to eat, and is long gone. And yeah, I was mildly disturbed. The sounds of blaring sirens contrasted rather oddly with my happy peaceful Christmas music.
  21. Yes, but I think more important is the difference between pointing your toes inward (stopping) and pointing your toes away from each other (doing a split).
  22. It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas. Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. I wouldn't mind one of those! Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs? No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. Well, how about enough snow to still allow everyone to be able to drive around, but no freezing of pipes or power outages. *looks upward and puts in a request* That would be nice too, but as it is, it's supposed to be 66 degrees on Monday. WHOA!!! You guys are having a heat wave up there!!! LOL Yeah, I hope it gets cold for January, because a want to teach a couple of my friends how to ski over vacation.
  23. Okay, I've got some new pictures. In no particular order are two new pictures of me, Ian in a tux, my awesome gingerbread man, and Santa in a fire truck. If they're not in order, I'm sure you can figure out who's who.
  24. It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas. Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. I wouldn't mind one of those! Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs? No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. Well, how about enough snow to still allow everyone to be able to drive around, but no freezing of pipes or power outages. *looks upward and puts in a request* That would be nice too, but as it is, it's supposed to be 66 degrees on Monday.
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