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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. So I got bored and decided to make some avatars. I'm not sure what size they're supposed to be, so I made them all 150x150 pixels. They can sit here until whenever HK's ready to add them to the gallery.
  2. Ian might come over tomorrow! He just as to ask his parents first. He's supposed to call me back in a few minutes...let's see if he actually does...
  3. Wishful thinking. No, it looks like it's stopped raining, it's just really cloudy and gloomy looking now. And it's supposedly "partly cloudy" in NYC, which is where I'm going in a little over an hour. *jumps into Jesusfreak's pocket for the trip into NYC* haha you and your pocket trips. I'll have you get you a travel cage. It snowed this morning! My mom woke me up and said, "Hey Terry, look out the window before it stops." I wasn't to thrilled about being woken up (even if it was around noon), but seeing snow made me happy.
  4. That's a lot of birthdays to celebrate! LOL haha yup, although he's been dead for most of them.
  5. I think it should happen. That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O) I don't think HampsterKing would approve of the idea. LOL. You would never even have the opportunity to ask your parents. LOL lol Probably not. You gotta figure that putting on such an event would cost and awful lot of money.
  6. I've been listening to Mozart for the past couple of hours. The online radio station that I was using for Christmas music also has a bunch of other stations, including one that plays just Mozart, in celebration of his 250th birthday next month. Mozart and I share the same birthday.
  7. I think it should happen. That would be so awesome! I think it might be better to see what area of the country most people live in though (I sense a poll coming up... ) and pick the location based on that (sorry, I don't think my parents would approve a trip to CA to meet people I've never met in person. o.O)
  8. Stupid Movie Night sounds awesome! Some of my friends did that shortly before vacation. They watched some movie along the lines of Santa Clause vs. The Martians. XD I had to study for my history exam though. As for your helecopter, I had one of those too. It was really cool until it crashed into the house and broke. So if you've got three of them, maybe you and the Denzel and Brianrietta can all go outside and play with them.
  9. *starts wondering if there is something in the water up north* *jumps out of lake* What about me? lol There could be something in the water...we have well water...and our neighbors are kinda strange too.
  10. Sounds like you had a really great Christmas!!! Teach Ian to ski... I have been thinking about that. I want to see the video. The sleeping bag for cold weather backpacking... tell you what I will take the sleeping bag and you can "see" someone about backpacking in cold weather idea. LOL Doesn't sound like your place will be too quiet. lol I'm actually talking to Ian on IM, kinda. I have pictures from when we taught him how to ice skate. XD Backpacking in cold weather isn't too bad, as long as the temps are above freezing and there's not much snow. There were light flurries when I went backpacking once. It was really cool. *wonders if Jesusfreak has spent too much time out in the cold* I think you need to teach Ian how to surf!!! I probably have. I don't know how to surf. I'd love to try windsurfing though, that looks like fun.
  11. Sounds like you had a really great Christmas!!! Teach Ian to ski... I have been thinking about that. I want to see the video. The sleeping bag for cold weather backpacking... tell you what I will take the sleeping bag and you can "see" someone about backpacking in cold weather idea. LOL Doesn't sound like your place will be too quiet. lol I'm actually talking to Ian on IM, kinda. I have pictures from when we taught him how to ice skate. XD Backpacking in cold weather isn't too bad, as long as the temps are above freezing and there's not much snow. There were light flurries when I went backpacking once. It was really cool.
  12. Yay Christmas! I actually got all three of the things I wanted, instead of just one like I was expecting. I got a ps2 and DDR games, a rather large external hard drive (for all of my pictures), and a very warm sleeping bag for cold weather backpacking. And a bunch of smaller stuff. The power just flickered. Anyways...We're going to see a movie in a little bit, probably Night at the Museum, which looks really funny. And I think Ian's crazy. It seems that he's going through his friends list on (insert networking site here) and leaving them all wall postings saying Merry Christmas. And he has well over 200 friends. o.O Crazy kid. Nice, but crazy. It would be easier to just post a note and tag everyone in it. He said something about coming to visit. I want to teach him how to ski. XD Hm...I think that's pretty much all that's going on around here. It's going to be quiet around here...I think...
  13. *gasp* How beautiful your tree is. I will place a picture of Hamlet's tree here. She went all out. LOL lol thanks! Our tree is always bright and colorful. It looks silly, but I like it. I just wish I could get better lighting in the living room...
  14. OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Handel's Messiah!!! You tell me when it's over????????? How about when it starts. LOL lol Me too. I like most of Handel's music. I was just listening to The First Noel. Yay Christmas music!
  15. Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Messiah, it's just ending. I love that song!
  16. "Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, You got your sap All over me"
  17. It seems to me that part of your problem is that you go out with guys before you really get to know them. trust me on this one; get to know them before you date them. It's worth it.
  18. lol The concert was, as usual, awesome. Today I went to church and got to see all of my church friends. Kenny's little brother John is taller than me now! It was nice to see everyone again. :)We also got ahold of a DVD recording of the church Christmas play, and watched it when we got home. They were a bit hard to hear in places, but they did a good job overall. Kenny actually had a solo, and he can actually sing! I was impressed. I can't believe Christmas is tomorrow...I still need to wrap those presents...
  19. Wishful thinking. No, it looks like it's stopped raining, it's just really cloudy and gloomy looking now. And it's supposedly "partly cloudy" in NYC, which is where I'm going in a little over an hour.
  20. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Great way to enjoy the holidays with great grades and a wonderful concert!!! Aw, thanks! I'm pretty happy about it. My grades are a bit better than I was expecting. I must have done really well on my physics final. And the concert is today! And the weather is supposed to be good too, which makes me happy. Although seeing snow would be nice too. Yesterday we bought, set up, and decorated our Christmas tree, so now it's all pretty and sparkly. And the house smells like pine, which I love. I still have to wrap Christmas presents...o.O At least the shopping for the presents is over with. Oh! And I found this really cool Christmas radio station online. It's actually a whole bunch that you can choose from. The "wide playlist" is really cool.
  21. i iz uh kolidge stooooodint *cough* I am a scholar currently attending university.
  22. Oh! I got my grades back (yay internet). I got an A in physics, and A- in both history and BHP, and a B+ in both math and public speaking. And tomorrow is the Messiah concert!
  23. It's raining now, and the rain should stop by tomorrow afternoon.
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse needs to post in his own topic more often. *pokes Jesse*
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