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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse, don't let the friend thing bug you. Anyone who blocks you on aim without giving you an explanation isn't worth your time, and definitely isn't worth stressing over. It's their loss. As for the emotional breakdown thing, you can always come talk to me online, here or elsewhere. And don't lose sleep over the band frat thing either. In a few years, I doubt anyone's going to care if you were in a band frat or not. You are a talented and accomplished person, and have nothing to be ashamed of.
  2. I don't suppose you have a phone number for your professor? Sometimes it's easier to reach them that way. Online classes tend to be largely independent work on the students' part, so it's not too surprising to me that the professor isn't that active, though he should check his email daily.
  3. Hehe yeah, one of the things my supervisor said was that tiny people often have tiny voices, and that he was glad that's not the case with me. I can be quite loud.
  4. Yeah, then unless the professor has multiple classes taking the same tests at different times, it would be nice of him to let the answers be revealed after a certain date/time when either everyone has taken it or the deadline has passed. Though, I'm not sure if such a setting exists. It might just be an option of show the answers or don't show the answers.
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *Throws some tumbleweeds across Jesse's topic*
  6. Hehe yeah, I'm tiny. I recently bought some power bars and candy bars to try and put on a couple pounds. I tend to wear heels to school, but there's one girl who's 5'5" which is taller than me even in heels. So at my size, I have to have a strong presence to be taken seriously. Oddly enough, some of my most intimidating teachers were tiny women.
  7. Depends on how the professor sets it. I'd be willing to bet he doesn't want everyone to see what they got right and wrong until everyone has taken the test so that they don't cheat. (The strategy there would be to get the smart person to take the test first, have their answers checked, and report back to the rest of the classmates.)
  8. Today my supervisor came in to observe the lesson I was teaching (which was a continuation of a science lab), and it went really well. He had no criticisms, just a couple suggestions (which is to be expected from someone with more than 40 years of educational experience), and was impressed with my classroom management and how I have good voice projection and authority, especially for someone who is both a new student teacher and a tiny person (at a little over 5 feet tall and 100lbs, some of my 5th grade students are actually bigger than me).
  9. Oh, you use blackboard too? If you have the same thing we have, blackboard is the entire website. So, "posting on blackboard" refers to posting in discussion groups, submitting things in digital dropbox, etc. And yeah, blackboard quizzes aren't that great. You do have to save your answers, can't always go back, and it can be a little glitchy. Luckily, most of my professors preferred using scan-tron exams or simple written ones. As for your crash pad guest, that's just ridiculous! Some people just have no respect or common sense.
  10. The syllabus quiz is just to make sure people read it lol, because a lot of people don't read them. And yeah, online quizzes can be tricky.
  11. Shopping was good. Jenny leaves today, and I'm going to go spend a bit more time with Shane, since he was sad I didn't get to hang out with him longer when Jenny was around lol.
  12. Wow, that's kinda sad. Some professors are slow at checking email, but you'd think the online ones would be better about it. =/
  13. I'm tempted to call facilities and ask if they can do it. (If I do it, I get blamed for "breaking" it.) And yes, I look forward to the end of the semester too, though I have no idea what I'll be doing at that point. I'm currently thinking I might stick around in NJ for a little while. I know I'll be certified here straight out of college, and Shane's going to be stuck here while he gets his teaching certification here as well. Once he's ready and able to support himself, assuming we're still together, we can look into other things. Oh also, my sister is visiting this weekend! She wanted to go shopping with me before she leaves for New Zealand to visit her boyfriend. Yesterday we went and hung out with Shane, which was a lot of fun.
  14. That's pretty sad that the professor seems to be unavailable. This might be a silly question, but have you tried emailing your professor directly? Also on snow: I love snow, not such a huge fan of it when it's in my way though.
  15. There is no way (or at least no way anyone could find) to turn off the buzzer. We all do agree that it's obnoxious. Today I finally realized that I feel like Cinderella with the three evil step-sisters. They don't respect me, and go do things without me, and don't tell me things that it would be nice of them to tell me about. I think the fact that I have a Prince Charming to go with it is the only thing keeping me sane this semester.
  16. Aww, what trouble are you having with it being online?
  17. I had a chat with the RA, she did in fact ask my roomies to quiet down. Apparently not only was it keeping her up, she also got complaints from the people downstairs. I asked her to clarify next time that it's her complaining and not me asking her to do it so I don't get the backlash. She's cool with that and actually sent all of us in our apartment an email asking us to be respectful of the other people in the building who have different schedules as there are a lot of us with internships/student teaching/early classes/sports in the building that go to bed early, and to reconsider our game-playing hours. I haven't talked to anyone in my apartment since the night before last, aside from saying "hi" to Christina who I happened to pass by when I was coming in. They were nice and quiet last night, but I'm still pretty mad about how they treated me the previous night, so I'm going to wait for them to come to me. I'm done being nice with them, when they so clearly have no respect for me as a human being.
  18. The only thing I really fear is pain. You might like the Final Destination movies. Those are kinda scary, but not because some psycho is after you. If you liked Avatar, you might like a book called The Sparrow. It's about how a group of people go to another planet because they discover sentient life there. They get along with the lifeforms they discover and become an accepted part of their community, but eventually discover that the lifeforms they are interacting with aren't the dominant lifeforms, and things go on from there. I don't want to give away too much of the story. Frankenstein, the original book, might also give you some good ideas. There was a book I remember reading in 6th grade called "The Girl Who Owned the City" or something like that, which was about kids trying to survive after a disease wipes out everyone over the age of 13.
  19. Ugh....things were going well with my roomies, and now this happens. Last night, my roomies were playing DDR when I needed to go to bed, so I wandered out into the livingroom to ask them to quiet down. They turned it down a little bit, but gave me a hard time about it, saying things like, "You know, quiet hours don't start until 11, if we were in standard dorms we wouldn't be asked to turn it down until then," and "There, I turned it down to 15, we usually watch TV on 40." This doesn't change the fact that 10 is when I NEED to go to bed, and that I can still hear it loud enough to keep me awake. Minutes later, I hear "It's open!" followed by "Oh, okay sure." I can only assume the RA (whose room is adjacent to the wall the TV is against and also a student teacher) asked them to turn it down. Problem is, they probably think I complained. The DDR was turned down, but later not only was the TV on loud, but I was awoken by the buzzer of the laundry machine not once (which I would have dismissed as a mistake), but THREE TIMES! The buzzer jarring me out of sleep and stress combined made it impossible for me to fall asleep until after 11, when they all finally quieted down as promised. Now, I'm awake on less than 7 hours of sleep, and exhausted, and I have to teach today. I'm considering writing a letter to them later about how I feel, since I always get my head bit off and have things turned against me when I talk to them in person.
  20. I was delighted to find that they plowed the parking lot while I was at school today. Some cars are still blocked in by snow, but the empty spaces were all nicely cleared out. I did notice that the road near my building is slippery, but hopefully things will start thawing out soon.
  21. We don't have assigned spots, so technically anyone with an x-lot sticker can park anywhere in the x-lots. Still, I don't have time to shovel out multiple parking spots.
  22. My weekend was good, Shane got me chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. We took a walk, watched a movie, and got some pizza. Good day, until I got back to my campus to discover that they STILL haven't plowed the parking lot! I'm furious about this. I called facilities today, and they gave me a bunch of rubbish about how "they're doing the best they can" and "there's nowhere to put the snow" and "public safety has shovels" and "you can park in another parking lot [on the other side of campus]." Meanwhile, someone has parked in the spot I spent two hours digging out, the handicapped spots (that no one can park in because there are no handicapped people authorized to park there) are plowed, and the spots at the end of the parking lot that no cars are near have not been touched even 4+ days after the snow has stopped. I pay extra money to live in the apartment building with a nearby parking lot because I have to drive every day for student teaching. I did not pay to dig out a new parking spot every day, and I did not pay to walk from the other side of campus because facilities can't be bothered to plow a few more spaces. I ended up sending a lengthy email to the housing director about all of this, because I'm furious. I doubt the lady from facilities that I talked to has even SEEN the parking lot.
  23. Aside from returning to college to find my parking lot STILL unplowed, I had a good day with Shane. We took a walk, he got me some chocolate covered strawberries, and we watched a movie together.
  24. If I can draw stuff on the computer, anyone can.
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