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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. So today dad took me out for driving practice...in the rain...on the highway. I did okay though, I didn't crash into anything.
  2. Still raining, but now it's supposed to be dark.
  3. It's pouring rain outside now, and so couldy that it's quite dark. Now if only it was colder...
  4. Thanks. I just added some new lines near the beginning that I forgot about before Here's the new version: It has been dark quite some time now, But before I was sleeping, So I didn't notice the darkness. A darkness of innocence, ignorance. I wonder when the light will come, If it comes What it will look like... I stumble about, bumping into things But what are they? I can feel them, but I cannot see. I can only guess as to what they are, Let alone why they are there Or what purpose they serve, if any. When will I find out? When will I know? I'm watching, wondering, waiting... I can see faint outlines now. Shadows, hints, ideas forming in my mind. The darkness plays tricks, Causing me to doubt. What if I'm wrong? I'm watching, wondering, waiting... The faint light is growing, Things are shifting, changing. I can see a few details now, but they are blurred, faded. These objects serve a purpose, That I can tell. But what is it? When will I know? Will I know at all? I'm watching, wondering, waiting... I can distinguish some faded colors now. These objects seem to fit together, But how? Why? Are these objects meant to be mine? I'm watching, wondering, waiting...
  5. I wrote another one, this one is different from the previous one's I've written. It has been dark quite some time now. A darkness of innocence, ignorance. I wonder when the light will come, If it comes What it will look like... I stumble about, bumping into things But what are they? I can feel them, but I cannot see. I can only guess as to what they are, Let alone why they are there Or what purpose they serve, if any. When will I find out? When will I know? I'm watching, wondering, waiting... I can see faint outlines now. Shadows, hints, ideas forming in my mind. The darkness plays tricks, Causing me to doubt. What if I'm wrong? I'm watching, wondering, waiting... The faint light is growing, Things are shifting, changing. I can see a few details now, but they are blurred, faded. These objects serve a purpose, That I can tell. But what is it? When will I know? Will I know at all? I'm watching, wondering, waiting... I can distinguish some faded colors now. These objects seem to fit together, But how? Why? Are these objects meant to be mine? I'm watching, wondering, waiting...
  6. Those are wonderful!!! HampsterKing needs to work out the problems first, and then he will be putting up some avatars. The kitties are soooooo cute and Alpha is beautiful!!! Thanks! Alright then, I shall be (im)patiently waiting. *is happy Jesusfreak has lots of patience* I just hope he can fix the board problems. The boards are very, very quiet. Too many people are having trouble and it becomes very frustrating. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not having any problems. I'm not having any problems since I cleaned my computer's cache. lol I was never having problems in the first place, except for the fatal errors that everyone was getting.
  7. Those are wonderful!!! HampsterKing needs to work out the problems first, and then he will be putting up some avatars. The kitties are soooooo cute and Alpha is beautiful!!! Thanks! Alright then, I shall be (im)patiently waiting. *is happy Jesusfreak has lots of patience* I just hope he can fix the board problems. The boards are very, very quiet. Too many people are having trouble and it becomes very frustrating. Yeah, I don't know. I'm not having any problems.
  8. It is really sad. I have been to that airport. It has been around for 75 years I believe. I do wish that flooring was in existence outside of my mind. LOL Hopefully, I can still find Happy Feet. TGHL is a Bond guy and probably wishes that they were showing the movie in England. It is sad. It's going to be developed into some adult living place. It's never going to work though, because the buildingd are going to sink into the ground.
  9. They're closing Griswold Airport in CT. It was on a bunch of the local news stations last night. We're probably going to see Casino Royale, the new Bond movie. Happy Feet is so cute! It might still be in a couple of theaters. I would love to have that type of flooring! I've been wanting to see it made since they first started having us use glasswear in science class in 6th grade.
  10. Those are wonderful!!! HampsterKing needs to work out the problems first, and then he will be putting up some avatars. The kitties are soooooo cute and Alpha is beautiful!!! Thanks! Alright then, I shall be (im)patiently waiting.
  11. I made two more, these ones are 200x200, which is big, but I can shrink them if need be.
  12. I am bored out of my mind right now. Mom wasn't feeling well this morning, so we didn't go to church. At the moment, I'm burning all of my cds to my new hard drive. My mp3 player doesn't seem to be working properly, since it fell off my desk a couple of weeks ago. Oh well. Tonight we're planning on going out to dinner and seeing a movie for New Year's. At least that should be entertaining.
  13. CT, NY, and NJ. It depends on the time of year. I'm currently in CT.
  14. You dropped Jenny off at the Fire Department? Yup. She works there as an EMT on Friday nights. LOL. That explains it. LOL Sounds like you all had such a great time. Poor Ian being allergic to cats. There is a good side, you got some cold, fresh air every so often. LOL Yeah, it worked out okay though because the piano is on the front porch, so he played piano and talked about music until his fingers were too numb, and then we went back inside. Today was the last get-together at the airport, which is officially closed as of Jan. 1st. Everyone's really sad about it, because there aren't many good places to fly around here.
  15. You dropped Jenny off at the Fire Department? Yup. She works there as an EMT on Friday nights.
  16. Haha. I know how that goes. The trick is to just give a simple and calm, "No, we're just friends." And get your friend to do the same. 'Cause chances are, you're closer to your guy friend than most girlfriends are to their boyfriends. *~*The Grand Illusion*~8the Final Cut*~* They never believe me. ._. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Then let them think what they want. As long as you and your friend know that you're just friends, that's all that really matters.
  17. So yesterday and today were really crazy. Yesterday, six of my sister's friends and Ian all came over. Jenny's friends spent most of the time playing video games. Ian tried playing super smash bros. melee for the first time and somehow came in second place among a bunch of kids that had all played at least several times before. We also jumped on the trampoline, played music, and went for a walk, which was nice. The only issue was the we had to go outside every once in awhile because Ian is severely allergic to cats. Today my friend Becca came over, and we played DDR and watched a movie. The we dropped Becca off at her other friend's house and dropped Jenny off at the fire department. We then went out shopping for some stuff my parents needed. Now I'm sitting in the living room watching the news. It's been about three years since they captured Saddam and they're finally going to hang him.
  18. Haha. I know how that goes. The trick is to just give a simple and calm, "No, we're just friends." And get your friend to do the same. 'Cause chances are, you're closer to your guy friend than most girlfriends are to their boyfriends.
  19. Aw, that's no fun. My sister had conjunctivitis recently, and my dad has some sort of nasty cold type bug. 'Tis that time of the year... Conjuntivitis is nothing compared to some of the earaches I have had recently. Like, screaming death laser pain, that wasn't subdued by two tylenols. At all. In the middle of the night. Twice. Ouch. Not fun.
  20. Aw, that's no fun. My sister had conjunctivitis recently, and my dad has some sort of nasty cold type bug. 'Tis that time of the year...
  21. That's a lot of birthdays to celebrate! LOL haha yup, although he's been dead for most of them. Kind of like Elvis. I bet Elvis never had the numbers of people in real life that show up for his birthday celebrations now. Haha probably. Mozart was apparently buried in an unmarked grave, so it's been suggested that he was flat broke when he died.
  22. Tea with honey and lemon is always good, and menthol cough drops. What style of music are you going for? (Oh, and always have a back up plan. Please. I don't want you to live in a cardboard box if it doesn't work out. )
  23. Yeah!!! Have a wonderful evening. lol still no phone call. Crazy kid.
  24. Beautiful!!! Thanks! I figure I'll use the one that's of me, and anyone else could use the other ones.
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