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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. LOL... I don't think you want me as a tech person. *hands out foam hammers* I just realized this topic exists. Foam hammers? I can be a tech person, kinda. I know a limited amount of specific things.
  2. :o WHAT... NO PICS??????? :o lol She woke me up. There was no way I was actually going to climb out of my bed (which is lofted) and go all the way across the room to get a camera. Besides, the picture wouldn't have come out anywhere close to the real thing.
  3. Not true. My topic and the government topic are both from the old boards. Basically any topic that's really jumbled at the beginning is probably from the old boards.
  4. So, my mom woke me up to look out the window because it was snowing. And it was so pretty, and I was like "yay snow! *yawn*" But then the sun came out while it was still snowing, and it was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. It was like millions of pieces of glitter all coming down. Yeah, just thought I'd share that.
  5. Wow, I just realized that 2/3 of the smileys in my last post were the smiley.
  6. So yesterday I didn't get up until like 3 in the afternoon. Although we had a really nice dinner (chicken, stuffing, and corn) and that made me happy. Today was dull. I was up until about 4am last night talking to Ian, but I decided to get up at a reasonable hour today (about 12pm). And it's dull around here on the boards too because the boards seem to be lacking the presence of a certain hamster-mod... Other than that, I talked to Ian for awhile on AIM today. He was annoyed because these random girls he's never met before keep IMing him and asking him if he's single and whatnot. It's really funny, because he gets so offended because he knows the only reason they ask is because they think he's good looking. (of course it doesn't help that he calls everyone "dear" and posts love poems on his profile and tells everyone he loves them ) Like take this, this was a note he posted on a networking site a little while ago: "In the course of the next few months, I will be taking medieval and renaissance poetry and lyric (mostly troubador literature) from various manuscripts, translating them, and rendering them into English verse. Most of them have never been seen before the English language, and it is a shame that the English world shouldn't have access to some of the most beautiful poetry ever written. For each poem, I will notate the approximate year it was written, the language which it is in, and when it is know, the author of the original poem. Comments would be appreciated. Please enjoy! By Thoinot Arbeau, circa 1525 in Middle French. Rendered and translated by Ian. Toutes les Nuictz Toutes les Nuictz tu m'es présente, Par songe doulx et gracieux. Mais tous les jours tu m'es absente, Qui m'est regret fortz ennuieux. Puis donc que les nuictz, Que la nuict me vault mieulx. Et que je n'ay bien que par songe, Dormez de jour, Ô pauvres yeulx, À fin que sans cesse je songe! Every Night Every night thou art beside me, In a sweet and pleasant dream. Yet every day thou art denied me, And darkest night the day may seem! Then come, O come again, fair night! Which ever more than day I prize. Besides in thee, there is no light, Sleep out the day, O my poor eyes, That evermore shall dream thy sight!" And he wonders why he has so many girls stalking him...
  7. Hahaha I just found something on my computer that plays music faster or slower than normal, so I was just listening to "who let the dogs out" at high speed. XD
  8. Wooooow....It sounds to me like you've got yourself a bunch of friends going to prom together, which is cool, and probably actually better than just you and RPVF going on your own. *word of advice: in the future, unless you actually have a girlfriend, don't take a "date" to prom, just go with a group of friends as singles. It's more fun and less stressful that way (although if buying a ticket for two is cheaper, by all means do that, but still go as friends, if that makes sense)*
  9. Okay, avatar versions. I added another one too.
  10. I got bored and took some pictures of a rose I have in my room. I'll probably make at least one of them into an avatar.
  11. *sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner* lol Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd. LOL... I just did. In fact I am going to quote your post and make a comment in the Religion section. Hahaha. We have a religion section? (link please? ) Or is this the "what religion are you?" topic that I've been ignoring because TGHL was being stupid?
  12. Right after that, Daniqua commented on the poem I wrote, saying, "WOW!! Def feeling this alot so dont down play yourself! Maybe its only because i can relate but w/e the reason God put the words in your heart and you shared them with us which is what he wants. You def helped at least one soul or touched at least one heart and thats all that matters!! thanks for posting this Terry!! ttyl" After this, I decided that this was all so strange, I should post the story of what happened in a note. So when I got up this morning afternoon I told mom about all that had happened. When I went back into my room, Ian had just been online. This is all sooo strange...
  13. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but right after that, my computer started playing "it is well with my soul." And Wooooow....this keeps getting better and better. My cousin Danny just IM'd me talking about how things happen for a reason, and about how there are so many strange coincidences leading to him being with his girlfriend. So I told him my story thus far, and also told Ian about Danny's IM...
  14. *sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner* lol Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd.
  15. Wow God is funny and amazing and yeah...wow. Hahaha. Okay, so I was talking to Carlos online about lots of stuff, it was kinda like a mini-counseling session. We were talking about how we're both in love with people that God says we can't be with (he's worse off, 'cause the person he loves is a guy, so he's got no hope there unless one of them gets a sex change or something). So I was telling him about how it's hard, but I have to trust God's plan for my life, even if it's not what I would have done. And because it's God's plan and not mine, I can be at peace about it. Just then a song came up on my computer about trusting God. So I told him about this and sent him the lyrics. So we were both amazed about that and finding it amusing when who else IM's me but Ian! Who I just got done telling Carlos the whole story about! I was laughing at that point. Soooooo wierd. And now do you know what I'm talking to Ian about? Trusting God (in response to him asking questions about my "waiting" poem that I posted on a networking site). So yeah, God has me thoroughly amused right now.
  16. Oh, and you all can post in here you know. So far only two people have commented in this topic. It's okay, I don't bite...much. (kidding)
  17. New poem. I know the rhymes are hardly original, but I don't really care. This one's about where I am with God right now. It's called "Waiting." Trusting, hoping, fearing nothing. Watching, waiting, anticipating. Trusting His reason in every season. Thankful for His grace, the smile on my face, the strength to carry on, and promises to stand upon. Wondering what's in store, anxious evermore, for circumstances to align, I'm waiting for a sign. I'm ready when You are. Or am I?
  18. Alive? Did they thing you would party yourself into oblivion? LOL And I am sure they KNEW you would do even better than well. I am certain they knew you would excel!!! You're a poet, and you didn't even know it. Yeah, they were all like "Well of course you did well, we all knew you would." Although about mid-semester, I wasn't too sure about that. Yet somehow I managed to pull off a 3.6-something, so I was happy about that. You definitely get The Gold Star Award for that one!!! I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Not bad for a blonde hamster. LOL lol Hey, I'm a blonde human, so I think that puts us on roughly the same playing field. Good point. LOL... except somehow I think you are much, much smarter than I am. lol I think we're both smarter than each other in different ways. Today we weny out shopping, and I bought like 12 boxes of candy canes to put in my peppermint tea (they were only 22 cents a box ). It was really nice weather outside for shopping today. Tomorrow is church, and if it's this nice out tomorrow afternoon, I might go see if our wireless works outside. Now that's a cool idea!!! I thought so, but it's a bit too chilly today. I got to go to church today, which was nice. Getting up at 7am so we'd have time to pick up my sister's friends; not so much. But church was still fun. I went to Sunday school with the high school kids. The lesson was on being content with what God does and lets happen to us, because He has a plan and a rason for everything. I thought it was kinda funny, because the idea of God having a reason for everything and not worrying and obsessing over stuff has been a common theme in my life the past couple of months. Interesting. My sister's friends are still here. They're watching the third Lord of the Rings movie in the living room, and my dad is putting new wheels and brakes on the ultralight. And I'm here. Except for rising before the sun, your day sounds spectacular. Glad to hear your father has decided on new wheels and brakes. Those are always good options. LOL LOL Hahaha yup. The plane probably needs all sorts of work, but the wheels and brakes are apparently first on the list. I'm thinking it could use a paint job too. It's current color is along the lines of Home Depot orange...
  19. I'm listening to bits and pieces of LOTR and my sister and her friends talking, courtesy of the rather thin wall between my room and the living room.
  20. Alive? Did they thing you would party yourself into oblivion? LOL And I am sure they KNEW you would do even better than well. I am certain they knew you would excel!!! You're a poet, and you didn't even know it. Yeah, they were all like "Well of course you did well, we all knew you would." Although about mid-semester, I wasn't too sure about that. Yet somehow I managed to pull off a 3.6-something, so I was happy about that. You definitely get The Gold Star Award for that one!!! I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Not bad for a blonde hamster. LOL lol Hey, I'm a blonde human, so I think that puts us on roughly the same playing field. Good point. LOL... except somehow I think you are much, much smarter than I am. lol I think we're both smarter than each other in different ways. Today we weny out shopping, and I bought like 12 boxes of candy canes to put in my peppermint tea (they were only 22 cents a box ). It was really nice weather outside for shopping today. Tomorrow is church, and if it's this nice out tomorrow afternoon, I might go see if our wireless works outside. Now that's a cool idea!!! I thought so, but it's a bit too chilly today. I got to go to church today, which was nice. Getting up at 7am so we'd have time to pick up my sister's friends; not so much. But church was still fun. I went to Sunday school with the high school kids. The lesson was on being content with what God does and lets happen to us, because He has a plan and a rason for everything. I thought it was kinda funny, because the idea of God having a reason for everything and not worrying and obsessing over stuff has been a common theme in my life the past couple of months. Interesting. My sister's friends are still here. They're watching the third Lord of the Rings movie in the living room, and my dad is putting new wheels and brakes on the ultralight. And I'm here.
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    And the ONLY chocolate is which chocolate??? Dark, milk or white??? All three. It's white on the head, milk in the abdomen, and dark on the hind legs + tail. I see you have covered all the bases in political correctness. Nah, if I was politically correct I would not have said the word "white" at all. I refer to how the word "black" was practically banned in England...for example "Bah bah black sheep" is now "bah bah green sheep". Scary stuff. Hahaha "I'm not white, I'm European American!" People take things way too far sometimes.
  22. No you won't. We want every single detail. Start typing. ... oh. XD I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go." ... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not. And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress. I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go... And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th. "Of course you do." Hahaha Ohh, parents. Now that you're going with her to formal, you can tell her gently by just saying in casual conversation, "You do know that we're going as just friends, right?" And then be ready to apologize for any mis-communication. wow. XD Its sad because I never think of half the stuff people suggest to me. I'll... see about doing that today then. Hey, that's what we're here for!
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay! Yes, it has been waaaay too quiet around here. Which is bad because I'm bored out of y mind and in need of some form of entertainment/communication with people other than my family (whom I love dearly, but three people aren't enough to keep me from going insane). I've had that feeling too. *Tumbleweed rolls by* let's play tumbleweed soccer! Yay tumbleweed soccer! What's the teams? =D Just join in. Okay! *steals the tumbleweed and tries to pass to jesse, but the weed floats away* Aww... *being much faster than a wurm, catches the tumbleweed and covers it with dark chocolate* Hahaha I remember this... I don't! *eats the chocolate tumbleweed* Ack! Weedball! *starts making weird ack noises* *performs the Heimlich maneuver on Glowurm* *gets more tumbleweed and air drops it in the northeast* *adds dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate and fluff* Fluff! *adds strawberries and sprinkles* *puts in chocolate hazelnut spread* Yum!!! Nutella, my favorite. Nutella and marshmellow fluff sandwhiches are really tasty, with some banana slices... And what would those sandwiches be on... graham crackers? No, good old white bread. Whole grain bread is better! And to Horatio's question, dark, for sure.
  24. No you won't. We want every single detail. Start typing. ... oh. XD I told my parents about being asked to the dance thing, and they said like 'So why dont you go on with her then?' "well, I dont really like her like that..." "Of course you do. Go tell her you'll be glad to go." ... okay whatever. so I IMed her that I might be able to go, but my parents might have something planned that night, and I'll let her know if I can or not. And after a while shes all like, "Your parents just called and say that you can go. Theres a tuxedo rental place over here and here and its like 80 bucks or something" and she goes on about some tux rentals and getting some matching ties and such for her dress. I dont officially have a girlfriend, so theres no reason not to go... And since I'm already comitted to go, I cant really back out (from what I hear, that really sticks with the girl if her date backs out of a prom) so thats... what I get to do on the 20th. "Of course you do." Hahaha Ohh, parents. Now that you're going with her to formal, you can tell her gently by just saying in casual conversation, "You do know that we're going as just friends, right?" And then be ready to apologize for any mis-communication.
  25. Alive? Did they thing you would party yourself into oblivion? LOL And I am sure they KNEW you would do even better than well. I am certain they knew you would excel!!! You're a poet, and you didn't even know it. Yeah, they were all like "Well of course you did well, we all knew you would." Although about mid-semester, I wasn't too sure about that. Yet somehow I managed to pull off a 3.6-something, so I was happy about that. You definitely get The Gold Star Award for that one!!! I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out. Not bad for a blonde hamster. LOL lol Hey, I'm a blonde human, so I think that puts us on roughly the same playing field. Good point. LOL... except somehow I think you are much, much smarter than I am. lol I think we're both smarter than each other in different ways. Today we weny out shopping, and I bought like 12 boxes of candy canes to put in my peppermint tea (they were only 22 cents a box ). It was really nice weather outside for shopping today. Tomorrow is church, and if it's this nice out tomorrow afternoon, I might go see if our wireless works outside.
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