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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Ah so much going on! I'm going back to college tomorrow (er...today... ) And of course I'm still not done packing. We celebrated my birthday yesterday, and I got a GPS (actually, I got the display model by accident, without any electronics in it, but we were able to exchange it for a real one ), so that was cool. And today I went to a youth group thing at the rec center, which was fun. It was nice to see that Kenny has a bit more self-confidence than he used to, it makes me feel a bit more encouraged for his sake. And now I'm talking to Ian on IM, and I just wrote a new poem, because both of those things are more entertaining than packing for college.
  2. Scientific romantic Yes, that's me. There's a method to the madness that not everybody sees. Some of what I think and feel is kept quiet out of fear, which is not necessarily bad Because fear keeps us from doing stupid things. Fear that someone will take something the wrong way, or the right way, and make things awkward. Fear that people will say “Why not?” and “What if?” Trying to convince me out of what I feel is right. I've reached the “if,” and at “if” I am stuck, with another “if...then” statement: If things change, then I will take action, but until then, I shall be More scientific than romantic And finish my degree in biology.
  3. Wait, how are they connected? o.O I'm not *entirely* sure, but I think that there are ducts in the corners of your eyes that lead into your throat or something. This is because you have tears constantly going over the surface of your eyes to keep them clean. Well, thos tears have to go somewhere, right? So there's a duct that drains them. When your eyes produce tears faster than they can drain them, you cry. Ooo. Sounds like shiney fun. ^.^ Yes, crying is fun? And Is it just me, or is horatio not being here? Yeah, I've noticed a lack of Horatio as well...
  4. It's COLD out!!!! And I was still wearing flip flops...
  5. And I'm now a registered voter. Yay voting!
  6. Good news: Grandpa's surgery went well, and he's expected to be able to go home by Friday. The growth they removed was in fact thyroid cancer, which is good news, because the rest of it *should* respond to chemo.
  7. I love fog!!!!! Yeah, fog is cool. Now it's just cloudy.
  8. Hahaha my roomie was watching that movie awhile ago, so I saw bits and pieces of it. I'm inclined to agree with you...
  9. Wait, how are they connected? o.O I'm not *entirely* sure, but I think that there are ducts in the corners of your eyes that lead into your throat or something. This is because you have tears constantly going over the surface of your eyes to keep them clean. Well, thos tears have to go somewhere, right? So there's a duct that drains them. When your eyes produce tears faster than they can drain them, you cry.
  10. *films the prancing* Whoot. Embarrassing videos for the win. *joins the filming*
  11. It was really foggy today, with a few showers...
  12. Haha, thought I'd hang this over Arkcher's head. Yeah, I went through and read the first page or two of this the other day (waiting for Horatio to get on D= ) and saw that. XD And I dont think this mess really counts as having a girlfriend. It might. but I dont know. XD No, it doesn't. You just need to make sure your friend is aware of that (like sometime in the near immediate future). And I like your original post. That is Arkcher using his brains.
  13. I had no grandfathers as of 4th January o_O And before that, I only had one O_o Either way, I hope he lives Aw, I'm sorry. I just got back from NJ, and found out more about Grandpa. They did a full body CAT scan, and apparently, the cancer is everywhere, so it's not looking good. They're still going to operate in Tuesday to remove the cancer in his spine. The rest of the cancer they're going to try to remove with chemo. (optimistically, the cancer, although spread throughout his body is still thyroid cancer, which usually responds well to chemo, so he has a chance, although I'm not clear on how good of a chance it is.)
  14. New, happier poem. Some days not the best of days, Sometimes I'm feeling down, And upon my face sometimes, You could see a frown. But then you walked into my room, Wearing a silly hat. Or you told me something funny, “Stupid plant ate my cat.” You told me that I'm beautiful, Or that you think I'm smart. And you asked if I would join you, On a trip to Wal-Mart. The day before our finals, You saw that I was stressed I'm pretty sure that's when you tried To alchemize my test. “Well it seemed like a good idea... until the basement filled with smoke” The time you decided to add mentos To a bottle of diet coke. You drew a picture on my board, Said “Let's see Happy Feet!” We went to go and get some dinner. “Are you sure that's meat?” “We're going out to Best Buy, Do you want to come along?” Out of nowhere, you came and said, “You have to hear this song!” You might not have even noticed, That you went that extra mile, So now I would like to thank you, Because you made me smile.
  15. Especially considering the varying locations of those from around the boards. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Let's hold it in Florida. That's where Horatio is. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That would be fun. We could do it at Disney! Hahaha I'm such a little kid. I've never been to Disney before though, I wanna go.
  16. It's kind of an indirect way that girls say "look! I notice you!" or something like that. And yes, I think we all have pictures where we look like we're on something. In fact, I have one where all four people in the picture look like they're on something, and it wasn't on purpose (and no, we weren't actually on something). The american gothic one sounds funny though.
  17. So, I just found out that my grandpa's thyroid cancer returned, only this time in his spine. o.O But apparently they're going to operate on it, which should take care of that. And then he has nearly full blockage in one of his corotoid arteries (on of the big ones in your neck that brings blood to your brain). He's kinda lucky on that one though. Everyone has two corotoid arteries, and in most people, each one supplies blood to one half of their brain. But grandpa's arteries both supply both blood to both halves, so instead of one side being completely shut down, both sides are still getting blood flow, only not as much as they're supposed to. So yeah, please pray for him to have a full recovery...
  18. Yeah, it would still be awesome though. Maybe in like 10 years we can have a HD reunion, so that way we'll all be adults anyways.
  19. *sees a pair of chattering teeth coming around the corner* lol Now, having just posted this poem, you have to go take a look at what I just posted in My Place. Wieeeeeeerd. LOL... I just did. In fact I am going to quote your post and make a comment in the Religion section. Hahaha. We have a religion section? (link please? ) Or is this the "what religion are you?" topic that I've been ignoring because TGHL was being stupid? well TGHL has been neglecting that forum lately so I think it's safe to go back. Hahaha okay. I might go take a look and see what's become of it...
  20. You're dating that girl. Something with a C. Girl? C? Cherise? Nah, lol. Okay...so its not obvious...Hm... Nor is it that special. Wild Guess cardboard trophies to everyone!!! lol it is my 20th birthday on the 17th Btw I would love to date Cherise however she is like preengaged/whatever lol My 19th birthday is 10 days after yours.
  21. I thought there wuld be strangeled gasps coming from the crowd Nope, just the sad shaking of heads. That's an impressive amount of damaged electronics.
  22. Cheese, your eyes are connected to your mouth, although indirectly. MegaWolf, glad to hear that. That will make two of us not getting paid well doing what we love, but at least we'll get paid.
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