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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Are you coming to visit me over the spring break??? *gets cage ready for visitors* Hahaha. Two problems: 1. I don't know where you live. 2. My parents would probably ground me for life (even though I'm at college, they'd find a way). So today, I had music and society. I love that class. The teacher is hilarious, and seems to have a brain! I spent a good part of the evening playing with a slinky I got at the dollar store, and found out that it works on the stairs that go to to laundry room, but not the normal stairs. I think Marius has it now. He was also thrilled when I gave him lego gummies (yes, they make such things). And Kevin seems really moody today. I'm pretty sure he's going to break up with Christina. (Saw that one coming a loooong time ago). He never spends time with her. I'm closer to my guy friends than they are to each other. And she's such a sweetheart too. She'll either be devastated, or totally cool with it. It should be interesting to see what the next few weeks bring...
  2. Yesterday after class, we went shopping. We're planning a trip to FL over spring break, so we went looking for swimsuits at Target. And I actually found one I like! *gasp* I also got some much needed socks, and raspberry hershey's kisses. We got back just in time to watch Heros in the lounge. Then I did some homework, talked online, went outside because people can't cook taylor ham and set off the fire alarm, and then went to play DDR in the lounge again. And today is Tuesday, which means mass insanity with the classes.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Wow. Jesse, you're amazing. And you worry too much. Remember that when you go to college, it's your own life, and you need to do what's right for you. Your grades are important, but going out and making friends is important too, and band is a great way to do that. How about this: try out for band, and go with it for a little while. If it stresses you too much, drop it. Much of college is seeing what things work for you and what doesn't. I found your comment about taking trips rather amusing. You have to learn to trust yourself. You're smart enough to get that much money in scholarships, you're smart enough to not get mugged (and you'll be with a group of people anyways). Seriously though, you're a brilliant kid, be proud of that, and have some confidence in that. When you're confident in yourself, others will be confident in you too. That said, you also need to be confident in your decisions. All you need to tell your dad is that you're not sure that you can handle that much work, and that you would like to have a life outside of academics and band, because that's probably just as important as the academics anyways. Don't worry about making enemies. In most cases, people won't become your enemies unless you do something to upset them on purpose, or if you do something blatantly obnoxious (pulling the fire alarm at 4am=enemies). And I can't see you doing something that would make people hate you like that. You will meet people that are similar to you in college, don't be afraid to talk to them. Like if you see someone playing your favorite video game in the lounge, don't be afraid to say, "I love this game!" Chances are, you'll start a conversation and/or be invited to play (accept the invitation). College is meant to break you out of your comfort zone. And don't feel guilty about turning down the band thing. If it's going to make you miserable, it's not worth it.
  4. Sounds like you had a really great birthday!!! I did!
  5. Ah, sorry I haven't been on in a few days, it's been kinda busy. Most of you probably know my birthday was yesterday, so I'm 19 now. It was lots of fun. The first half of the day I took a CPR, AED, and First Aid certification course. After that I took a nap, and then went grocery shopping with some friends. When we got back, Ian was there, and he gave me a very pretty white rose. Then we ate dinner, and made a funfetti cake. 'Cause we're cool like that. A bunch of my friends went to see a hypnotist comedian that was on campus. When they came back, we watched some stupid movies, such as Santa vs. the Martians. When I finally went to sleep, it was nearly 4am.
  6. Or you could be very perceptive. Perhaps you should remain open to whatever might happen. As for overnighting... I sure hope your parents use FedEx and not the brown guys. My dad usually ships it from work, and I *think* they use UPS. Any particular reason?
  7. Now, the attraction to RPFV could come from the fact that she likes you. I have suffered from this before, I call it "Idiotic Empathic Syndrome." Which I just made up. Like, when you KNOW that you like someone, and you also know that someone ELSE likes YOU. And you start to feel that YOU like someone ELSE, when you KNOW that you didn't before, nothing has changed, but the fact that they like you makes you think you like them. If you get what I am saying. Beware of IES! Cause you might end up with someone that you realize you would rather that you weren't with, which is why you originally stayed semi-away from them. Bleh, that was a horrible way of saying what I was trying to say. I think. Hahaha that is brilliant! But all amusement aside, Cheesey has a really good point. Give it a couple of weeks for things to settle down before you make any big decisions/changes/moves etc.
  8. Oh man, DDR tires me out after just 3 songs... And that's on Light difficulty. Fun game though. Oh gosh, I think standard would kill me. It's good excercise though. Standard Play That Funky Music isn't that bad. ^.^ I don't have that song on my games. I think my sister does though. We had an impromptu DDR party in the lounge last night, which was fun. A couple of my friends were doing standard, and one of them, Christina, was really good at it. Oh, and before that, we made a furniture fort in the third floor lounge. I might post the pictures later. Furniture fort, nice. xD I've tried DDR before. It hurt. >.< Nothing can beat a good furniture fort. I play DDR when I can. The only downside being that I can't most of the time. But when I do, I do When The Saints Come Marching In a lot because it changes tempo, which rocks so much because it gets so confusing >w< Which game has that song?!? I must buy it! And now I'm finding out that my cell phone doesn't work because I'm getting a new one, which will be mailed to me. I have absolutely no idea! I have to go into town to play DDR and I don't pay attention to really anything in the game until I'm 'dancing'. Sorry to let you down. Ugh, I hate using the mail to get things. Everything arrives after it's due. The mail is evil I say. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil. Hahaha okay. Yeah, usually my parents overnight stuff to me, not sure why they're doing it differently this time, and with a cell phone of all things. Not like I talk on the phone anyways. Most of my communication is in person or online anyways. So today after dinner, Marius, Brennan, Derek, Jackie, and I all went for a walk, and ended up going down some dirt road we'd never seen before. We turned back when Marius and Jackie said they were a bit nervous and turned back first (it was dark out, but there was a decent enough amount of light from the moon and such). It was fun though. Speaking of Marius, he told me to download and listen to this song "this modern love" by Bloc Party. These were the lyrics (slightly edited for language): To be lost in the forest To be cut adrift You've been trying to reach me You bought me a book To be lost in the forest To be cut adrift I've been paid I've been paid Don't get offended If I seem absent minded Just keep telling me facts And keep making me smile Don't get offended If I seem absent minded I get tongue-tied Baby, you've got to be more discerning I've never known what's good for me Baby, you've got to be more demanding I will be yours I'll pay for you anytime You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness Well jump on, enjoy, you can gorge away You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness Jump right Baby, you've got to be more discerning I've never known what's good for me Baby, you've got to be more demanding Jump left What are you holding out for? What's always in the way? Why so darn absent-minded? Why so scared of romance? This modern love breaks me This modern love wastes me Do you wanna come over and kill some time? Tell me facts, tell me facts, tell me facts Tell me facts Throw your arms around me Any thoughts on that one? Marius knows about the whole not dating outside of my faith thing, and he seems to have been acting a *bit* differently toward me lately. But the difference is one of those that is so slight that it could very well be a figment of my imagination.
  9. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Cause there's nothing to say at the moment. I'm sure you could come up with something.
  10. To everyone's posts (instead of quoting them all, they all get smushed into one post) Never assume, it makes a *cough* of "u" and "me"... Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Yeah, hormones can be annoying. They interfere with rational and logical thought waaay too often... Ah, icy hills. Been there. Not fun.
  11. Oh man, DDR tires me out after just 3 songs... And that's on Light difficulty. Fun game though. Oh gosh, I think standard would kill me. It's good excercise though. Standard Play That Funky Music isn't that bad. ^.^ I don't have that song on my games. I think my sister does though. We had an impromptu DDR party in the lounge last night, which was fun. A couple of my friends were doing standard, and one of them, Christina, was really good at it. Oh, and before that, we made a furniture fort in the third floor lounge. I might post the pictures later. Furniture fort, nice. xD I've tried DDR before. It hurt. >.< Nothing can beat a good furniture fort. I play DDR when I can. The only downside being that I can't most of the time. But when I do, I do When The Saints Come Marching In a lot because it changes tempo, which rocks so much because it gets so confusing >w< Which game has that song?!? I must buy it! And now I'm finding out that my cell phone doesn't work because I'm getting a new one, which will be mailed to me.
  12. Oh man, DDR tires me out after just 3 songs... And that's on Light difficulty. Fun game though. Oh gosh, I think standard would kill me. It's good excercise though. Standard Play That Funky Music isn't that bad. ^.^ I don't have that song on my games. I think my sister does though. We had an impromptu DDR party in the lounge last night, which was fun. A couple of my friends were doing standard, and one of them, Christina, was really good at it. Oh, and before that, we made a furniture fort in the third floor lounge. I might post the pictures later.
  13. So last night, it was snowing, and it was soooo pretty because all the lights on campus lit up the snow and it was all sparkly. So some of my friends and I all went for a walk outside in the snow. Most of it's melted now though.
  14. Yay! I'm glad you had fun. It *could* be that Brianrietta does like you, but either hasn't told RPVF about it, or lied to her about it, possibly because she knows that RPVF likes you, and doesn't want to upse her (girls can be funny like that). And you still need to tell RPVF you don't like her like that. Well, After I tell RPVF that, what will I do? She and Brianrietta are good friends, and I'm willing to bet that they wont be so fond of me being that selective. Well, I suppose at that point it's their problem. You can't help who you like or don't like. And when it comes to the opposite gender, you should be selective. Even if you don't tell Brianrietta how you feel, you still need to tell RPVF how you don't feel.
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse, why do you never post in your own topic?
  16. Oh man, DDR tires me out after just 3 songs... And that's on Light difficulty. Fun game though. Oh gosh, I think standard would kill me. It's good excercise though.
  17. Jesse, Arkcher, and Horatio. Oh, and HampsterKing! I think with all the spiffy board updates and avatars, he deserves a nomination.
  18. Oh yeah, I forgot you live in NJ. I live in the same state as you...kinda. kinda? as in not mentally? or not forever? or just... new york? lol My college is in NJ.
  19. It was snowing yesterday morning when I was getting ready to leave! And it was sticking to the ground! I was so excited.
  20. Yay! I'm glad you had fun. It *could* be that Brianrietta does like you, but either hasn't told RPVF about it, or lied to her about it, possibly because she knows that RPVF likes you, and doesn't want to upse her (girls can be funny like that). And you still need to tell RPVF you don't like her like that.
  21. Just checking because you know how I miss things... you celebrated your birthday because you were home, not because it was the actual day. Your birthday is on the 27th, is this correct? I just did not want to miss it. That is correct. And now I'm back at college, and a bit sore from playing DDR until 2am last night.
  22. Well hey, relationships are a popular thing to talk about. They certainly occupy enough of our lives anyways...
  23. Oh yeah, I forgot you live in NJ. I live in the same state as you...kinda.
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