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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Ah, cage is a mess? A mess and dirty. I need to clean and do laundry. That's what I did today! I did dishes too. It's not that bad.
  2. So I just noticed this topic existed. You all might find it interesting that the Spanish word for soup is sopa (pronounced SOAP-ah). As for this whole excercise thing, swimming works great because it works your entire body. The only problem is that as you lose weight, it gets expensive buying new swimsuits. Keep in mind that once you start excercising and dieting, don't stop because you've reached your desired weight. You will gain it back, and then some. My friend Lara is on Weight Watchers, and it's actually working. (And you don't have to give up all your sweets). Excercising is more fun with upbeat, happy sounding music. It boosts morale. As for what I'm doing: Most of my excercise comes from having to walk to class/dinner/everything else. The farthest walk is either to the freshmen parking lot or to the chapel. Also climbing up and down stairs every day (I live on a second floor, some of my friends life on the third, and all the academic buildings have three floors). I don't really eat healthy, but I'm at a healthy weight anyways. Although I do try to remember to take a multi-vitamin and calcium supplement every day (I'm lactose intolerant). Which reminds me...*takes meds* Ooh, and a vitamin C supplement (Halls defence drops) *eats one of those too* Also due to the lactose intolerance, I can't eat things like ice cream and cheese cake, so I go for soy alternatives, which I think helps. (Tofutti and So Delicious are my favorite brands, and Cool Whip is dairy free). I also like fruit, although I don't get enough of it (I'm limited to a dining hall for the most part, and I refuse to eat anythig I can't identify). Oranges taste better when you cut them up into fourths (or eighths). I don't know why. The only problem is that they get stuck in your teeth. If you're like me and you're too lazy to cut up fruit, you can buy pre-cut fruit, often in little snack packages (most common are apples and grapes, because they keep longer). Fruit cups are good for breakfast. Maybe instead of eating a blueberry danish, just eat blueberries? (they taste better). Oh, and water. Replace whatever you drink with water. Soda has so much sugar in it, it's insane. And it dehydrates you because of the caffeine (so be sure to drink water with your coffe, Horatio). That's all I've got for now. I should probably get dressed and start working on my laundry.
  3. I can relate. I think that maybe my hopes with Kaitlin are too high. >.< But, I hope my hopes aren't hopeless. xD I guess I will find out wednesday. Cause I will see her right after she gets my rose and message. ;.; Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
  4. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! And you'll do fine, 'cause you're amazing like that.
  5. Last time I checked, ramen was bad for you. =O Like, high in fat and sodium. LOL... and it changes into SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! It does? I WANT RAMEN NOW! =DDDDDDDDD OH YES!!!! When it comes to sugar and what changes into sugar, so to speak, I know all the bad things for you. I thought that the way it worked was that unused sugar changes into fat. I don't really eat a whole lot of healthy stuff here. The only reason I was eating ramen is that I was sick of pizza. And while my cardiovasculr system is gone, somehow I'm skinnier than before I got to college.
  6. So today I went jogging/walking at the indoor track. My cardiovascular system seems to have disappeared, so I'm trying to get it back. And now I'm eating ramen. I love ramen...
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Please end up doing what works best for you. Remember, if you audition and receive a scholarship, then somewhere into the season, quit, you need to know how much of the money you are responsible to return and repay. This is a good question to know up front. Glad you talked with your parents. Hopefully your father did not get too upset. No, he did not get upset, he kind of understood where I was coming from. A lot of my feelings about getting sucked into marching band etc. were really preconceived notions, which I shouldn't use as the basis of making decisions. Also he said that a student loan is too risky because it accumulates interest over time, and you have to use something as collateral which in this case would be our house. Kind of scary. When it comes down to it, I'm content with earning myself 200-300 bucks a month for being in marching band (if I get that much money) without getting mixed up in something else to get the money. I thought that there were some loans that the student could apply for, that required no collateral. You would be obligated to repay the loan once you graduated. I appreciate you letting me know about the fact that the need collateral. I didn't know that. Unless you're a super genius (or not white, or both) and get a full ride scholarship, there will always be loans involved, and yes, they accumulate interest. You'll probably be paying them off until you're 40. It's no fun but that's the way it is. If you can find a loan that does not accumulate interest, then you will have lots of borrowers. It was my understanding that some of the school loans had a lower interest rate and you did not have to begin paying until you graduated or stopped attending school. And actually, there are lots and lots of grants and loans that most schools will never tell you about. There is a way to get the school to disclose all available monies, but unless pressured, they never like to part with it. The longer the money stays in their account, the more interest it accrues. Eventually they are loaning just the accrued interest. Yup. Most student loans work like that (where you don't start paying until you stop attending).
  8. That should have been interesting. I am certain they had lots of fun!!!!! I saw a video of an exploding whale on that tube thing website. Hahaha I'm not responsible for that video. It was fun. In the middle of this lounge sieging, Ian and his friend Kelley showed up. The past couple of days have been so busy. Lots of work and whatnot. I keep finding myself attracted to Marius, even though I know it would never work. He's an amazing person, and I find him physically attractive as well (which doesn't happen too often on this level), but there are some obvious morality and faith issues at hand. Stupid hormones... And last night I talked to Ian online. Out of nowhere, he asked if it was normal that he was still feeling the pain from having his heart broken by his (now ex) girlfriend back in October. I told him that it's totally normal (which it is), and it led to a quick chat about trust, and being careful who you trust. He was also not feeling well, and had to go to sleep, and right before he did, he said "I trust you," and for some reason, it touched my heart. I'm not sure why. Maybe because Ian is one of the few people I genuinely trust? Maybe because I think trust is one of the fundamental things needed for a relationship? I don't know. I found it to be interesting. I feel so bad for him too. From what I gather, she cheated on him, and not only that, but her "boytoy," as Ian put it, lives next door to him, and he can often hear them being "physical" on a regular basis (Ian really trusted the girl, and has the same basic moral ideals as I do). Doesn't help much that Valentine's day is in a week, and add to this that he has a cold (which is really bad for a voice major). If only there was a way to send hugs over the internet (aside from the standard *hugs*). And adding to the chaos is the Lara and Kevin (and everyone else) conflict. It works like this: Lara is nice and she's my friend. But she's kinda loud and obnoxious, and doesn't know when to take it down a few notches or give people some space. So everyone thinks she's annoying, especially Kevin. This is because Kevin is (actually, was) going out with her roomie and our mutual friend, Christina. But Christina was spending pretty much all her time with Lara, so Kevin and Christina got no alone time (although in Lara's defense, Kevin didn't exactly make much of an effort). So Kevin finally ended it, and both seem okay, but Kevin still really doesn't like Lara. No one will tell Lara straight out that she's annoying, and needs to give people some space. Lara told me the other say that Christina and I are her two best friends here. So, I might end up talking to her about it, because it's starting to make things really awkward, and the closeness of the friendships that we have is starting to dissolve, and I don't like that. Oh the dramatic goodness. Ew, that sounds difficult. >.< I feel really sorry for Ian though, he is in a bad position. You two seem made for each other, but that whole religion thing seems to get in the way. And, as Lara's friend, you need to tell her about people's issues with her. I don't want you to have to not be with a great guy and lose a good friend of yours. Yeah, it's a bit of a tough spot for all of us. It'll all work out eventually though. No sense in letting things run their own course, though. xD To an extent. The only part of this that I can really do anything about is talking to Lara. It's just a matter of getting her by herself with lots of spare time. It's not easy. You could schedule a "Girls night out" where Lara, you, and another friend are scheduled to hang out for the evening. And then the other friend could end up being busy. Or maybe you and christine could talk together to Lara? Not sure what Christina's perspective is. She kinda sees the good in everyone, so she probably doesn't find Lara to be obnoxious. I've already started politely informing her when she's yelling in casual conversation (she does that a lot). Today was fun. I had dinner with the guys and Jackie, and then Alexa and Christina (different Christina from Lara's roomie), which was fun. Then we had yoga, and then watched Grey's Anatomy in Lindsay and Steph's room with Marius. Ian showed up about halfway through, and it was nice to see him. I'm chatting with him on IM now, despite the fact that we both have 9am classes and should be sleeping (he's also studying for a musicology test). And he said a little while ago, "I was extremely happy to see you tonight." He's so sweet. It still bothers me that I've been finding Marius more physically attractive than Ian. Especially because everyone's all like "Oh, Ian's so hot.." and no one ever says that about Marius. I guess I just have strange tastes in guys. Not like it matters anyways, because as it is, I can't have either one of them. Gah, it's all so complicated. It's like a maze with infinite dead ends.
  9. That should have been interesting. I am certain they had lots of fun!!!!! I saw a video of an exploding whale on that tube thing website. Hahaha I'm not responsible for that video. It was fun. In the middle of this lounge sieging, Ian and his friend Kelley showed up. The past couple of days have been so busy. Lots of work and whatnot. I keep finding myself attracted to Marius, even though I know it would never work. He's an amazing person, and I find him physically attractive as well (which doesn't happen too often on this level), but there are some obvious morality and faith issues at hand. Stupid hormones... And last night I talked to Ian online. Out of nowhere, he asked if it was normal that he was still feeling the pain from having his heart broken by his (now ex) girlfriend back in October. I told him that it's totally normal (which it is), and it led to a quick chat about trust, and being careful who you trust. He was also not feeling well, and had to go to sleep, and right before he did, he said "I trust you," and for some reason, it touched my heart. I'm not sure why. Maybe because Ian is one of the few people I genuinely trust? Maybe because I think trust is one of the fundamental things needed for a relationship? I don't know. I found it to be interesting. I feel so bad for him too. From what I gather, she cheated on him, and not only that, but her "boytoy," as Ian put it, lives next door to him, and he can often hear them being "physical" on a regular basis (Ian really trusted the girl, and has the same basic moral ideals as I do). Doesn't help much that Valentine's day is in a week, and add to this that he has a cold (which is really bad for a voice major). If only there was a way to send hugs over the internet (aside from the standard *hugs*). And adding to the chaos is the Lara and Kevin (and everyone else) conflict. It works like this: Lara is nice and she's my friend. But she's kinda loud and obnoxious, and doesn't know when to take it down a few notches or give people some space. So everyone thinks she's annoying, especially Kevin. This is because Kevin is (actually, was) going out with her roomie and our mutual friend, Christina. But Christina was spending pretty much all her time with Lara, so Kevin and Christina got no alone time (although in Lara's defense, Kevin didn't exactly make much of an effort). So Kevin finally ended it, and both seem okay, but Kevin still really doesn't like Lara. No one will tell Lara straight out that she's annoying, and needs to give people some space. Lara told me the other say that Christina and I are her two best friends here. So, I might end up talking to her about it, because it's starting to make things really awkward, and the closeness of the friendships that we have is starting to dissolve, and I don't like that. Oh the dramatic goodness. Ew, that sounds difficult. >.< I feel really sorry for Ian though, he is in a bad position. You two seem made for each other, but that whole religion thing seems to get in the way. And, as Lara's friend, you need to tell her about people's issues with her. I don't want you to have to not be with a great guy and lose a good friend of yours. Yeah, it's a bit of a tough spot for all of us. It'll all work out eventually though. No sense in letting things run their own course, though. xD To an extent. The only part of this that I can really do anything about is talking to Lara. It's just a matter of getting her by herself with lots of spare time. It's not easy.
  10. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Please end up doing what works best for you. Remember, if you audition and receive a scholarship, then somewhere into the season, quit, you need to know how much of the money you are responsible to return and repay. This is a good question to know up front. Glad you talked with your parents. Hopefully your father did not get too upset. No, he did not get upset, he kind of understood where I was coming from. A lot of my feelings about getting sucked into marching band etc. were really preconceived notions, which I shouldn't use as the basis of making decisions. Also he said that a student loan is too risky because it accumulates interest over time, and you have to use something as collateral which in this case would be our house. Kind of scary. When it comes down to it, I'm content with earning myself 200-300 bucks a month for being in marching band (if I get that much money) without getting mixed up in something else to get the money. I thought that there were some loans that the student could apply for, that required no collateral. You would be obligated to repay the loan once you graduated. I appreciate you letting me know about the fact that the need collateral. I didn't know that. Unless you're a super genius (or not white, or both) and get a full ride scholarship, there will always be loans involved, and yes, they accumulate interest. You'll probably be paying them off until you're 40. It's no fun but that's the way it is.
  11. It has been COLD here! Like really cold. And it snowed a couple of times.
  12. pff. Candy roses for a dollar? Laaaame. Yeah, I'd rather get a real rose. Our school did that lst year too. The singing thing is awesome. It's like a modern day non-Mexican mariachi band. As for anonymous or not, it's totally up to you.
  13. That should have been interesting. I am certain they had lots of fun!!!!! I saw a video of an exploding whale on that tube thing website. Hahaha I'm not responsible for that video. It was fun. In the middle of this lounge sieging, Ian and his friend Kelley showed up. The past couple of days have been so busy. Lots of work and whatnot. I keep finding myself attracted to Marius, even though I know it would never work. He's an amazing person, and I find him physically attractive as well (which doesn't happen too often on this level), but there are some obvious morality and faith issues at hand. Stupid hormones... And last night I talked to Ian online. Out of nowhere, he asked if it was normal that he was still feeling the pain from having his heart broken by his (now ex) girlfriend back in October. I told him that it's totally normal (which it is), and it led to a quick chat about trust, and being careful who you trust. He was also not feeling well, and had to go to sleep, and right before he did, he said "I trust you," and for some reason, it touched my heart. I'm not sure why. Maybe because Ian is one of the few people I genuinely trust? Maybe because I think trust is one of the fundamental things needed for a relationship? I don't know. I found it to be interesting. I feel so bad for him too. From what I gather, she cheated on him, and not only that, but her "boytoy," as Ian put it, lives next door to him, and he can often hear them being "physical" on a regular basis (Ian really trusted the girl, and has the same basic moral ideals as I do). Doesn't help much that Valentine's day is in a week, and add to this that he has a cold (which is really bad for a voice major). If only there was a way to send hugs over the internet (aside from the standard *hugs*). And adding to the chaos is the Lara and Kevin (and everyone else) conflict. It works like this: Lara is nice and she's my friend. But she's kinda loud and obnoxious, and doesn't know when to take it down a few notches or give people some space. So everyone thinks she's annoying, especially Kevin. This is because Kevin is (actually, was) going out with her roomie and our mutual friend, Christina. But Christina was spending pretty much all her time with Lara, so Kevin and Christina got no alone time (although in Lara's defense, Kevin didn't exactly make much of an effort). So Kevin finally ended it, and both seem okay, but Kevin still really doesn't like Lara. No one will tell Lara straight out that she's annoying, and needs to give people some space. Lara told me the other say that Christina and I are her two best friends here. So, I might end up talking to her about it, because it's starting to make things really awkward, and the closeness of the friendships that we have is starting to dissolve, and I don't like that. Oh the dramatic goodness. Ew, that sounds difficult. >.< I feel really sorry for Ian though, he is in a bad position. You two seem made for each other, but that whole religion thing seems to get in the way. And, as Lara's friend, you need to tell her about people's issues with her. I don't want you to have to not be with a great guy and lose a good friend of yours. Yeah, it's a bit of a tough spot for all of us. It'll all work out eventually though.
  14. Hm...let's see here...looks like I've missed a lot in the past few days. Horatio: You live in FL, where coldness only exists indoors because of air conditioning. Although I'm kinda in the same position (it's about 20 degrees outside right now). The other day my friends and I went to Denny's somewhere around 10:30pm. When we got back, it was really really cold, so one of my friends decided it would be smart to run from Z lot (the freshman parking lot, which should explain everything) to our building. We actually only ran for about 50 feet (and the guys left me in the dust. Kevin got a head start, Brennan is tall, and Marius used to run track). I caught up to them before too long, but discovered that my cardiovascular system doesn't really exist any more. So I'm going to get a group of people to go running/walking around the indoor track on Friday afternoon, and try to regain my formerly decent stamina. I figure we're more likely to do it if it's social. As for studying, you have no idea how much I can sympathize with you there. (I was up until about 1am working on a physics lab) Arkcher: You have two options: 1. Lay it out plain exactly what you feel about who, and hope for the best. 2. Don't say a word to anyone about anything, and wait for it to go away. Whatever you do, don't compromise your standards/beliefs/morals or whatever. If a girl loves you, she won't make you do that. MW: Flirting is different to different people. If you treat everyone the same, then it's not flirting. Example: hugging could be considered flirting. However, my friend Ian hugs everyone, so it's not flirting, it's just the way he acts. It also involves intentions. If you're trying to impress the person in hopes of perhaps having a relationship, then it's flirting. If it's no different than if you were talking to anyone else, then it's not. When people accuse you of flirting, consider who they are and how well they know you. Also look at it objectively. If you were someone else, what would you think of your own actions?
  15. What if we didn't live life by the clock? In frames of time our lives are locked. Days melt into night and dawn again, But what if it didn't matter? Stay up until 2am, chatting with friends. Having a conversation that never ends. Never be early, never be late, No need to anticipate deadlines and expiration dates. To have all the time in the world, And just enjoy life, freed from time.
  16. That should have been interesting. I am certain they had lots of fun!!!!! I saw a video of an exploding whale on that tube thing website. Hahaha I'm not responsible for that video. It was fun. In the middle of this lounge sieging, Ian and his friend Kelley showed up. The past couple of days have been so busy. Lots of work and whatnot. I keep finding myself attracted to Marius, even though I know it would never work. He's an amazing person, and I find him physically attractive as well (which doesn't happen too often on this level), but there are some obvious morality and faith issues at hand. Stupid hormones... And last night I talked to Ian online. Out of nowhere, he asked if it was normal that he was still feeling the pain from having his heart broken by his (now ex) girlfriend back in October. I told him that it's totally normal (which it is), and it led to a quick chat about trust, and being careful who you trust. He was also not feeling well, and had to go to sleep, and right before he did, he said "I trust you," and for some reason, it touched my heart. I'm not sure why. Maybe because Ian is one of the few people I genuinely trust? Maybe because I think trust is one of the fundamental things needed for a relationship? I don't know. I found it to be interesting. I feel so bad for him too. From what I gather, she cheated on him, and not only that, but her "boytoy," as Ian put it, lives next door to him, and he can often hear them being "physical" on a regular basis (Ian really trusted the girl, and has the same basic moral ideals as I do). Doesn't help much that Valentine's day is in a week, and add to this that he has a cold (which is really bad for a voice major). If only there was a way to send hugs over the internet (aside from the standard *hugs*). And adding to the chaos is the Lara and Kevin (and everyone else) conflict. It works like this: Lara is nice and she's my friend. But she's kinda loud and obnoxious, and doesn't know when to take it down a few notches or give people some space. So everyone thinks she's annoying, especially Kevin. This is because Kevin is (actually, was) going out with her roomie and our mutual friend, Christina. But Christina was spending pretty much all her time with Lara, so Kevin and Christina got no alone time (although in Lara's defense, Kevin didn't exactly make much of an effort). So Kevin finally ended it, and both seem okay, but Kevin still really doesn't like Lara. No one will tell Lara straight out that she's annoying, and needs to give people some space. Lara told me the other say that Christina and I are her two best friends here. So, I might end up talking to her about it, because it's starting to make things really awkward, and the closeness of the friendships that we have is starting to dissolve, and I don't like that. Oh the dramatic goodness.
  17. The other day some of my friends decided to lay siege upon the lounge. The video footage was posted online.
  18. Hahaha thank you. Hopefully, I'll get some more pics up soon. Ian gave me this lovely white rose for my birthday, and I took some pictures of it. And also, my friends straightened my hair yesterday (I'm amazed they actually got it completely straight in under an hour), and I took some pics of that too.
  19. Now, when a guy/girl says that they love you, it does not necessarily mean in a bf/gf kinda way. Cause that is often the case with a couple of my friends. Oh I know. I just found it entertaining.
  20. So...interesting thing Marius did yesterday. He said he loved me, although this was intricately woven into a joke/plea for me to give him lego gummies, involving the idea that he loves lego gummies *almost* as much as he loves me. (I gave him the gummies) And maybe (probably) I'm just reading into this too much, but I found it to be interesting. I still haven't figured him out yet though. He's a rather interesting and complex person. And he might come with us to the Celtic music thing in a couple of weeks, which should be cool. I'm going to try and get Ian to go too. If he can't go, I'll probably invite Brennan. I still need to get Brennan's music collection...
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *gets Jesusfreak to write a cookbook titled: EVERYTHING can be cooked in a microwave, then markets it for her* *feels smart that I knew facebook was started by and is mainly for college kids* *looks at my overabundance of sharpies and duct tape* lol It used to be only for college kids, but then they changed it. (Facebook is better than myspace )
  22. Are you coming to visit me over the spring break??? *gets cage ready for visitors* Hahaha. Two problems: 1. I don't know where you live. 2. My parents would probably ground me for life (even though I'm at college, they'd find a way). So today, I had music and society. I love that class. The teacher is hilarious, and seems to have a brain! I spent a good part of the evening playing with a slinky I got at the dollar store, and found out that it works on the stairs that go to to laundry room, but not the normal stairs. I think Marius has it now. He was also thrilled when I gave him lego gummies (yes, they make such things). And Kevin seems really moody today. I'm pretty sure he's going to break up with Christina. (Saw that one coming a loooong time ago). He never spends time with her. I'm closer to my guy friends than they are to each other. And she's such a sweetheart too. She'll either be devastated, or totally cool with it. It should be interesting to see what the next few weeks bring... 1. That's the good thing about security. My cage is not easily found. You can always pretend you are coming, as this makes for great imaginations!!! 2. Grounding, that would not be a good thing. Better to avoid any future problems. Yup yup.
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Shyness is a fear that can only be overcome with practice. I know from experience. Look for opportunities to say the first word. Like ask a classmate what the homework was or if they understood a confusing professor. Compliments are always good, especially if it's on something obscure (like a video game reference on a t-shirt). And once you're talking to someone, just ask questions. Stupid generic questions, like "what's your major?" or "so where are you from?" often work well. In lunch line, if you see someone obviously looking at some not-so-pleasant-looking meal suspiciously, you might say "What exactly is that supposed to be? o.O" (on that note, don't eat anything you can't identify without the label) Another word of advice: when you get to college, don't try to impress everyone. Let them get to know you just as you are, and like you for who you are. That way your friends will be genuine. Other advice:-EVERYTHING can be cooked in a microwave (To cook ramen in the microwave, put the noodles in a large glass bow (I use a giant measuring cup), and fill the bowl with just enough water to cover the noodles. Microwave for 5 minutes. Stir in the flavoring. It's faster that way) -Except metal. Never cook metal (or anything that contains metal) in the microwave. -watch your popcorn while it's cooking. If someone doesn't steal it, it will catch on fire -The showers are less crowded at 1am -Friday afternoon is the best time to do laundry if half the people on campus go home on weekends -laundry rooms are quiet, and often good places to do homework -The lounge on your floor is always empty, unless there's a game on (if your lounge has a TV) or unless it's finals week (because it becomes a study lounge) -The acoustics in some hallways are really good, so extra effort is needed to be quiet at night -Yes, drunk people do walk into unlocked rooms (and have been known to use random objects as toilets) -If you prop your door open, your friends will come visit, and strangers will comment on how your room is set up -If you don't play video games, you will watch your friends play them -You will rarely watch TV without the company of other people -if your room mate's boyfriend is coming to visit from out of state, arrange to stay in a friend's room. Then return the favor. -If your room mate is sleeping, try to be quiet. -Things that suddenly become noisy when you're trying to sleep include paper, plastic bags, crunchy foods, computer sounds, cell phones on vibrate, etc. -Pulling the fire alarm in a dorm building isn't funny, because it doesn't get you out of class. If you pull the alarm at 4am, people will want to kill you. -Keep a blanket by your door at all times for fire drills -keep a camera with you at all times. -Share your food with your friends, and they will share with you. Eventually, food isn't something that can be owned, it's like community property. -know what your friends are allergic to, and who has epi-pens, because campus security can't use them -Try to upset as few people as possible -Take a look at the syllabus and policy for each of your classes. Some classes drop you down a full letter grade if you miss class more than three times. -sitting in front of class makes it easier to concentrate, and makes the teacher think you care. The teacher will notice if you miss class, but, if you're doing well in the class, they'll probably believe any excuse you give them. -Getting the campus bed loft is over-priced. Build one yourself (let me know if you want the plans) -Lofting your bed gives you lots of floor space, especially if you loft it high enough to put your desk under it. -You will IM your friends, even if they live across the hall. -more people you know have facebook than myspace -You will discover how small the world really is. -betta fish are easy to take care of -Morning classes stink, but so do night classes. Late morning/early afternoon is better -Your professors have email addresses. Take advantage of that. -You can't have extention cords, but you can have power strips! -Make friends with the kids in your classes, and get their SN's -The education majors are more likely to enjoy helping with confusing material -When working in big projects, don't be afraid to take a mental health break, but don't get distracted. Sign out of your im, post a message on your door telling people you're working. -Bring your old yearbooks and photo albums. They're fun to look at with friends. -Everyone loves sharpies and duct tape -There's lots of free stuff on campus, take advantage of that, because everything that costs money on campus is overpriced. -If your mom calls you constantly, have her email you instead. And be sure to answer her emails. -Having a small tool kit (and knowing how to use it) is good -Bring both cold weather and warm weather pajamas when you first move in. Some buildings are over-heated, and some aren't. -If you don't fall out of bed at normal height, you probably won't fall out of it at lofted height either. However, if you do fall out of a lofted bed, it sucks. -Don't get too stressed over a bad grade. Just do better next time. -Get a good pair of headphones. -Watching drunk people (while being sober) is more fun than being one of the drunk people. -Yes, there are people on campus that don't drink.
  24. Hahaha so true. I've been pretty much counseling my cousin Danny into telling his girlfriend he loves her. After several days of debating and worrying, he finally did it.
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