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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Ask for a DNA sample. LOL lol I was thinking more of his life experiences.
  2. I didn't put the full version of this pic up yet? Gosh...It's going in my siggy once it's up.
  3. Wow. Haven't posted here in awhile either... Okay, I'm putting up a bunch of pictures. After this post is modded, I'll quote it and say what all the pictures are.
  4. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks for the good news. As for your brother and sister-in-law, I see your new nephew is training his parents from day one. LOL Please tell me what you see, what happens, so I can better explain to HampsterKing. This has happened to me as well. Every once in awhile HD doesn't work for me either. It's like the page doesn't exist.
  5. Why must you tease me, showing me all these (im)possibilities? Making life hard, thinking about things that will never be. It's hard you know, always wanting what you can't have. Watching the snowfall thinking, “Someday...” Daydreams are sweet, but then reality comes back in all its glory. Wondering why, shouldn't life be like the stories? Princess locked in a tower, will she be stuck there forever? Gazing at sunsets, thinking, “Someday...” He smiles at me, I wish it could be what I've been waiting for. But it never is, so I'll keep dreaming more and more. Lost in thought, will I ever be found? Seeing the stars shine, thinking, “Someday...”
  6. Motivations are so difficult to discern; Yours above all, I'd love to learn. What you said, was it directed at me, him, her, or anybody? You knocked on my door, What for? Because it's what friends do, Or does it mean more to you? I was the first you came to find, Should I pay it any mind? Why sitting so close? You could sit anywhere, but it was with me you chose. The way you treat me, is it different from another? Because I often wonder...
  7. You only left a minute ago, and I already miss you I wish you were here, with me. I wish you could see this, and the others. But you can't. Not yet. Maybe not ever. It saddens me. It's your choice. Open your mind, your heart, to what I've been saying. You're so close, and then you stop in front of an invisible wall. Oh, what I would give to see the wall, What it's made of, how to break it down, climb over it, or walk around. It's paper thin, but strong as steel. So frustrating, incomprehensible. We're on opposite sides, but still so close together, Able to speak, to hear, to see, to even touch. But there's that invisible barrier that won't go away. We're together, but it keeps us apart. It breaks my heart.
  8. Wind whips at my face, stings like mace, but I don't mind, I'm almost there. Feet touch the ground with a familiar sound, gliding gracefully to the start. Everyone's strapped in, ready to begin, a race to the bottom. Begin the descent, no need to lament, just stay in control. Try not to fall, don't want to have to call, the ski patrol.
  9. You gave me a rose, with so many meanings. Which one do you mean? You had me listen to a song, so pretty. Were the lyrics meant for me? You said you like my dress, how it's so graceful. Was it more than a passing observation? You told me you miss me, can't wait to see me. Do you really feel the lack of my presence? You tell me I'm a great photographer, that you love my pictures. Is it because that's what you're supposed to say? You said to me, “You're amazing.” Do I inspire awe? You also said, “I love you.” How so?
  10. Wow I haven't posted anything in here in a long time. I'll go find some more poems to put here...
  11. I think I did pretty well on my physics exam this morning! And last night after I was done studying, I went to go hang out with Marius and Dave. We were later joined by Kevin and Brennan. My friends are all pretty strange, but Marius is exceptionally unusual. And being the scientist that I am, I kinda wonder how he got that way.
  12. The celtic music festival was fun, although Ian couldn't come because he had to make up a four hour long recording session (he has an 8 houor long one today). He was able to stop by after I got back though, which was nice. He seemed a bit out of sorts though, a combination of depressed and contemplative. I predict a very long IM conversation in the near future... Oh, and yesterday my dad installed some software to tweak some things on my phone, and give me lots of potential ring tones. So now, on my phone, I have Butterfly (from DDR), the nintendo song, the nightmare before Christmas theme, No Surprises (by Radiohead), and cannon in D (which my old phone had, but not this phone). So yeah. I'm happy about that. (someone should make the HD song into a midi file for a ringtone). Today, I have to get lots and lots of work done.
  13. Um...2,000,000 grams of fat comes out to 2,000 kg of fat alone, not including the rest of ones body. And for those of you who don't know metric, that's a lot.
  14. Yeah, I think it was actually a good strategy. And it proves that you have confidence, but that you don't think you're God's gift to women or something like that. Confident=good. Cocky=not good.
  15. Sorry to hear about the calc quiz. Maybe there were enough people who also missed th definitions and you will pass. Glad to hear you worked out your physics homework. Perhaps you will get an A+++++ Yeah, the physics homework is online, and I got all of them right.
  16. *sounds more like normal to me* LOL lol normal meals for me are a piece of cheese pizza, two chocolate chip cookies, and raspberry iced tea. And that's more or less what I had for lunch and dinner today. Breakfast was cookies as usual (because I eat breakfast in my room instead of going to the dining hall). But I played DDR for a few hours again.
  17. I'm pretty sure I failed my calc quiz. There were only 5 questions, two of which were definitions I didn't know (I was only expecting to have to do the math). Oh well. It's Friday. At least I figured out my physics homework. Last night I got some of my old high school friends into a chatroom, which was nice. And after class today I did laundry and played DDR, and then went to dinner. Now I'm waiting until 7:30 to go see Casino Royale (it's playing on campus this weekend). And tomorrow is the Celtic music festival, which should be fun, especially if Ian goes.
  18. I played DDR for several hours today. And dinner was a chocolate chip muffin, cucumber slices, carrot slices, and sunflower seeds. Then I got chicken strips at the diner later on. Gosh I'm strange....
  19. My day was rather enjoyable. Most of it was spent hanging out with friends or playing DDR. And I've been chatting with Ian on im, but he got distracted writing poetry. So I might go to sleep soon...
  20. So not only is today Valentine's Day, it's also our first snow day! Which is good because I was sleep deprived, had acalc test I wasn't prepared for, physics HW I didn't know how to do, and a physics lab I don't have the software to complete. I think God knew I needed this.
  21. Okay new update on Ian. He acknowledged that his feelings for Steph are probably only in passing, since he doesn't know her that well yet. And I commend him for that. It takes a lot to know that "feelings" are different from love. He also says that, "And your friendship means more to me than ANYTHING, and I would do anything for you. I think you already know this," "And you come first before anything that might be between her and I which probably wont happen to begin with." So. Interesting.
  22. *waits some more* Waiting is the hardest part. Ah, it is! Although some good news is that he's coming with me and my family to a Celtic music thing this weekend. And he's also probably coming over on Wednesday to watch movies. Wednesday... I wonder what day that would be. *cough, cough* Gee, I dunno! =O That day is a source of great worry for me, now. >.< Or you could look at Wednesday this way... "No guts, no glory." Oh, it's Single's Awareness Day. And I just found out something kind of interesting. Ian kinda likes Steph. I kinda thought that might be the case, but it's so hard to tell because he's affectionate with everyone. But he's not going to do anything aboutit because he's not sure if she feels the same way. (I don't *think* she does, but she's really hard to read sometimes). This also lead to a "why girls hit on you all the time" discussion. He's so clueless. So God is telling me to wait, and maybe the whole bit of distraction with Marius lately was meant to soften the blow (and if so, it worked, because it actually doesn't bother me). Either it's not meant to happen, or it's not meant to happen yet. And I guess it's kinda a good thing that he didn't get saved the other day, or else I would have made a huge fool out of myself. Oh, and in other news, Ian told me that he's going to be on "the five year plan," meaning he'll be here an extra year (nobody at his college graduates on time, because of the credit requirements). Ian also came with us grocery shopping this evening (which is what sparked the IM convo about Steph). And I got mint soy ice cream! (Wegmans has lots of different soy ice cream, and it makes me happy). So yeah, interesting evening.
  23. *waits some more* Waiting is the hardest part. Ah, it is! Although some good news is that he's coming with me and my family to a Celtic music thing this weekend. And he's also probably coming over on Wednesday to watch movies.
  24. So Ian came over today, but there was no real discussion about what was said last night, although he did say that he hadn't seen the last couple of things I posted (he went to sleep). So, we'll see what happens...
  25. Wow, so, last night, yeah. I was just getting started on my BHP homework when Kenneth IM'd me. And we were chatting for awhile, and talking about the people we like, and I had just showed him a poem I wrote, when Ian signed on. I IM'd Ian, but rather than respond, he called me (keep in mind that it was about 12:30am). He said he wanted to come over, so I said okay. A litte while later, he IM'd me, saying he just realized he did his paper wrong, and we decided it would be best for him to come over today instead. And we got to talking about love (sparked from a poem he posted online), and that led to a discussion about God and salvation. This time, God allowed me to make a really solid arguement. I'm not sure if Ian saw the last of what I wrote (he had to take his meds, and I'm not sure if he read it when he was done, because it was around 4:30am by that time), but I'm pretty sure that God's speaking to him, and has him thinking right now. So now I'm praying hardcore for his salvation. This could be it...
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