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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. And you have to love how this topic still isn't pinned.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I was having problems as well. lol well at least it's not just me. Just a thought, maybe we should have a bug reporting topic specifically for this instead of spamming up Jesse's topic with it?
  3. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I *think* I'm over Ian as a romantic interest. I mean, I still love him more than I thought I could love a person, but it's not a romantic love. I'm thinking we were meant to be best friends instead, which is kinda cool. Aside from being saved, I need a husband who is willing to learn and accept new things, ways of thinking, hobbies, music, entertainment, you get the ideas. Ian has some rather unusual interests, which is one of the things I love about him, but he's very critical of things outside of his style, which I'm not such a big fan of. Kenny is kind of the same way, and I guess that might be one of the reasons I stopped liking him in that way too. And this explains why I like Marius. He's willing to both teach and learn, and I love that. And he's such a sweet and caring guy too. I should make a list of all this stuff somewhere....And yesterday I slept in until 3pm, got dinner (by which I mean a muffin) at 5, chilled in my room for a little while, and then hung out with what few friends are still on campus for awhile. Today so far, I've gotten a little bit of work done on my Faustus paper, then my friends came and got me to go to the mall. Brennan and Kevin both got Nerf shotguns at KB Toys, and are currently running around the building with them. And now it's SNOWING!!! Yay snow! Maybe classes will get cancelled tomorrow... I wonder when the rest of my friends coming back. A bunch of them went home for the weekend. Wow my thoughts are jumbled today...
  4. Sure. We can pin this. LOL Yay! Thanks! You are welcome. *realized my playtime with the words was lost* Oh. Sorry, my brain hasn't been functioning properly lately. It's making my schoolwork rather difficult...
  5. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    It finally let me on! I couldn't get on here most of last night and all day today.
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! I don't remember my individual scores, but my total I think was 1940. Let me see if I can look it up... Okay, it was 630 for math, 640 for reading, and 670 for writing. The first time I took the SATs it was the old version, and I got 620 on both math and reading.
  7. Wow, it just hit me that this topic is already on its second page. Hey Horatio, can we pin this?
  8. He does sound like a nice guy. My advice to girls: Go for the nice guys. Being "cool" won't matter once you have grown up. Plus, we aren't as likely to get you into trouble. xD Not to mention we tend to not be wife-beaters. =O Just a thought. xD Then there's the guys that are just too nice, who you never know if they're flirting or whatnot with everyone, or just being nice. Don't get me wrong, being nice is good, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. I don't make sense. lol Ian does that all the time. I had to blatantly explain to him why girls hit on him all the time. It was kinda funny. XD
  9. You will. It's called university or college. LOL Yup. It's fun, except for when there are drunk people yelling outside your window. Then it's not so fun. So Ian finally showed up yesterday, late, and still in a tux from a recital that got out late. What is it about tuxes that make men look good? And he finally gave an explanation to why he didn't show up Thursday: he had to attend a faculty recital as well. At least he seemed like he was in a better mood last night, a much better mood. I was really starting to worry about him. We all watched Sleeping Beauty in the lounge last night.
  10. It's FRIDAY!!!! Yoga was cancelled last night, and Ian never showed up. He never said why, but he did say he's going to try and come over today around 9. So last night me and a bunch of friends ended up watching Family Guy in the lounge instead (yay DVDs!). It was fun. And I have lots and lots of homework to do this weekend. This past week has been crazy with all the work, and not just for me, but for most of my friends too. But even so, two more weeks until spring break! I can't wait! Ooh, i should probably move my laundry into the dryer soon...
  11. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    persistant! Maybe you should make an alternate account, and see if you can get on the next time that happens... lol maybe. I also couldn't get on at 10:44am and 2:39pm today.
  12. Aw, thank you! Wow...English textbooks...I haven't had one of those since middle school...I don't really follow the "rules" of poetry though (or maybe I do. I can't really say because I don't know what those rules are. ) I don't think there are any "rules of poetry." But the stuff they make us read is real crud. xD Hahaha yeah, but it's to get the idea of the structure across, not to make you say, "Wow...that really touched my heart..." or something like that.
  13. Ask for a DNA sample. LOL lol I was thinking more of his life experiences. lol and what did we all do last night but talk about life experiences. LOL... that must have proved for interesting conversation. xD I would imagine so. So, JesusFreak, did you happen to mention HD? lol no, I didn't It was Kevin talking for most of the time, actually. He doesn't shut up (and oddly enough, one of the reasons he doesn't like Lara is because she doesn't shut up... ) Last night Lara, Lindsay, Steph and I all went to Wawa and Wegmans. I got more soy ice cream! And today, being Thursday, is yoga, and Ian might come, which should be funny, because the yoga instructor is his voice teacher.
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I couldn't get on at all last night. These are the times I tried (all Eastern, PM) 5:48, 6:07, 6:24, 6:30, 7:23, 8:13, 10:48, and then I think at 11-something, but I didn't write that down...
  15. Why is the weather in New Jersey so strange?
  16. It's really nice out now, like up in the 40's and sunny. All the snow is melting though, and it's turning all non-paved areas of our campus into a swamp.
  17. Haha. My friend is funny when it comes to facial hair. "I hate facial hair! Have you EVER kissed a guy with facial hair? You get rope burn!" XD I was like... no, I have not. I'm actually quite curious about that. 1st boyfriend: I didn't kiss and he's incapable of facial hair. Not only that, he is forever shorter than me. I was like, an inch taller than him last year, but I had a growth spurt and he didn't. XD And now he looks weird to me. 2nd boyfriend: Well, he had stubble occasionally. But it wasn't really rough hair or something. About my height, a little taller. This guy I like that I'm not going out with: Totally capable of facial hair, and has in fact grown it. I'm not sure if we're in a relationship or not, so we haven't kissed. XD Oh, and height. He's 6 feet tall, I'm 5'4". XD Yeah ... I honestly can't ever think of kissing this guy. I might like him now, but give me a month or two. I'll be over Gilbert and his moustache. Oh. And just for reference, he's 5'9", and I'm almossst 5'9". But, that's alright I guess. I'm just a little superficial when it comes to height. Haha. I really don't know why. lol height was never an issue for me. Pretty much all guys my age are taller than me, because I'm barely 5'1"
  18. Aw, thank you! Wow...English textbooks...I haven't had one of those since middle school...I don't really follow the "rules" of poetry though (or maybe I do. I can't really say because I don't know what those rules are. )
  19. Ask for a DNA sample. LOL lol I was thinking more of his life experiences. lol and what did we all do last night but talk about life experiences.
  20. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    It has occurred again since my last post. I first noticed that I couldn't get on at around 8:50 PM (EST as you can guess, Horatio) yesterday, Feb. 18th. My attempts to get on during the morning failed, until just now (5:50 PM on the 19th) when I tried and succeeded in loading the page. Of course, it might have been working before that time and I wasn't at the computer to try and get in. When the problem happens, I get the standard "server not found" message for that browser. This applies to Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Safari, all of which I have tried when the hd boards were down. I haven't spotted any numbers or any other kind of information; the message will just say the usual things, "check the URL for misspellings" and the like. Hope that helps a little. Exactly what happens to me. Thanks. Same thing happens to me. I have informed HampsterKing again. Please, if you get any additional thoughts on why this happens, please tell me. We need to fix this problem. It seems to me like it just flakes out once in awhile. Maybe a problem with the servers?
  21. Yeah, I keep forgetting to post them here (either that or I'm too busy). That last poem got me accused of being emo.
  22. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    It has occurred again since my last post. I first noticed that I couldn't get on at around 8:50 PM (EST as you can guess, Horatio) yesterday, Feb. 18th. My attempts to get on during the morning failed, until just now (5:50 PM on the 19th) when I tried and succeeded in loading the page. Of course, it might have been working before that time and I wasn't at the computer to try and get in. When the problem happens, I get the standard "server not found" message for that browser. This applies to Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Safari, all of which I have tried when the hd boards were down. I haven't spotted any numbers or any other kind of information; the message will just say the usual things, "check the URL for misspellings" and the like. Hope that helps a little. Exactly what happens to me. Thanks. Same thing happens to me.
  23. Okay, the pictures are as follows: Furniture fort in the lounge Kevin in a blanket Ian Derek Marius with a slinky Me looking annoyed three pictures of the rose Ian got me Two pictures of me with straightened hair.
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