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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area... Skip the room, who cares how it looks. Unless of course you are going for a Better Homes and Gardens photo-shoot. LOL Somehow the week is never long enough to get all your homework done and then the weekend comes and it flies by. My studying technique is the "crammie-hammie" technique. I am putting 40 hours of studying into the last 8 hours of Sunday night. Hahaha I do that all the time. But this is reading, not studying. Reading actually takes time. o.O And my room is in really bad shape... :wacko: Okay, help me out here. Reading takes time and ??? studying??? does not????????????? LOL Depending on the subject and the amount of reading, studying can take as little as 15 minutes, whereas reading usually takes at least an hour. 15 Minutes ????????????? You must be a genius !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Studying takes me hours and hours. *wonders if blonde hamsters are lacking some brain cells* lol I'm not a genious. If I was a genious, I'd get A's on everything. And the weather is so nice right now! It started out all gross and rainy, but then the sun came out, and it's nearly 60 degrees outside!
  2. Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area... Skip the room, who cares how it looks. Unless of course you are going for a Better Homes and Gardens photo-shoot. LOL Somehow the week is never long enough to get all your homework done and then the weekend comes and it flies by. My studying technique is the "crammie-hammie" technique. I am putting 40 hours of studying into the last 8 hours of Sunday night. Hahaha I do that all the time. But this is reading, not studying. Reading actually takes time. o.O And my room is in really bad shape... :wacko: Okay, help me out here. Reading takes time and ??? studying??? does not????????????? LOL Depending on the subject and the amount of reading, studying can take as little as 15 minutes, whereas reading usually takes at least an hour.
  3. Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area... Skip the room, who cares how it looks. Unless of course you are going for a Better Homes and Gardens photo-shoot. LOL Somehow the week is never long enough to get all your homework done and then the weekend comes and it flies by. My studying technique is the "crammie-hammie" technique. I am putting 40 hours of studying into the last 8 hours of Sunday night. Hahaha I do that all the time. But this is reading, not studying. Reading actually takes time. o.O And my room is in really bad shape...
  4. They aren't. They are looking at you in a sinister manner! =O "One of us.... One of us...." SHUN THE NON BELIEVER!!! That was one of the most traumatizing things I've ever seen. And then some guys were talking about it in the game store last night. "Chaaaarlieeee.....We're going on an adventure Charlie....." *shudders*
  5. A simple, "Hey, are you okay? You've been looking kinda down lately." should work well. There's a good chance she won't tell you exactly what's wrong, but it will show her that you care, which is always nice.
  6. Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area...
  7. Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me...
  8. Maybe. So today was nice. My roomie started her 8am class today, so, although she was noisy getting ready to leave, I had the room to myself when I woke up, which was really nice. And it's so nice out today! I think my calc quiz went pretty well, and physics lab was easy. So tonight all the homework I have to do is 30 pages of BHP reading skimming.
  9. You know, Merriam Webster has a website which is very easy to use...
  10. I do believe you will find someone who fits those characteristics. Perhaps not tomorrow, but if you have patience, I believe the perfect guy will be there for you. Many of the qualities you are searching for will be the basis for the guys you end up being friends with. So, I do believe the perfect guy is there for you and you are not striving for too high ideals. Oh, I know I'm not aiming too high, but you have to admit, finding a guy who meets all of these qualitiesis going to be tough, especially the one about being saved. And how's this for strange? Last night I had a dream I was going out with my friend Phil (who I know from waaaaaaay back in the day when he was friend with my sister who had a huge crush on him in elementary school. Then I found him on a networking site, and we've been chatting online) And to add to the strangeness, as I was typing, he IM'd me! Now that I think of it, Phil does meet pretty much all the requirements... However, he goes to college at least 4 hours away from me and is taken. Yeah. The four hours away is not a problem, however, the taken part is a really BIG problem. LOL But, you never know. He may be looking for someone such as you and she may not totally be the woman of his dreams. So, does Phil need "saved" from his girlfriend? xD Or wife? you didn't specify. lol It's his girlfriend. lol I don't know. He hasn't talked about her in a long time...
  11. I do believe you will find someone who fits those characteristics. Perhaps not tomorrow, but if you have patience, I believe the perfect guy will be there for you. Many of the qualities you are searching for will be the basis for the guys you end up being friends with. So, I do believe the perfect guy is there for you and you are not striving for too high ideals. Oh, I know I'm not aiming too high, but you have to admit, finding a guy who meets all of these qualitiesis going to be tough, especially the one about being saved. And how's this for strange? Last night I had a dream I was going out with my friend Phil (who I know from waaaaaaay back in the day when he was friend with my sister who had a huge crush on him in elementary school. Then I found him on a networking site, and we've been chatting online) And to add to the strangeness, as I was typing, he IM'd me! Now that I think of it, Phil does meet pretty much all the requirements... However, he goes to college at least 4 hours away from me and is taken. Yeah.
  12. Soo....Lara and I got our own nerf guns today. I like hers better though, so I might go back and get the one she has (mine was $5, hers was $8) After some target practice in the lounge, a whole bunch of us watched Gundam for awhile, which was fun. It's kinda neat to watch anime because now I'm starting to actually know what my friends are talking about half the time. And today while I was putting off doing work, I cameup witha rough list of qualities a guy has to have for me to date him. I'll go find it and post it here... Saved (and all that follows) Willing to teach Willing to learn intelligent someone who I don't need to impress someone who I'm completely comfortable around willing to openly say what he thinks and believes without being rude reliable kind and caring patient not too uptight not ignorant open minded in the right areas wide variety of interests and tastes appreciates that I am scientific and romantic, childish and mature, girly and tomboyish, active and relaxed, modern and old-fashioned, silly and serious, etc., and is, if possible, the same. has a sense of humor Man, this is going to be hard....
  13. It wouldn't have shown up as a link, it would have just shown up as a picture, like the one in my siggy (not clickable). The only way anyone could find a link is if they got the url from the properties of the picture or if they quoted it. And even if they put in the url, it should just show up as a picture, not as a webpage. (just like when you click on a thumbnail of a picture uploaded here) The problem is that when it is quoted, it does show up as a link. True, but the link only goes to *just* a picture, not an actual website. Try it.
  14. Randomly lick her face and watch for her reaction. I'm totally kidding. That doesn't work. >_> -Li She'd probably like, kick me. or like, shoot me. I bet she has some kind of gun in her bag. That would be hilarious. You's lady-types should keep a gun in your bag. just to be hilarious. It wont even have to be real, it can be one of those very real-looking airsoft guns. They're black and shiney and look nigh perfectly like a real handgun but they shoot little peices of plastic or styrofoam. stuff. so you can be like, pull out a gun on some idiot who wont leave you alone and be like, 'shut. up.' and they will. Then put the gun away and prance off all feminine and cute. And then turn around and shoot a peice of plastic at his arm. If you get the right kind, it'd make a gunshot noise and he'd probably think you actually shot him. the measures some people would go for simple amusement... XD I so want one of those now XD It'd be very comical to see how that turns out. He'd be all like "Nuuuuu! I'm dyinnggg D:" ... "Wait a minute... how come I feel no pain? I'm invincible!" And I'd just run away laughing. -Li Depending on where you get them, they're $50-$80. It very well could be worth the amusement though. (I dont have one myself, I've just seen them about that price.) but yeah. You should get one. You can get some of similar proportions only its a rifle or 'machine gun'. One of my friends got the machine gun variety. If it wasnt clear plastic and you couldnt see the whole 2 moving parts, it'd be a lot cooler. but some of them have like, stocks and those real... things. I cant remember what they're called, the peices of plastic and metal stuff that holds the bullets that you stick into the handle of the gun. those things. only they're full of peices of foam and stuff. yeah. I think its amusing. Nerf guns are cheaper and less painful.
  15. It wouldn't have shown up as a link, it would have just shown up as a picture, like the one in my siggy (not clickable). The only way anyone could find a link is if they got the url from the properties of the picture or if they quoted it. And even if they put in the url, it should just show up as a picture, not as a webpage. (just like when you click on a thumbnail of a picture uploaded here)
  16. Aw, it won't let me see who the overall top posters are. It says, "The error returned was: Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available."
  17. lol yeah, that means she probably likes you. Doesn't mean she'll be your gf, but it means she likes you. (Yeah, I grin like that when I first make see someone I like. )
  18. You probably are overreacting about your appearance, but having a plan to stay in shape never hurt anyone. The trick is to make up something simple, and make it a habit.
  19. LOL... I am a pain quite often. But I love how people use the English language. When you find someone who speaks or writes well, it is fantastic. When people use words incorrectly, I find it amusing. For example, "Can you tell me the time?" I love saying "Sure." Or how about when someone points to their wrist. So, I am supposed to assume that you are asking for me to tell you what time it is? LOL I always look at my wrist and shrug my shoulders, as if to say... what? Another example, in which I totally was a pain to you... the difference between the word issue and the word problem. I listen to people think they are speaking good English and I must roll my eyeballs at that one. LOL I still think it's funny to take people's cursing literally. "Didn't know that was possible..."
  20. You will. It's called university or college. LOL Yup. It's fun, except for when there are drunk people yelling outside your window. Then it's not so fun. So Ian finally showed up yesterday, late, and still in a tux from a recital that got out late. What is it about tuxes that make men look good? And he finally gave an explanation to why he didn't show up Thursday: he had to attend a faculty recital as well. At least he seemed like he was in a better mood last night, a much better mood. I was really starting to worry about him. We all watched Sleeping Beauty in the lounge last night. Are you allowed to have airsoft guns on the premises? Cause then you could shoot at the drunk people. xD And before I get to a university, I gotta go through 2 more years of highschool after this, then two years of a local college. >.< Technically, we're not even supposed to have small plastic squirt guns. Although a couple of my friends bought nerf guns, as stated before. Fun times And I still have tons of work to get done today. I finished with class at 12:30. Have i started my work yet? Noooo.....
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I was having problems as well. lol well at least it's not just me. Just a thought, maybe we should have a bug reporting topic specifically for this instead of spamming up Jesse's topic with it? We do. The topic is in the admin forum. But, HampsterKing has said that the problem should be fixed in 48 to 72 hours. Really? Hm....
  22. Hm...testing something.... Sorry, no links are permitted. I know there are links in the signatures, but those will soon be not permitted. Horatio (if this works, I'll probably start putting up pictures more often, because it's going to make it a lot easier...)
  23. What you asked me was "can you pin this" and I said "yes I can". LOL *waits until the light bulb illuminates* Okay Horatio, will you please pin this topic for me? You didn't have to put the please, but that was a nice touch. I was just looking for the will, would part. LOL lol thank you.
  24. What you asked me was "can you pin this" and I said "yes I can". LOL *waits until the light bulb illuminates* Okay Horatio, will you please pin this topic for me?
  25. It's snowing again! :shock: And I was just outside in a T-shirt, and I was comfortable.
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