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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. That's because you will be down here near my cage! LOL Yup, and I'm back now, with my wonderful high speed internet connection. We missed you!!! Except, I am mad at you... you brought your cold weather with you and left it here. LOL And brought it up here as well! thank you! lol Hey, Lara had to drive us through the cold weather, slush included. Lara did a great job driving! You all made it home, safe and sound. She did. She did ALL of the driving, from NJ to FL and back, no problem.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I kinda wish he would, it's certainly easier to type it out than to say it to his face. Thank you. Haha...maybe he has an account too? I'm not sure if he even looks here though, I think he just looks at my livejournal, which would be unfortunate because it's not as fruitful of my thoughts as this topic is. lol You *could* send him an email.
  3. We got lotsa snow here while I was stuck at my grandma's. So now it's chilly out, and the campus is covered in melting snow and will probably turn into a swap within a week.
  4. That's because you will be down here near my cage! LOL Yup, and I'm back now, with my wonderful high speed internet connection. We missed you!!! Except, I am mad at you... you brought your cold weather with you and left it here. LOL And brought it up here as well! thank you! lol Hey, Lara had to drive us through the cold weather, slush included.
  5. *hears song playing in head... You Can't Always Get What You Want....* Yes, you can't get me to look it up myself. Plus, that would involve you winning this psuedo-argument. xD Well, consider things this way, if you look it up, then you will ultimately have won, because you will have gained all this wonderful knowledge. Plus you will be much smarter than lots of your peers. LOL Ignorance is bliss...
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Aw...*hugs Jesse* Happy belated birthday, by the way. Oh, and Hi Jesse's dad!
  7. That's because you will be down here near my cage! LOL Yup, and I'm back now, with my wonderful high speed internet connection.
  8. *hears song playing in head... You Can't Always Get What You Want....* Hahaha You know, Cheesey, it would have taken you less time and effort to look it up yourself than to pester Horatio this whole time.
  9. I had a pic of Ian up on another website, and one of our mutual friends commented on it, "It still bothers me that his hair is prettier than mine!" And no, I'm at a normal college, which happens to be about 15 minutes away from his. I wish I could sing like that. I've been to a couple of their concerts, and I must say, gorgeous voices.
  10. Hahaha most of the soy/tofu ice cream I've had is actually pretty good. Marshmallow coffee swirl isn't. Spring break starts today!!! I just have a physics exam and two other classes in my way. So you won't be seeing me online much, if at all, for about a week.
  11. I should. I haven't had the time though, because not only do I have to go through uploading them, but I have to resize them first so they fit. Plus there's something wrong with the picture system right now, or at least there was last I checked. Oh well. Yesterday I finally got myself caught up on my work, and was able to go play DDR with Lara for awhile. Then I watched Heros with Marius and Brennan, and then ran down to the floor meeting. They were talking about housing and how that works for next semester. *hopefully* Lara will get her RA position, in which case she'll have a single room, and then I get to steal her roomie. (We already talked about this). If not, then I'm stuck without a roomie. Being "stuck" without a roomie is not all that bad. LOL Some people try really hard not to have a roomie. I would love to not have a roomie, but it costs extra. It works like this: Single=1 person, double=2 people, triple=3. The less people in one room, the more expensive. Even if it is the school's fault? Let's say when Lara becomes an RA and they have not found a new roommate for you, they charge you extra??? I could see if you requested a single room, then charge extra, but I was thinking if they did not come up with someone else to move in you should not have to pay extra. It's my responsability to find a roommate, or I get put in to get a random roomie, possibly one I don't like. I might ask my mom if I can get a single anyways, because I would really like that. So we'll see what happens. And Lara's going to see about getting a single room regardless too, in which case I could get her roomie. So yeah, I'm hoping for the best. And it's snowing outside! Hard to believe that a few days ago it was in the 50's. And today I'm going to be inducted into some honors society, so my mom and grandma are coming to visit, and drop off some stuff for my FL trip. Today I also have to get laundry and most (if not all) of my packing done. Then there's homework and studying for the calc test and physics exam on Friday. *sends Jesusfreak a congratulations card for the honors society induction ceremony* Thanks! Yesterday we got the calc teacer to move the test over, so I only need to do physics homework and studying for tomorrow, as well as get lots of packing done. I also need to eat as much of my frozen food as possible, because I have to unplug and defrost my fridge for vacation... Have a dinner party. LOL That should clean out the freezer. Well, it's two things of raspberry sorbet, and one thing of tofu ice cream.
  12. If Dumbface is really that bad, you might want to warn her anyways. Let her think what she wants.
  13. I should. I haven't had the time though, because not only do I have to go through uploading them, but I have to resize them first so they fit. Plus there's something wrong with the picture system right now, or at least there was last I checked. Oh well. Yesterday I finally got myself caught up on my work, and was able to go play DDR with Lara for awhile. Then I watched Heros with Marius and Brennan, and then ran down to the floor meeting. They were talking about housing and how that works for next semester. *hopefully* Lara will get her RA position, in which case she'll have a single room, and then I get to steal her roomie. (We already talked about this). If not, then I'm stuck without a roomie. Being "stuck" without a roomie is not all that bad. LOL Some people try really hard not to have a roomie. I would love to not have a roomie, but it costs extra. It works like this: Single=1 person, double=2 people, triple=3. The less people in one room, the more expensive. Even if it is the school's fault? Let's say when Lara becomes an RA and they have not found a new roommate for you, they charge you extra??? I could see if you requested a single room, then charge extra, but I was thinking if they did not come up with someone else to move in you should not have to pay extra. It's my responsability to find a roommate, or I get put in to get a random roomie, possibly one I don't like. I might ask my mom if I can get a single anyways, because I would really like that. So we'll see what happens. And Lara's going to see about getting a single room regardless too, in which case I could get her roomie. So yeah, I'm hoping for the best. And it's snowing outside! Hard to believe that a few days ago it was in the 50's. And today I'm going to be inducted into some honors society, so my mom and grandma are coming to visit, and drop off some stuff for my FL trip. Today I also have to get laundry and most (if not all) of my packing done. Then there's homework and studying for the calc test and physics exam on Friday. *sends Jesusfreak a congratulations card for the honors society induction ceremony* Thanks! Yesterday we got the calc teacer to move the test over, so I only need to do physics homework and studying for tomorrow, as well as get lots of packing done. I also need to eat as much of my frozen food as possible, because I have to unplug and defrost my fridge for vacation...
  14. I should. I haven't had the time though, because not only do I have to go through uploading them, but I have to resize them first so they fit. Plus there's something wrong with the picture system right now, or at least there was last I checked. Oh well. Yesterday I finally got myself caught up on my work, and was able to go play DDR with Lara for awhile. Then I watched Heros with Marius and Brennan, and then ran down to the floor meeting. They were talking about housing and how that works for next semester. *hopefully* Lara will get her RA position, in which case she'll have a single room, and then I get to steal her roomie. (We already talked about this). If not, then I'm stuck without a roomie. Being "stuck" without a roomie is not all that bad. LOL Some people try really hard not to have a roomie. I would love to not have a roomie, but it costs extra. It works like this: Single=1 person, double=2 people, triple=3. The less people in one room, the more expensive. Even if it is the school's fault? Let's say when Lara becomes an RA and they have not found a new roommate for you, they charge you extra??? I could see if you requested a single room, then charge extra, but I was thinking if they did not come up with someone else to move in you should not have to pay extra. It's my responsability to find a roommate, or I get put in to get a random roomie, possibly one I don't like. I might ask my mom if I can get a single anyways, because I would really like that. So we'll see what happens. And Lara's going to see about getting a single room regardless too, in which case I could get her roomie. So yeah, I'm hoping for the best. And it's snowing outside! Hard to believe that a few days ago it was in the 50's. And today I'm going to be inducted into some honors society, so my mom and grandma are coming to visit, and drop off some stuff for my FL trip. Today I also have to get laundry and most (if not all) of my packing done. Then there's homework and studying for the calc test and physics exam on Friday.
  15. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That's just the lighting in the room. I should move into a room with white light before taking a picture. N OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!! I really liked the pink!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry...pink is not exactly a color I'm very fond of. *kicks Cheesemaster* Let's face it, pink doesn't quite go with a masculine male wolf. And the tank top looks cool btw.
  16. I should. I haven't had the time though, because not only do I have to go through uploading them, but I have to resize them first so they fit. Plus there's something wrong with the picture system right now, or at least there was last I checked. Oh well. Yesterday I finally got myself caught up on my work, and was able to go play DDR with Lara for awhile. Then I watched Heros with Marius and Brennan, and then ran down to the floor meeting. They were talking about housing and how that works for next semester. *hopefully* Lara will get her RA position, in which case she'll have a single room, and then I get to steal her roomie. (We already talked about this). If not, then I'm stuck without a roomie. Being "stuck" without a roomie is not all that bad. LOL Some people try really hard not to have a roomie. I would love to not have a roomie, but it costs extra. It works like this: Single=1 person, double=2 people, triple=3. The less people in one room, the more expensive.
  17. I should. I haven't had the time though, because not only do I have to go through uploading them, but I have to resize them first so they fit. Plus there's something wrong with the picture system right now, or at least there was last I checked. Oh well. Yesterday I finally got myself caught up on my work, and was able to go play DDR with Lara for awhile. Then I watched Heros with Marius and Brennan, and then ran down to the floor meeting. They were talking about housing and how that works for next semester. *hopefully* Lara will get her RA position, in which case she'll have a single room, and then I get to steal her roomie. (We already talked about this). If not, then I'm stuck without a roomie.
  18. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah!!! Except the board now has a new problem. It does not want to show the enlarged pics. HampsterKing will be a busy guy with all these problems. No kidding. If it helps anything, the new window that's supposed to display the enlarged pic says: <b>IPB WARNING</b> [2] readfile() has been disabled for security reasons (Line: 309 of /sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php)<br /> I guess we have increased security here... just like at the airport. lol Increased security makes everything more complicated and difficult.
  19. MK, it's true, guys only talk about how pretty someone is to other people, very rarely will they tell you to your face. And because every guy has different tastes in what he finds attractive, there's got to be at leasst one guy that really thinks you're pretty. Also, most guys find confidence attractive. If you're confident with your own body, it shows. As for the whole boobs thing, I've heard it said a couple of times that guys are so fascinated with boobs because they don't have them. And yeah, a couple of my friends are "well endowed," and they complain about it all the time. And then there's me, and if you've seen my pictures, yeah... And me? Patient? Hahahahahaha! Yeah. I'm not patient. I'll give you the self-control part though.
  20. It wasn't 15 minutes of studying, it was several hours worth of physics labs. But I finally got them out of the way. Today I need to finish reading Candide and type up an assignment for that. Oh, and yesterday Marius got himself a nerf gun too. So apparently, between everyone, we've got a total of 17 nerf guns. And Lara and I are talking about getting Ian one for himself too, since he's flat broke (welcome to the world of performing arts), and tends to show up in the middle of battles.
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah!!! Except the board now has a new problem. It does not want to show the enlarged pics. HampsterKing will be a busy guy with all these problems. No kidding. If it helps anything, the new window that's supposed to display the enlarged pic says: <b>IPB WARNING</b> [2] readfile() has been disabled for security reasons (Line: 309 of /sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php)<br />
  22. That sounds like a lot of fun. XD My brother and his girlfriend got two "rocket launchers" one time and they were styrofoam rockets and so in front of the band area a whole bunch of band people were watching my brother and I launch these things. XD Hahaha nice. Last night we had another nerf war, and Ian showed up again. And I took tons of pictures. And today, I have lots of homework to do. It should be fairly easy to do though, because most of my friends are off campus today.
  23. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I havn't had a kiss yet. But I want to have one. But no one's gonna kiss me if I have braces. ._. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Well, braces don't stop people. Haha. I have plenty of examples to back that up, too. And as terrible as it sounds, I wouldn't be with the guy I'm with if braces stopped me from kissing. XD And MK, you know I've seen a picture of you. I think you have a very good chance of getting yer kiss in the next few years. You just have to be patient. I didn't get my first kiss until the end of 8th grade. Literally. It was the last day, bus ride to a theme park. So patience really is important here. XD Do you really think I'm pretty? I mean, pretty enough to get my first kiss in a few years? To someone you are. But don't rush it. Hey, I'm 19 and not only have I never had my first kiss, I've never had a bf either.
  24. So, we had quite the nerf war today. Even the RA's got in on it. And Ian managed to come over, and join in the fun. I took pictures. Oh, yes. Fun times.
  25. Skimming??? Lucky you. I would have to read and then re-read it about three times. LOL Oh gosh. If only I had time to do that...Instead I went out shopping with a group of my friends. I got a laptop backpack, and a new nerf gun (because the one I got before doesn't work that well). Aaaand now I'm being summoned to socialize. I'll have to bring my book with me... And of course I only got halfway through the reading. And another 30 pages are due for tomorrow. So that's 45 pages of reading. Teacher's crazy. I'll finish it over the weekend. I already have a huge list of things to do this weekend, mostly housekeeping stuff. My room is a disaster area... Skip the room, who cares how it looks. Unless of course you are going for a Better Homes and Gardens photo-shoot. LOL Somehow the week is never long enough to get all your homework done and then the weekend comes and it flies by. My studying technique is the "crammie-hammie" technique. I am putting 40 hours of studying into the last 8 hours of Sunday night. Hahaha I do that all the time. But this is reading, not studying. Reading actually takes time. o.O And my room is in really bad shape... :wacko: Okay, help me out here. Reading takes time and ??? studying??? does not????????????? LOL Depending on the subject and the amount of reading, studying can take as little as 15 minutes, whereas reading usually takes at least an hour. 15 Minutes ????????????? You must be a genius !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Studying takes me hours and hours. *wonders if blonde hamsters are lacking some brain cells* lol I'm not a genious. If I was a genious, I'd get A's on everything. And the weather is so nice right now! It started out all gross and rainy, but then the sun came out, and it's nearly 60 degrees outside! You could always take your book outside and read. LOL There's nowhere outside really to go. The entire campus is a swamp.
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