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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Some teach summer school, and teachers usually have to be around a couple days before and after the school year, but most do essentially have their summers off. It seems new teachers around here make somewhere between $40,000 and $50,000 a year, which isn't bad at all.
  2. There was some discussion in my topic awhile back about how I'm tiny and everyone thought I was taller. Here's a picture of me and Shane to illustrate this.
  3. I'm planning on being a teacher. While I'll likely pick up summer jobs, I'll technically have my summers off.
  4. Well, Phil's a Christian of some sort, but both of them are incredibly accepting, so it could work. They both have their fair share of issues though. This could either make them perfect for each other, or make things fall apart. (if they even get together) In other news, teaching is going well. My supervisor observed me again and liked what he saw, my cooperating teacher likes me, and everything is all good there. Things are still going wonderfully with Shane, no real news to report there. Everything has been mostly calm lately.
  5. Ooh, cute dress! Why didn't you go with your girlfriend?
  6. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Sweet! Also, didn't know you even did Lent, so, good to know.
  7. Sounds about right to me. Most logical scenerio to me would be the friend moving up here, and renting an apartment with Phil just to have a place to live. The friend in question is a Wiccan Mexican living in the Bible Belt. Not the best environment for him.
  8. I LOVE National Geographic photos. If I could pick any way to make a living, being a National Geographic photographer would be it.
  9. lol in a way, yeah. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. I can trace the long chain of events back to elementary school. I'm kind of hoping Phil ends up with a friend of ours from maplestory. The two of them have a lot in common.
  10. Yeah, I am hoping for the best with everything. And still, through all this, I have Shane. He kinda keeps me sane through everything.
  11. Huh, interesting. I was strongly under the impression that hurricanes don't move that way.
  12. Oh, I'm done with them. I'll be cordial and all, but I've stopped caring or taking them into consideration with anything I do anymore. So, while I won't purposely schedule my laundry to wake them up, I won't let them sleeping stop me either. If the buzzer goes off, they'll live. Finals week should be interesting, seeing as I have no finals or student teaching during that time.... I'm also going to be writing a note online about things we learned when we were in grade school, like the golden rule and things like that. It'll be interesting to see what sort of reaction I get to it.
  13. I'm sort of in a black hole at college when it comes to current events, but, since when does Europe get hurricanes, and since when do they happen in February?
  14. Most of our squirrels are gray, but a neighboring town has a large population of black squirrels, which are pretty cool. Every once in awhile one wanders onto our campus, and everyone makes a huge deal out of it.
  15. LOL this is funny. I decided to use my snow day to clean up my room properly, and do some laundry. I was confronted by Lara and Christina, who reprimanded me for doing laundry in the morning without checking to see if everyone was awake. Not only had the buzzer not even gone off yet, ALL of them were already awake. Also, their buzzer went off 10 minutes after my bedtime last night. Seriously?
  16. We have ANOTHER snow day today, after an early dismissal yesterday. I have mixed feelings about the snow day. It's nice to have the day off and get some extra sleep, but since we already had two snow days, this one gets taken out of spring break.
  17. Maybe once I'm financially settled, I'll do it over a summer vacation. Or when I retire.
  18. Awww At least you have a doctor smart enough to tell you no though. It's better to be without those activities for a few months than forever.
  19. Haha awesome! Unfortunately, I don't have the money for flying lessons, let alone the money to maintain and fuel an airplane. Maybe someday, but I'm not especially optimistic.
  20. Your post stated exactly what the professor said. Hehe nice. +1 for having a teacher brain.
  21. I don't know how to do that on videos, and it would probably take ages to accomplish. o.O Industrial psychology....that makes a lot of money, but I think flying airplanes is way cooler. (I took an interest in airplanes and flying at a young age because of my dad, and my parents joked that I would get my pilots license before my drivers license, which sadly didn't happen lol)
  22. That is interesting, but it kind of makes sense. Sometimes when people work ahead, they miss important information, and don't think about it as much as if they discuss it and learn with the rest of the class.
  23. Hehe nice! You were a psych major? I actually do need to record a video of myself teaching for my seminar, but I don't know if we're allowed to post such a video online, since it has all the kids in it.
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