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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. A Wandering Mind I have mastered the blank stare. The teacher goes on, but I don't care. My mind is elsewhere... I can see the pretty dove. The teacher writes on the board above. My mind is on love... I can hear the morning rain. The teacher hobbles with his cane. My mind is on pain... I think about my childhood toys. The teacher says, "When I was a boy..." My mind is on joy... I watch a husband and his wife. The teacher lectures on anger and strife. My mind is on life...
  2. As for the person outside your window, that is what a bucket of water is for. To wash the person off. LOL As for your sister, we will all say a prayer for her speedy recovery and correct diagnosis of whatever is wrong. This has to be stressful on you. I hope she gets well soon. Hope you can get some sleep soon. Glad the major changing thing is over. Yeah, they still don't know what's wrong with her, but they think that at least the legs thing might be stress related, like post-traumatic stress disorder or something. Oh my! How are your parents doing? This must really be worrying them. Did your father return home or is he still visiting his parents? Dad just got home today, actually, while I was on the phone with my sister. I don't really know how they're doing, as I haven't heard from them much lately. I'm sure they're worried, but probably taking everything in stride.
  3. As for the person outside your window, that is what a bucket of water is for. To wash the person off. LOL As for your sister, we will all say a prayer for her speedy recovery and correct diagnosis of whatever is wrong. This has to be stressful on you. I hope she gets well soon. Hope you can get some sleep soon. Glad the major changing thing is over. Yeah, they still don't know what's wrong with her, but they think that at least the legs thing might be stress related, like post-traumatic stress disorder or something.
  4. So lately, things have been kinda busy. Sunday we went grocery shopping, and then made pepper steak and peroghies for dinner. Then Ian came over, disappeared for an hour with one of his other friends, and came back, and then didn't go home until 1am (I had a 9:10 class in the morning). Don't get me wrong, it was really nice to see him, but the end result was an utter lack of sleep. Yesterday I had to see my advisor, change my major, and register for classes. This meant a couple of hours running around the campus getting paperwork signed. But now I'm properly registered and it's all good. I wass studying for psych when my dad called (he's in FL, visiting my grandparents). He said that mom had to take my sister to the hospital yesterday (he was the one calling me because mom's cell phone was dying). My sister has been dizzy for the last week, and apparently last night she lot strength in her legs. They figured it might have been a side effect of the pain meds she got from her neurologist (because when she donated blood a couple of months ago they hit a nerve and it messed up her arm) and decided to wait and see if it went away by the morning. Mom couldn't even get her into the car, so she called an ambulance, and of course in the ambulance are all f Jenny's friends (because she works at the fire department). And they took her to the hospital, where she also works and knows people, and she stayed the night. The doctors (last I heard) don't know what's wrong with her, but are doing tests. Yeah. So that killed my ability to concentrate on anything for the evening. So I went with my friends to the diner, and then we watched neon genesis for awhile, and then I took a shower and went to sleep. And of course as soon as I'm *almost* asleep, someone starts puking outside my window. Hopefully today will go better...
  5. Those put a big smile on my face. Wonderful!!!! *hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack* Wooo popcorn! Now you just need a good movie or good book. Well, last night we watched Hercules Against the Moon Men. XD
  6. Those put a big smile on my face. Wonderful!!!! *hands Jesusfreak some terrific air-popped popcorn for a snack* Wooo popcorn!
  7. Oh goodness. Usually, if a couple breaks up once, the relationship will never stay together if they decide to get back together again.
  8. Okay, time for some more poems, both written during calc class. The teacher goes on, rambling away, Why do I need to know this anyway? Outide, it's a gorgeous day; Sun is shining, Birds are chirping, River running, Cause for smiling. Only a half hour until my escape. And this one I wrote today, called "Spring Rain." Cloudy day, Rain falls outside. Somehow this is Peaceful in my mind. Clouds all above, like a blanket on the earth. Rain, falling steady, like a cleansing rebirth. But soon this will clear, and skies will be blue. This is springtime, when all things grow new.
  9. So last night Steph and I went to yoga, and then a whole bunch of us went to see a comedian that was performing on campus. It was really funny. Today has been less than great. I couldn't figure out how to do my physics homework, and later had to explain to my physics prof. that I'm switching my major to bio. He was okay with it though, because I'm having a bit of a hard time with the math. And of course, I got back a calc test today, and I got a C+ on it. At least Morse wasn't in BHP, so Richardson (aka Jowels) taught the whole class, so I didn't have to pay much attention. Oh well. At least it's Friday. I know Marius is going home for the weekend, and I'm not sure who's going to be around. I'm hoping that maybe Ian can come and visit sometime soon, I haven't seen him in over two weeks! And maybe Lara and I can get some DDR time in too. And then there's all the work I should get started on...(and the stress begins...)
  10. *sings* "I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!..." LOL PTMYLOL
  11. Nice days are... NICE!!! Hahaha really? It's supposed to be in the 60's today! And I only have two classes today. Hopefully, my homework will be easy so I can continue to explore this "free time" concept...
  12. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I suppose money has something to do with it, but he's mostly concerned about me expressing my talents. He said I'm "burrowing in on myself," which I'm most certainly not, as you can see in this topic. I guess that's okay to be concerned about, but I don't understand why. I play in the concert band, I ask questions in class even if they turn out to be stupid, I show you guys some of my work, I have my composed music shared on iTunes for my family to listen to as long as I have it open...and I don't even know what direction to go in yet. I know things will be different in college and there I will be more expressive, especially out from under my parents' shadow. I think you are a really intelligent and focused individual. You will do well in school and I am sure when you have the ability to make your own choices without someone looking over your shoulder every minute, you will find exactly what you want and will excel at it. Agreed. And also remember that you can't do everything at once. Sometimes some talents need to take a back seat so you can focus on other ones. If you try to focus on too many things at the same time, you're going to wear yourself out, and then no one's happy. And yes, once you're in college, it will be easier to be more expressive, as long as you don't worry too much over what other people think. Some people will think you're strange, yes, but there will be some people that think you're awesome too.
  13. Hm...today was nice. I woke up in a better than usual mood today, although not as good a mood as yesterday. I was able to get all my work done fairly quickly, so I was able to go to inter-varsity, which was awesome. After that, I hung out with some of my friends. It was definitely a nice day overall.
  14. Jesusfreak

    Oh em gee

    Two things I have to say about this... one, you as the driver of the vehicle can require all your passengers to put on their seatbelts, or else they don't ride in your car. And two, yeah for Texas that they don't totally dictate what happens in your car. The state is placing the responsibility on the driver of the car. Yeah for that!!! So, it really does not matter what the state laws are, it is your choice as the driver of the car if you want people going without seatbelts in the back seat. You make the rules. True, its really stupid not to do that, but I just think its hilarious that Texas doesnt care about it that much. XD In my post on seatbelts a while back, I was saying that Florida does not care about people in the back of pick-up trucks, but the will dictate what someone inside the car should do. This does not make any sense to me. Pretty soon in Florida, they will make a law that when you drive you must wear sunglasses or other protective eye devices, because we just had a pedestrian hit and the driver said they could not see the pedestrian because the sun was in their eyes. This is the "it's not my fault" defense. But what about those of us that can't have sunglasses because we wear glasses? And what about night time?
  15. I'm sure he does. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Apparently, most guys are completely oblivious to things like that unless you tell them flat out. Listen to Jesusfreak. She has more insight than an old hamster who is a guy! LOL Well maybe guy hamsters notice these things, but apparently human guys don't. Or so I've been told.
  16. Jesusfreak

    Oh em gee

    Hahaha the pickup truck one is amazing! XD I know in CT, the people in the back seats don't have to have a seatbelt unless they're 16 or younger. I always wear my seatbelt anyways, it's like an instinct to me. I get in the car, and put on my seatbelt.
  17. :wub: It sounds like you are in a relationship with a really wonderful guy. You sound so happy! As for your father... LOL he was there once! LOL I guess he's just protective over his eldest daughter. Hes extra protective over my younger sister though XD She's more prone to do something silly. Mhmm, he is wonderful... the most wonderful person I've ever met. He has an amazing personality, which is more than I can say for other boys I've dated >_> He's kind, honest and just an overall sweetheart. Oh, MW! We can argue too, haha. If he disagrees with me, he'll let me know and vice versa. I think this is due to the fact that we did this when we were friends so we both feel comfortable expressing our own opinions. Yay for seeing him tomorrow! -Li *sees the big smile in Li's heart* *hopes he notices the little red hearts floating around my head* -Li I'm sure he does. I wouldn't be too sure about that. Apparently, most guys are completely oblivious to things like that unless you tell them flat out. As for the CD, go for between 10 and 20 songs, 15 is a good number to aim for.
  18. *wonders if a certain I love you had anything to do with this * Hahaha no. Although I did have a *very* short dream that he was in. A bunch of people were outside my room being loud, and him and a couple of other people were in my room, and he said, "Yeah. They're drunk." And that was it. Probably because all the people in the dream were in my room last night, talking about being drunk, which, now that I think of it, is when the whole I love you thing happened. Whatever. The rest of my day went pretty well. It was gorgeous out today, I got an A on my psych test and got out nearly a half hour early, and got an A on my music midterm, and got out of that class over two hours early. Now I just have a physics lab to do, and maybe some calc studying.
  19. I actually woke up in a good mood today. Which is strange because I usually wake up half-dead and kinda unhappy. Just thought I'd share that with you all.
  20. Yeah, I have to remind my friends to not text me too. As for getting her to shut up, try giving her the "special pat," in which you pat her gently on the head. I do that to my friends all the time. It's funny. XD
  21. And your heartbeat... ? lol Definitely increased a bit, but given practice, I'm generally able to recover to normal within about a minute. I'm kind of curious as to how he viewed my reaction. Marius notices the little things people do, and how they react to things, and different things about their personalities. He's brilliant like that. He really ought to take a second major in either psychology or criminal justice (to be a detective).
  22. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That's kind of pretentious, my dad would be like, "why can't you just tell me this stuff?" I don't have any real excuse not to tell him other then that I don't want to. Besides, there's no need to randomly let him know about this stuff. I can leave it behind, unless he tries to make it happen again. Then I will feel the need to bring this stuff up. This is true.
  23. The good thing about a cold swamp is there are no mosquitoes! Well, it's supposed to get into the 60's by the end of the week. Our campus has some serious drainage problems though. You would think that with the $35 grand a year I spend here they'd be able to fix that...
  24. Oh, and Marius said he loved me again. Out of nowhere. Lindsay, Steph, Marius and I were just sitting in my room chatting, I don't even remember what about, and out of nowhere he says, "I love you." WTH? So I said, in a not-quite-serious voice, "I love you too," and then I started blushing so I turned back to my computer and starting clicking random stuff. Yeah. Strangeness. o.O
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