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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys?
  2. So, I've been a bit out of sorts lately. The first half of wednesday was really bad, starting with me sleeping in the 3rd floor lounge because my roomie was keeping me up doing work. The rest of the day involved such things as a physics exam, calc quiz, no pizza at lunch time, getting turned down for a summer job, and my computer flaking out. It wasn't good. Yesterday I was just kinda tired, and Marius went to Westminster, apparently to go on a date with Priscilla, one of Ian's friends who seems really sweet, who Marius met at the Alpha Lambda Delta induction thing. This got me thinking, I really need a boyfriend. Like not need as in I need to eat, sleep, and breathe, but it would be really nice. The biggest problem is that there aren't any guys that are saved around here that I know too well, particularly none that I'd actually want to date. It's so frustrating. I mean, there's got to be someone...
  3. "Half Imaginary Love" I love you, The way you make me feel, The way you help me heal. How your eyes light up when you talk to me, It's an amazing sight to see. I hear the concern inside your voice, I know I'm not your second choice. You sit beside me, and play with my hair. You gaze into my eyes, and I know you care. When I'm alone, it's you I miss. When you lean in to give me a kiss. My world stops turning. For you I'm yearning. Sitting here, my heart feels like lead. I just wish this wasn't half in my head.
  4. Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio You must have been reading my mind. LOL I was wondering how to classify the professor... rational or irrational? LOL Hahaha So, today I got the brilliant idea to set up my hammock in my room under my bed frame. It took a lot of rearranging, but I am now happily sitting in my hammock with my wonderful wireless internet connection. I need to take your idea and set-up a hammock in my cage. Go for it! I got the idea from my dad. When he was in college, he had a bed loft frame made of chain link fence, and set up a hammock on it. So I got bored, and, with a lot of rearranging, set up my own. Then I took a picture of the top of my computer screen, my feet, and the end of the hammock with my cell phone and sent it to my dad explaining what I did. I'm still waiting for a response.
  5. Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio You must have been reading my mind. LOL I was wondering how to classify the professor... rational or irrational? LOL Hahaha So, today I got the brilliant idea to set up my hammock in my room under my bed frame. It took a lot of rearranging, but I am now happily sitting in my hammock with my wonderful wireless internet connection.
  6. No, you are not an idiot. 'Raishey, we aren't all perfect here. Well, all of us besides myself. =D I can be an idiot sometimes. xD We all do. I never said you were perfect, but in my eyes you are all as terrific as you can possibly be. But, you are definitely NOT idiots. May I suggest you wander over and take a look at MiriamWebster? While you are there look at idiocy. You all definitely do not suffer from idiocy. That's right, we're not idiots........We're morons.
  7. Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio
  8. That should be fun for them. It was. Tommy couldn't come though, because he had to work, so we dropped his Easter basket off when we got Chris. Then we went to church, came back, looked at our Easter baskets, and then had an Easter egg hunt. (and our ages are 15, 18, and 19 ) Right now Jenny and Chris are watching The Passion, but I've got tons of reading to do, so I'm going to start that in a few minutes. Looked AT your Easter Basket??? LOL I sure hope you did more than look AT it. Why did you put the emphasis on the "at?" Shouldn't it have gone on the "look?" =D I didn't hunt for eggs this year. D= *wonders if Jesusfreak is still looking AT her Easter Basket* lol We took them apart. I finally got back t college around 10pm last night, and hung out with my friends until at least 1:30. I found out that yesterday Kevin's older brother died early that morning. No one really knows exactly what happened, but apparently something happened and he drank himself to death. This must be really hard on Kevin, especialy since it was just a week ago that that kid Gary died of alcohol poisoning. Although he seems to more or less be taking it okay. Oh, and Jenny is walking better, and was doing well enough to play DDR for a little while. This week is going to be really crazy with work...
  9. That should be fun for them. It was. Tommy couldn't come though, because he had to work, so we dropped his Easter basket off when we got Chris. Then we went to church, came back, looked at our Easter baskets, and then had an Easter egg hunt. (and our ages are 15, 18, and 19 ) Right now Jenny and Chris are watching The Passion, but I've got tons of reading to do, so I'm going to start that in a few minutes.
  10. Going home today! I get to see the new kittens! Also, this Easter my sister's bf Tommy and friend Chris will be at our house. They're both from China, and this will be their first ever Easter.
  11. I just realized, I'm taking a college-paced calc course (AB) so I might be able to help with certain things. You might be alittle farther though because we're spending like, 2 months reviewing for the AP exam (but the reviewing actually does help me learn calculus, too! And it helps me shape up on algebraic techniques, and maybe alittle geometry...) Haha I took that too, but our teacher was awful and everyone in the class got a 1 on the exam. It's not too bad. As much as I usually don't like to blame teachers, the calc teacher I have now is bad too. He spent half a class period proving to us that the square root of two exists. At the moment, I'm taking a quick break in between physics labs. One down, one to go. Yes, at 1:30am... Why wouldn't the square root of two exist? Dunno. But he was pretty darn intent of proving it. He does stuff like that all the time. As such, I don't pay attention in his class. Ooh! I get to go home tomorrow! I'm going home for Easter and all that sort of good stuff, because I haven't been home since winter break in January.
  12. It's raining, and it got cold outside. :closedeyes:
  13. I just realized, I'm taking a college-paced calc course (AB) so I might be able to help with certain things. You might be alittle farther though because we're spending like, 2 months reviewing for the AP exam (but the reviewing actually does help me learn calculus, too! And it helps me shape up on algebraic techniques, and maybe alittle geometry...) Haha I took that too, but our teacher was awful and everyone in the class got a 1 on the exam. It's not too bad. As much as I usually don't like to blame teachers, the calc teacher I have now is bad too. He spent half a class period proving to us that the square root of two exists. At the moment, I'm taking a quick break in between physics labs. One down, one to go. Yes, at 1:30am...
  14. Wasn't it reading that only took 15 minutes? No, reading takes a long time. It's studying that takes 15 minutes.
  15. So much work to do! I'm making progress though. I've already knocked two things off my to do list; a short paper and a physics assginment. So everything due tomorrow is done (except for BHP reading, but only like 2 people are going to be up to date on that). Now I need to get two labs done, and lots and lots of reading...
  16. Good luck on your calc exam. Other than preparing for the exam, it sounded like you had a great day. It was nice. The exam went sorta okay. There were two things I couldn't do. I'm in physics class now. I brought my laptop with me so I can have my physics prof. explain how to do the homework. (So far he's told me everything except what I need to know to solve the problems)
  17. Yesterday was pretty nice. I got some work done in the early afternoon, and then Kevin decided to cook dinner again (spaghetti this time), so I joined everyone in the lounge for that. Then we took a quick trip to the library so Kevin could print something out, and then we all ended up back in the lounge. For more homework, and then TV and watching yet another rediculous MST 3K movie: Prince of Space. Now I have to go retake a calc exam...
  18. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, they are, and I kind of expected that when building with such a block-based editor. Although other editors have somehow managed to make their square trees more realistic, but they are far ahead of me in that respect. I feel like I got too much from it ... I can't narrow down career possibilities at all. I wish there was a way that I could combine all of the things I like doing, into one job. I'm sure college will help me with this though, especially since I am dedicating myself to math. Most people (myself included) change their majors at least once. So while it's good to pick a major early, don't be afraid to change it if you don't like it, because you'll only be torturing yourself. I started out in physics, and realized (of all the stupid things) that I didn't like the upper level math that was involved. So now I'm a bio major.
  19. That's exactly how I feel. :closedeyes: The memorial service was today, so hopefully all the reporters will go away...Oh, and it turns out my friends and I were on the news. I looked up the incident on a few local news channel websites, and found the video clips, and one had my friends and I walking past.
  20. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    That's a nice, mathematical way to look at it... Thank you. I've been building an abandoned botony lab in my game level series and this is the first time I've actually done something with more natural areas, like a small forest...so I want to show y'all a picture. Note that those metal textures shouldn't be on that center tree's underside There's also another half of the place that is sitting behind Lara, but it has been hardly worked on at all. Hahaha you're welcome The trees look really cool! I want to live in a tree house....*random*
  21. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesusfreak has an excellent point. As you are planning on concert band, if you decide you don't like marching band, then quit. Pick the areas you like and then pursue them. Good points from both of you, and I didn't think about it this way. Maybe that's why I've felt like a failure at times - I was expected to develop all of my talents at the same time. Now when I think about that it makes my head hurt. That means I have to make a decision...bah, I shouldn't stress about it too much. Right now, I'll focus on the clarinet, and building my TR level. And school of course. Speaking of which I should find an article to discuss in French class...oh yeah, I'll try not to worry about what other peoples think...all of us are weird when it comes down to it. *flees to do homework* You should definitely not neglect your schoolwork. As for your talents, there's a ratio. You can be really good at one and not so good at the others, equally good at all of them (which comes out somewhere in the medium range), or better than most people at some, and worse than most people at others. It's like assigning character points in a Sims game (or strength points in some other games that I don't know as well). For me, I'm better than most people at some things and worse than most at others. You just need to pick a ratio that works for you.
  22. *hands Jesusfreak The Platinum Moon Award* Totally terrific!!!!!!!!! Aw, thank you!
  23. Thanks. Unfortunately, the frat kid, his name was Gary, passed away last night. And now there are news crews all over campus...I can see the Fox 29 truck from my window. :closedeyes:
  24. Everyone is home now, and my sister is walking without assistance (except occasionally from the wall). So that's all good. And apparently the night before last it was big little night* at one of the frats, and one freshman had so much to drink that he's in intensive care in critical condition at the local hospital. The entire Frat was kicked off campus, and their building was taped off for a police investigation. Let this be a lesson to you all: If you drink, don't be stupid. Getting drunk is stupid, drinking so much that you need to be hospitalized is even worse. Remember that it takes time before you feel the full effects of the alcohol you just drank, so don't do stupid things like down an entire bottle of vodka in 15 seconds. Also, don't drink to be cool or gain other people's approval. Thihs story is on a lot of local news stations, so if you're in NJ and you watch the news, you might see me or my friends walking by. *Big little night is when fraternity/sorority pledges (littles) find out who their bigs are. Bigs are kinda like pseudo-parents in a greek organization, they're older members that look after their littles and show them how things work in the group, and make sure they're properly accepted into the group. Bigs and littles work just like a family, where bigs are parents, and littles are children. Sometimes a big has more than one little. In that case, the littles are considered brothers or sisters. If a big gets two littles at the same time, the littles are twins. Your big's siblings are considered your aunts or uncles, and their littles are your cousins. Bigs are responsible for leading their littles through whatever initiation ceremony there is. In this case, it apparently involved lots of alcohol. Not all greek organizations do this, but I know of at least 2 or 3 on my campus that use the big little system. It's a really clever idea, but not when it involves that much alcohol.
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