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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. She's back now. Apparently she fell asleep in her friend's room.
  2. LOL... wishful thinking. LOL Well, it's sort of a wintry mix now. There's actually some snow on the ground. o.O Still no cancelled classes though.
  3. So, my roomie left last night before I went to sleep, and I don't think she's been back to the room since. I had to get up to turn off her alarm clock. And she left her cell phone here.
  4. There's so much rain here that all the streets are flooded, and a number of the major roads are shut down. Maybe we'll have no class tomorrow...
  5. On the first part... LOL... and I wonder what the underlying thought process is? *cough, cough* Meet new guys. *cough, cough* On the second and most important part... Thomas' makes the most AWESOME SUPER SANDWICH-SIZED ENGLISH MUFFINS. You absolutely, positively must use those!!!!! The dumb Florida people didn't purchase enough of the super sandwich-sized version and I am soooooooooo sad. We only get the little ones. Maaaaaybe... And we used the normal ones, and they were good. I also made a funfetti cake. I'm surprised Marius isn't back yet... I absolutely love the super-sandwiched sized ones. I have a friend who sends me down a case and I put them in the freezer. My favorite is to toast the english muffin, then slice really thick slices of beefsteak tomatoes, cover with cheese and broil. Yummy!!!!! That's almost how I do English muffin pizzas: you toast the english muffins, butter them, and put a piece of american cheese, then slice of tomato, and then salt, pepper, and oregano. Bake until the cheese melts.
  6. Oh I know. It's just a matter of the fact that they can't fall for me if I don't meet them in the first place.
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Looks nifty! lol "We want....A SHRUBBERY!"
  8. On the first part... LOL... and I wonder what the underlying thought process is? *cough, cough* Meet new guys. *cough, cough* On the second and most important part... Thomas' makes the most AWESOME SUPER SANDWICH-SIZED ENGLISH MUFFINS. You absolutely, positively must use those!!!!! The dumb Florida people didn't purchase enough of the super sandwich-sized version and I am soooooooooo sad. We only get the little ones. Maaaaaybe... And we used the normal ones, and they were good. I also made a funfetti cake. I'm surprised Marius isn't back yet...
  9. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea! Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment... Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people. Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends. No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL Yup. Sometimes I'm more logical and responsible than they are. It sounds like it. *pulls Jesusfreak off for a little course in being wild* lol Oh, I can be wild when the occasion calls for it...
  10. Okay, so today I had the brilliant idea to ask Jetty (who's in charge of Inter-varsity, our Bible study youth group type thing) if Ian's campus has IV. If they don't, I'm going to suggest that we either establish a chapter over there or arrange a carpool to bring them over here, because that would be awesome! In unrelated news, we're making English muffin pizzas for dinner today.
  11. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea! Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment... Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people. Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends. No wonder your parents trust you so much. You are thinking logically and responsibly. LOL Yup. Sometimes I'm more logical and responsible than they are.
  12. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. LOL lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends. That sounds like a superb idea!!!! Hm...I need to get a liscence and a car... I thought you already had your driver's license. The car is going to be a tough sell to your parents. They will definitely want to know why and then "to meet guys" probably won't be an answer they want to hear. LOL Nope, I've had my permit since I was 16 though. And they know I need a car anyways, because I'm 400 miles away from home. They'll probably figure (correctly) that my car will be used for shopping, visiting Ian, and other spontaneous road trips. And if I happen to meet some guys along the way...my mom would probably be happy for me. I mean seriously, my little sister is on her third boyfriend (if you count the one in 4th grade), and I haven't had a single one. And the way things are going right now, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up marrying the one she's dating now, so long as she doesn't end up feeling smothered by him. (I approve of this one, he's a great guy) Now I need to find myself a great guy that's saved. I am totally certain your parents would love for you to meet a great guy. What I had meant was the part of you shopping, visiting Ian and other spontaneous road trips where you meet lots of other nice guys (like at Ian's college). LOL Well that's what cars are for. At the moment I go shopping and do spontaneous road trips with my friends on a regular basis, because almost all of them have cars, and mom's reaction is generally along the lines of "how fun!" My mom trusts me more than most parents trust their kids, probably because I never do anything stupid (or at least nothing stupid that's dangerous or likely to get me into trouble). You have worked hard to earn the trust of your parents and now it pays off. Go for the guy magnet. LOL Oh! Haha I don't want a car to serve as a guy magnet, I want it to serve as transportation to locations where I can meet guys. I want them to be attracted to me, not my car. LOL LOL Good point. *thinks* Okay... this car is for the guy who is a bit shy but he can start up a conversation about your car. *wonders if I pulled this one off* Hahaha
  13. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea! Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment... Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people. Parents always want to see their children happy! So, I think you need a guy magnet... perhaps a motorcycle. LOL A real flashy ninja bike. LOL Hahaha nah, like I said in my other topic, I want the guys to be attracted to me, not my car. At the moment I want some sort of sedan-wagon, maybe a honda. Something small enough to be easy to drive and get good gas mileage, but big enough to carry lots of stuff/friends.
  14. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends. That sounds like a superb idea!!!! Hm...I need to get a liscence and a car... I thought you already had your driver's license. The car is going to be a tough sell to your parents. They will definitely want to know why and then "to meet guys" probably won't be an answer they want to hear. LOL Nope, I've had my permit since I was 16 though. And they know I need a car anyways, because I'm 400 miles away from home. They'll probably figure (correctly) that my car will be used for shopping, visiting Ian, and other spontaneous road trips. And if I happen to meet some guys along the way...my mom would probably be happy for me. I mean seriously, my little sister is on her third boyfriend (if you count the one in 4th grade), and I haven't had a single one. And the way things are going right now, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up marrying the one she's dating now, so long as she doesn't end up feeling smothered by him. (I approve of this one, he's a great guy) Now I need to find myself a great guy that's saved. I am totally certain your parents would love for you to meet a great guy. What I had meant was the part of you shopping, visiting Ian and other spontaneous road trips where you meet lots of other nice guys (like at Ian's college). LOL Well that's what cars are for. At the moment I go shopping and do spontaneous road trips with my friends on a regular basis, because almost all of them have cars, and mom's reaction is generally along the lines of "how fun!" My mom trusts me more than most parents trust their kids, probably because I never do anything stupid (or at least nothing stupid that's dangerous or likely to get me into trouble). You have worked hard to earn the trust of your parents and now it pays off. Go for the guy magnet. LOL Oh! Haha I don't want a car to serve as a guy magnet, I want it to serve as transportation to locations where I can meet guys. I want them to be attracted to me, not my car.
  15. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends. That sounds like a superb idea!!!! Hm...I need to get a liscence and a car... I thought you already had your driver's license. The car is going to be a tough sell to your parents. They will definitely want to know why and then "to meet guys" probably won't be an answer they want to hear. LOL Nope, I've had my permit since I was 16 though. And they know I need a car anyways, because I'm 400 miles away from home. They'll probably figure (correctly) that my car will be used for shopping, visiting Ian, and other spontaneous road trips. And if I happen to meet some guys along the way...my mom would probably be happy for me. I mean seriously, my little sister is on her third boyfriend (if you count the one in 4th grade), and I haven't had a single one. And the way things are going right now, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up marrying the one she's dating now, so long as she doesn't end up feeling smothered by him. (I approve of this one, he's a great guy) Now I need to find myself a great guy that's saved. I am totally certain your parents would love for you to meet a great guy. What I had meant was the part of you shopping, visiting Ian and other spontaneous road trips where you meet lots of other nice guys (like at Ian's college). LOL Well that's what cars are for. At the moment I go shopping and do spontaneous road trips with my friends on a regular basis, because almost all of them have cars, and mom's reaction is generally along the lines of "how fun!" My mom trusts me more than most parents trust their kids, probably because I never do anything stupid (or at least nothing stupid that's dangerous or likely to get me into trouble).
  16. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea! Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment... Keep in mind, your ideas have to pass the 'parents' test. LOL lol they probably won't care too much either way, as long as I don't rush into a relationship. If anything they'll probably be happy I'm going out to meet new people.
  17. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends. That sounds like a superb idea!!!! Hm...I need to get a liscence and a car... I thought you already had your driver's license. The car is going to be a tough sell to your parents. They will definitely want to know why and then "to meet guys" probably won't be an answer they want to hear. LOL Nope, I've had my permit since I was 16 though. And they know I need a car anyways, because I'm 400 miles away from home. They'll probably figure (correctly) that my car will be used for shopping, visiting Ian, and other spontaneous road trips. And if I happen to meet some guys along the way...my mom would probably be happy for me. I mean seriously, my little sister is on her third boyfriend (if you count the one in 4th grade), and I haven't had a single one. And the way things are going right now, I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up marrying the one she's dating now, so long as she doesn't end up feeling smothered by him. (I approve of this one, he's a great guy) Now I need to find myself a great guy that's saved.
  18. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it. Ian's college sounded like a great idea! Hm...I'll have to figure something out...I have a couple of ideas but no good way to put them into action at the moment...
  19. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends. That sounds like a superb idea!!!! Hm...I need to get a liscence and a car...
  20. Actually I think your poem is really terrific. As for an answer to your question, tough one. They are out there, but just not at your location at the moment. Thanks. I mean I think I did a good job conveying my thoughts and emotion in the poem, but not such a good job on technical stuff. I was being lazy. Yeah, I've been thinking more and more that I need to go find their location and put myself in it.
  21. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking. Okay, I will let them know. Hahaha Maybe I should get to know some of the guys on Ian's campus...I got bored and did a search on one of the other websites I'm on, and most of the other Christians are on his campus...If nothing else, I might make some good Christian friends.
  22. The words of a wise old hamster... patience dear girl, patience. As hard as it is, please enjoy the male friendships and try and not look for someone. When you quit looking, the perfect one will appear. I've been "not looking" my entire life. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just kinda depressing. And I am enjoying my male friendships, I just wish that there was one who could be more than just friends. Where are all the good Christian guys? In Florida. lol Tell them all to come up here. We're severely lacking.
  23. New poem. Like my last poem, it's not my best work, I'm really just venting, but I figured I'd share it anyways. One of the words in the last line was edited. If you're old enough to hear the word, you'll know which one it is. Spring time, love is in the air, everywhere, Except here. Where have all the good men gone, Long time passing? Where have all the good men gone? I'd like to know. Everyone else has or has had a love in their life. Everyone but me, or so it seems. Where is my prince charming? Doe he even exist? Will I ever meet him? Will I ever be kissed? I have loved so many, but how many have loved me? Will I ever be in love with one who is in love with me? I long for this unconditional mutual love. Someone who will hold me when I cry, Someone who will make me smile, Someone who I know I can and will be with for eternity, Someone who I can do the same for. Where the heck is he?
  24. Someone got pushed out to sea because of the mere thought of the squareroot of two. It was back in ancient greece I think. Even so that's a petty waste of class time given that middle school kids today learn about irrational numbers routinely. Yeah, at least once per class you can hear him say, "Now how can I prove to you guys that this is true..." And all of us are thinking, "Seriously, we'll just take your word for it..." lol Horatio You must have been reading my mind. LOL I was wondering how to classify the professor... rational or irrational? LOL Hahaha So, today I got the brilliant idea to set up my hammock in my room under my bed frame. It took a lot of rearranging, but I am now happily sitting in my hammock with my wonderful wireless internet connection. I need to take your idea and set-up a hammock in my cage. Go for it! I got the idea from my dad. When he was in college, he had a bed loft frame made of chain link fence, and set up a hammock on it. So I got bored, and, with a lot of rearranging, set up my own. Then I took a picture of the top of my computer screen, my feet, and the end of the hammock with my cell phone and sent it to my dad explaining what I did. I'm still waiting for a response. *waits for picture to appear here* *cough, cough* It's on my cell phone, I'd have to email it to myself or something.
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