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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Ranting is good. Unfortunately Kevin is not going to stop. I do not know what is going on in his life, but it has made him a very miserable person. I know, and I can only hope something changes his life for the better. He's always been kinda depressed, but lately he's been so bad that I'm actually worried about him. Oh, and I talked to Ian online late last night (i.e. until 4am ) And apparently, he did his entire recital with tracheitis. And it was still amazing. Crazy kid. He said he might come over tonight, so I had to inform him of all the drama that he was going to walk into, especially because he and Kevin have a tendency to get into little arguments about history (Kevin's a history major, and Ian's from Israel and might as well have grown up in the 16th century, and both are opinionated on such things). Oh, and also late last night three of Lacey's friends walked her into the room, and she was drunk. She wasn't stumbling around or about to break anything, so it was kinda fuuny. She climbed into bed, and started talking/complaining about random things, and saying things like, "I have a f***ing amazing rack! Why doesn't he like me?" And apparently she had flashed whoever she was talking about to prove her point. So let this be a lesson to you all: while getting drunk might make other people laugh at you, it will make you do incredably stupid things that you will probably regret in the morning. Sorry to hear about Kevin. Hopefully something does change for the better. If he is flunking out, it seems like things will only get worse, not better. As for Ian, what an incredible guy. How many more performances does he have? Hopefully he and Kevin keep history out of the conversation this evening. That way they might not have any heated discussions. If Ian is from Israel, when did he leave? Israel still has required military service, so he better not be planning a trip back there any time soon. Drinking has strange effects on different people and hopefully no one has a video of her. I hope someday she realizes that there is more to someone liking her than her rack. Conversation is important and I have not known parts of the body to be able to carry on a conversation besides the mouth in conjunction with the brain. The sad thing is, she's sober now and still using the fact that she's really attractive as a reason why he should like her. As for Kevin, as far as I know, he's passing his classes. He's a smart kid, and he knows it. Ian and I were with Kevin as well as Steph, Marius, and Brennan today while they were studying for a history final and they didn't argue at all, so I'm very proud of them both. As for Ian, I'm not entirely sure when he left Israel, but I know he served his time in the military when he was 16, I guess shortly before I met him. If he ever was called back, he would probably gladly fight for his country, and visits at least once a year. And on a more random note, Ian smells good, and, since he hugged me several times today, I smell like Ian. So, tomorrow I get to finish my bhp paper and write a music paper, and then study for my music and psych exams.
  2. Ranting is good. Unfortunately Kevin is not going to stop. I do not know what is going on in his life, but it has made him a very miserable person. I know, and I can only hope something changes his life for the better. He's always been kinda depressed, but lately he's been so bad that I'm actually worried about him. Oh, and I talked to Ian online late last night (i.e. until 4am ) And apparently, he did his entire recital with tracheitis. And it was still amazing. Crazy kid. He said he might come over tonight, so I had to inform him of all the drama that he was going to walk into, especially because he and Kevin have a tendency to get into little arguments about history (Kevin's a history major, and Ian's from Israel and might as well have grown up in the 16th century, and both are opinionated on such things). Oh, and also late last night three of Lacey's friends walked her into the room, and she was drunk. She wasn't stumbling around or about to break anything, so it was kinda fuuny. She climbed into bed, and started talking/complaining about random things, and saying things like, "I have a f***ing amazing rack! Why doesn't he like me?" And apparently she had flashed whoever she was talking about to prove her point. So let this be a lesson to you all: while getting drunk might make other people laugh at you, it will make you do incredably stupid things that you will probably regret in the morning.
  3. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Unless things with Iran look really bad and there's solid evidence that they're a threat to us, I doubt they'll have a draft, because people are already upse enough about Iraq. They'll probably make the exception for college kids as usual. If all else fails, move to Canada. Either way, congrats on registering to vote!
  4. So, Ian's recital, in classic Ian fashion, was amazing. The last song he sang was a poem that he wrote awhile ago set to music, and it was amazing to hear him sing it. I'm one of very few people that know the origins of the poem, and the way he sang it, you could tell that it was really sung from the heart, and, had the song been much longer, would have had me near tears. Steph, Marius, Christina, and Lara also came along. The reception afterwords was nice, but we couldn't stay for long because Marius and Steph had to study for history. Now I'm just hoping Ian comes back online so I can chat with him (he went dle like, right after I got back to my room). When we got back, I sat and chilled for a little while, then did some origami with Christina, then DDR in the lounge with most of the group of people, and then watched Kevin play guitar hero (he's really good at it!) Kevin's been causing a bit of drama lately. Him and Lara are like mortal enemies. The only reason is that Lara can be loud and obnoxious, and likes to have all conversation revolving around her, and everything that happens to her is some huge deal (and yeah, she can get like that sometimes), and also because Kevin can be a jack***, which is also often true. So he hates Lara, and is mean to her, and she in turn hates him because of it. Lately, he's upset a lot of people. He recently decided he doesn't like Christina anymore either, because not only does she follow Lara around like a sheep (they're roomies, and close friends), but she sees no fault in people, she only sees the good in them, and that bugs Kevin. Kevin also said something really hurtful about Lindsay, and she saw it, and is pretty upset with him. Steph, being Lindsay's roomie, is also upset, because it's so far out of line. The problem is, that the thing with him and Lara keeps causing divisions in the group, and that really upsets me. Like he'll go out of his way to avoid her, and if I'm with him and other people, it makes it akward, because I want to hang out with Kevin and the rest of the guys, but I don't want to just leave Lara behind, because I like Lara too, and it's flat out rude. I can understand that he thinks Lara is annoying (because she is) and wants to avoid her, but he really takes it too far. What he does to her is what my "friends" did to me in 4th or 5th grade, so I know from experience, it really hurts. I've talked with Steph, Christina, and Marius about this, and they all see things pretty much the way I do. Dave and I (more me than Dave) talked to Kevin the other day, and the problem is, he just doesn't care. Like he's a bit concerned that Lindsay and Steph are upset with him, but doesn't care at all about Lara and Christina. And because he really doesn't care, it makes it hard to work with him or use any sort of reason. It's like screaming at a deaf person. So now I'm just hoping that Lara and Kevin just grow up and get over themselves, because I'm really tired of all the akwardness going on. It's really taking a toll on everyone... :closedeyes: Sorry, just needed to rant about that.
  5. This year has been pretty good, but I still think my sophomore year in high school was my best year. This semester has been really stressful, so I'm looking forward to it being over and the summer session starting.
  6. Whoa... this semester has flown by!!! I am sure you will get A's on all your final exams. It has! And I hope so, but I seriously doubt it. I'm expecting an A in psych and music, a B in physics, and a C (give or take a full letter grade) in calc. I got an A- on my major BHP paper. So it all blances out to about a B.
  7. Yay weekend! I just finished up my scholarship application, and have only two more classes left in my semester (not including exams). The only work I have to do today is a physics assignment due tonight. Yay! Tomorrow is Ian's recital, and that should be a lot of fun. Then Sunday and Monday will be used for studying and paper writing.
  8. Haha. I'll take your word for it. And I googled Freud. And yeah. Wow. xD; Told ya.
  9. Yup, it's pretty comfortable out today. Most of the trees here are *just* starting to get their leaves, so there's like just a small tint of green to them. It's really nice.
  10. This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this. I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that... You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year? Yeah. I'm doing the summer session more for fun than anything, although it is making my fall semester schedule delightfully small (only 14 credits compared to my usual 17). I'm in physics class right now. And outside, the trees are starting to get leaves on them, and it's green and pretty. *random* I always love spring! Me too.
  11. Hamsters always climb trees barepawed, but I didn't know humans did. Yup. You'll notice that animals with hooves don't climb trees. There's something to be said for going back to nature. Perhaps that's a good thing. *imagines horses and cows as tree climbers* I remember shortly after my dog died, I had a dream about her climbing trees... I could almost imagine that, unless your dog was a Dachshund. Hahaha no, she was a doberman mix.
  12. This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this. I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that... You are right. I feel bad for Kevin. Why are you going back for a summer session? To lighten your load next year? Yeah. I'm doing the summer session more for fun than anything, although it is making my fall semester schedule delightfully small (only 14 credits compared to my usual 17). I'm in physics class right now. And outside, the trees are starting to get leaves on them, and it's green and pretty. *random*
  13. This is a really tough one. Perhaps more people are worried about the papers and tests, but just not talking like Marius is. Does the nearing of the end of the semester and what is going to happen this summer figure in somehow? I will try and think about this. I don't think it's just papers, because if that was the case, they'd complain about it openly. I don't think the end of the semester has much to do with it, especialy because most of us are coming back for at least one summer session, although that might be part of Kevin's problem because I know he isn't. But I'm pretty sure his issues are a lot bigger than that...
  14. So, in other news, final exams are next week. I can't believe the year went by so fast. It feels like I only moved in here like two months ago. Lately for some reason everyone seems a bit messed up. The thing that bothers me is, for some of it, I have no idea why. I know that not everyone has the same reasons. It's just really strange. The only one who's been reasonably open about his stressed-ness is Marius, who's stressed by all the papers he has to do, and by everyone else's stressed-ness. Kevin, who's normally not in a good mood to begin with, has been extra out of sorts, and I'm actually worried about him. Brennan and Jackie just broke up, and I think it's going rough on both of them. Lindsay seems out of it too, but I haven't the slightest clue why. Ian's been stressed and out of sorts for the past week or so, and hasn't been on aim for the past couple of days. So everything's all strange, and it's bothering me.
  15. Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more. *pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak* It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. I'm printing it as I type. That's about my speed of procrastination! Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells. You are lucky to be so smart. I am usually trying to put a bunch of baloney together and make it look like I know what I am doing. that is what I do for english. xD Do you pull it off? It usually works pretty well for English classes, actually.
  16. Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more. *pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak* It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. I'm printing it as I type. That's about my speed of procrastination! Why do something ahead of time, when you can wait to the very last ultra-stressful second! I finished up something for bio today in the period before it. Had to right a half-page summary of an article on stem cells. Hahaha I've done that before. Actually I can beat that. Last semester, I typed, and printed a lab report IN and DURING the class it was due.
  17. Hamsters always climb trees barepawed, but I didn't know humans did. Yup. You'll notice that animals with hooves don't climb trees. There's something to be said for going back to nature. Perhaps that's a good thing. *imagines horses and cows as tree climbers* I remember shortly after my dog died, I had a dream about her climbing trees...
  18. Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay! You deserve a round of applause! I would have procrastinated much, much more. *pulls some fresh baked hot-from-the-oven healthy muffins to place in a basket for Jesusfreak* It would be hard to procrastinate it more, seeing as it's due today. I'm printing it as I type.
  19. Hamsters always climb trees barepawed, but I didn't know humans did. Yup. You'll notice that animals with hooves don't climb trees. There's something to be said for going back to nature.
  20. Glad she liked it. Maybe I should publish my rants... Ranting is a form of writing I don't seem too shabby with. Haha you should...in the school newspaper...anonymously. Speaking of papers, I finally finished my BHP paper! Yay!
  21. Climbing barefoot is easier. You have better grip, and you can feel what you're standing on better.
  22. It IS awesome!!! *hands Jesusfreak some freshly baked muffins* Thank you! I love how the angle of this picture makes the tree I'm in look huge. It was actually a pretty small tree.
  23. Wow. This needs more pictures, and I need more hours in the day. As a compromise, you get a picture of me in a tree on our campus, because I think it's awesome.
  24. It was GORGEOUS outside today. Sunny with a high of 78, I think. I got some work done outside, and got a bit of a tan/sunburn. I also climbed a tree. XD
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