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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... :blink: lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home. It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen? I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow.
  2. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... :blink: lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home.
  3. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... :blink: lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah.
  4. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was...
  5. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something.
  6. I don't think a zillion is a number... It is now! 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. I believe that's a dectillion, or something like that. Only someone who was going to get an A on their calc exam would know that! But that's not calculus...
  7. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though...
  8. I don't think a zillion is a number... It is now! 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. I believe that's a dectillion, or something like that.
  9. So. Someone knocked on my door today and woke me up. And I asked "who is it?" several times but never got an answer. So now it bugs me that I don't know who it was.
  10. I don't think a zillion is a number...
  11. I have a good feeling about the results of your calc test. Not only will you pass, but you will do way better than you expected. *crosses paws* As for Monday's exam... you will do fantastically well!!! Which one is it again? Physics. I'm not too worried about that one. I usually get A's and B's on those. Physics you are good in so I know you will ace this final exam!!!!!!!!!! I hope so. After calc, my GPA needs all the help it can get.
  12. *screaaaammmmmmmmmsssssssssssssss* Don't do that to me!!!!!!!!!! How did the results turn out? What did the doctor say? From the blood and urine test they could tell I have a kidney infection and I'm still waiting for the ultrasound results. The pills are massive, it's impossable to swallow them. Not fun. I'm really bad at swallowing pills. I was too, until my doctor showed me how to make them go down easier. Ooo. Tell me, tell me. I have to go take one now. Drink some water to wet your throat and the passages to your stomach, then pop the horse pill into your mouth, take another gulp of water and kind of toss your head back when you swallow. My doctor taught me to do this and it took me a time or two to get it right, now the horse pills never get stuck. He had a couple other tricks, but I cannot remember. Tomorrow I will ask him to remind me of those. Good to know. I'll keep that in mind. For smaller pills, taking them with some sort of swallowable food (like noodles on soup or ice cream or something) sometime helps.
  13. *loves this one* This is one of your best ones!!!!! Thanks A few of my friends said the same thing about this one. Interesting. It has a nice rhythm. Flows smoothly and gets the point across succinctly. Definitely a winner!!!!!!!!! Thank you.
  14. I have a good feeling about the results of your calc test. Not only will you pass, but you will do way better than you expected. *crosses paws* As for Monday's exam... you will do fantastically well!!! Which one is it again? Physics. I'm not too worried about that one. I usually get A's and B's on those.
  15. I'm pretty sure I passed my calc test! Yay! The worst is now over. Only one more exam to go, and that's on Monday.
  16. *loves this one* This is one of your best ones!!!!! Thanks A few of my friends said the same thing about this one. Interesting.
  17. I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam. Hahaha The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. Lucky you... no need for glasses. I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. ) LOL... kind of like hamsters. It was bad enough that when I was really little, thhey almost had to do an operation on my eyes. I was one of those little kids with the huge, thick glasses and an eyepatch. Oh my! At least your eyes have been corrected to good vision with glasses. This is true. I think a few years down the road when laser eye surgery becomes pretty much foolproof, I might look into that. Everyone says I should get contacts, but those are a pain to take care of. Fixing the problem completely would be better. And today: AAAAAAAAAHHHH CALC TEST!!!!!!!! I just really hope I pass.
  18. *screaaaammmmmmmmmsssssssssssssss* Don't do that to me!!!!!!!!!! How did the results turn out? What did the doctor say? From the blood and urine test they could tell I have a kidney infection and I'm still waiting for the ultrasound results. The pills are massive, it's impossable to swallow them. Not fun. I'm really bad at swallowing pills.
  19. I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam. Hahaha The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. Lucky you... no need for glasses. I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. ) LOL... kind of like hamsters. It was bad enough that when I was really little, thhey almost had to do an operation on my eyes. I was one of those little kids with the huge, thick glasses and an eyepatch.
  20. People dying, someone's crying, friends are lying, I'm still trying, to understand this mess. You've hit rock bottom, tried to stop 'em, feeling downtrodden, it's not my problem, but it is. Worried about wealth, what about health? Put your pride on the shelf, get over yourself, we all have to try. Too much dramatization breaks my concentration.
  21. I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam. Hahaha The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy. Lucky you... no need for glasses. I would be having a really hard time reading it I didn't have glasses. Oh, no, I have glasses. I've had them since I was two. Either whatever it was flew around my glasses, or I had taken them off to clean them or something. (For the record, my eyesight is really bad. I can see things clearly without my glasses if they're held about two inches in front of my face. Anything beyond that is fuzzy. )
  22. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall. I had no idea schools did that either. Yeah, it doesn't seem to be a popular thing among schools, but it is a neat thing because you get to register along with people you know, and all of us registrees got to wear that silly "I registered to vote today!" stickers around school. And the free pen + bookmark were nice. Yay free stuff!
  23. I love being outside and totally connected with my precious Adam. Hahaha The only bad part was part of something out there flew into my eye, and now the corner of it is all red and itchy.
  24. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Really? Didn't know some schools did that. I had to register at the town hall.
  25. I'm outside, with wireless internet from the cafeteria, and it's wonderful.
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