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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. What if we kissed? What would happen if you kissed me, just to prove how much you missed me? Would it set my heart a flight, or would I just put up a fight? What would happen if I kissed you, to show how much I love you too? Would you forever bless that day, or would it make you run away?
  2. Thanks Luckily all is quiet right now. My roomie was already sleeping when I came back into the room. I'll probably talk to them and request that they party in someone else's suite (they have a bunch of other friends that are in their room quite often).
  3. So, last night began the drunken antics. The people in the room next to me were all sorts of loud and obnoxious. The girl in the other room in my suite, Rhonda, is in my chem class, and was also annoyed by the noise. I'm hoping to get a suite meeting together sometime soon to discuss things. Not just the noise, but things like keeping the bathrooms clean and whatnot. If things get really bad, I might gather together some other people that are annoyed by the noise and see if we can do some room shuffling to create a quiet, sober suite. Or another idea (that I just thought of and am therefore writing it down) would be to designate one room in the suite for sleeping (move all the beds into that one), one for studying (being awake, and quiet, move all the desks into that one), and one room for just hanging out, like a living room (and we could use that one for general storage). We would keep the living room far from the sleeping room (currently the loud obnoxious people are in the middle room). Anyways, later today we're going to Staples. I need a notebook and a folder or two. After that maybe I can get everyone to go play DDR or something fun like that. And I miss Ian. Like really miss him. And he's never online.
  4. I Miss You It's getting late I can't concentrate. Stars above, thinking about my love. The whole day through, I've been thinking about you.
  5. Not having a roomie has some benefits. That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap. What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks. Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. I admire you for being so dedicated. lol thanks I have a roomie now. She seems alright though. I just hope she's not as obnoxious as the people in the next room over. o.O For your sake, I hope so too! That would make for a very long summer. Oh yeah. o.O
  6. Not having a roomie has some benefits. That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap. What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved. Sounds like my kind of movie. Thanks. Good luck in your classes. 7.5 hours of classes, I think I would fall asleep in one of them. I admire you for being so dedicated. lol thanks I have a roomie now. She seems alright though. I just hope she's not as obnoxious as the people in the next room over. o.O
  7. Not having a roomie has some benefits. That was such a quick week. Pack up, move home, unpack, go to camp, pack up, move back, start classes. Phew. I'm ready for a nap. What classes will you be taking? Thanks for the review of Spiderman 3, I think I see this one. A little corny always help to break up the day. I know! I'll be taking chem and a lab, and business ethics (takes care of a philosophy requirement). 7.5 hours of classes today. And yeah, Spiderman had some really mixed reviews. I think all the action movie people were disappointed that it wasn't all action. There's romance and a moral lesson involved.
  8. I'm back! And due to some paperwork error, I have no roomie! Having my own room is pretty awesome. My friends have been hanging out here most of the day. Classes start tomorrow. And we saw Spiderman 3 today! It was a little corny in some places, but still really good.
  9. So, today I visited my old high school and my church youth group. Everyone was all happy to see me and hear that my first year at college went well. My sister's crazy friends were all over today too, which was fun. Tomorrow it's up to camp for the weekend, and then back to college. I already miss my college friends, and I'm looking forward to seeing most of them on Sunday.
  10. When I looked at the one of you in front of the window, at first glance, it looked as if you had just jumped from the first floor window! *gets more coffee* Thanks for the pictures! They are fantastic!!! Hahaha no, I don't jump out of windows too often, not unless they're first floor windows anyways... Good thing. I would get hurt jumping off the porch of my cage. LOL You look slightly insane in that second pic of you... And that black and white... All I have to say is "[whisper]Fabio...[/whisper] Hahaha Yeah, the amount of redeye reduction I had to do doesn't help it much. And yes, Ian has amazing hair. My friend Ruby once commented on a picture I have of him, "it still bothers me that his hair is prettier than mine"
  11. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Eh...well, the multiple choice was easy enough, but some of the free response questions were pretty hard. I also wasn't used to working with the time limit so that made things a little more stressed. Pretty much everyone thought that the free response questions were tough so it wasn't just me. Although sometimes I wish I could be the genius that plows throw all of them and laughs at everyone's suffering. But I guess you just can't have things your way, especially with standardized tests... lol well, to be fair, the AP test is supposed to be insanely hard.
  12. Name:Jesusfreak Reason: I was outside on a gorgeous day, and liked how everything looked outside, especially the color green of the grass and the way the light looked in the trees, so I took a picture.
  13. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    It is still going on, and the school board is pulling out all the stupidities. They have 9th and 11th graders using a different entrance than the other grades, and they decided to throw in an early dismissal for elementary schools to make things even more fun on the road. C'mon bus company! WAKE UP! I keep changing my mind about how I did. Fortunately the speaking section is 10% of the whole thing, I think...so, we'll see. BTW I'm taking my AP calc test today. Which lasts even longer but I'm ready for it. Ew AP calc. I got a one on that, but so did everyone else in the class. But you're really good at math, so I'm sure you'll do fine.
  14. I think I would just want to leave the car packed. It would have been nice, but unfortunately we're going to need the car in unpacked form throughout the week.
  15. And now, after lots of complicated packing and unpacking, and riding home not in a normal car seat but in the chair from my room, I'm home. For a whole three days. Then camp for the weekend, and then moving back into college. Wooo!
  16. Moving out today! I'm waiting for my parents to get here...
  17. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I did pretty bad on the speaking part, but I think I did the other parts pretty well. So who knows what kind of score I'll get... School is closed today because of a bus strike...weird stuff. Apparently if the strike continues after today, school will still reopen, so my parents have to drive us everywhere. Fun times. lol fun fun. You probably did a bit better than you thought.
  18. When I looked at the one of you in front of the window, at first glance, it looked as if you had just jumped from the first floor window! *gets more coffee* Thanks for the pictures! They are fantastic!!! Hahaha no, I don't jump out of windows too often, not unless they're first floor windows anyways...
  19. Okay, picture time! The only people in the pictures are me and Ian, I trust you'l be able to figure out who's who.
  20. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    So, how do you think you did?
  21. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home. It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen? I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. Sounds like a really interesting dinner. LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL Glad your day picked up over yesterday. Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now. I don't envy you on the packing. Haha. Awake before 8am... Nah, I'm going to get breakfast with them around 9. I decided to get dressed before sitting down at the computer this time so I wouldn't end up rushing and running out of time. Have fun!!! I did! I'm not sure how I did on my exam, but I'm not too worried about it. I spent most of my day packing. I don't think all this stuff is going to fit in the minivan, even if we do strap stuff to the roof. Then I watched Heroes with Christina, which was fun, but not the same without Marius and Brennan. Oh, I forgot to mention something that Ian said when he was here the other day that I thought was both sweet and very interesting. He said that the weekend he spent with me at camp when we went to the Ren Faire was the happiest time of his life. And he was serious. I felt quite honored. And I thought it was interesting too, because I'd have to say the happiest time of my life was those last few days of sophomore year after exams when we would just hang out in the hallway or walk down the street to get Italian ice and just chat. So our happiest moments involve each other. I thought that was really interesting. And I can't believe I go home tomorrow...
  22. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home. It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen? I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. Sounds like a really interesting dinner. LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL Glad your day picked up over yesterday. Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing.... Good luck on your test today. I know you will ace your Physics exam. Hopefully you are up and having breakfast with them now. I don't envy you on the packing. Haha. Awake before 8am... Nah, I'm going to get breakfast with them around 9. I decided to get dressed before sitting down at the computer this time so I wouldn't end up rushing and running out of time.
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yay AP! I remember AP. It nearly stole my sanity... If you read this before you take the exam (which I doubt because you should be doing some last second studying), don't forget to eat something for breakfast. It really helps. And bring a bottle of water with you if you can.
  24. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home. It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen? I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday. Sounds like a really interesting dinner. LOL I think I would have gone for dessert first. LOL Glad your day picked up over yesterday. Me too. Ian was supposed to come over again today, but never showed up. :glare: I wanted him to come during daylight hours so he could see all the pretty trees. Lindsay went home today, but Brennan and Marius came back, which was fun. We didn't really do anything particularly interesting though. I got my lab report done, which is good, and the physics exam doesn't *look* like it's going to be too hard. Pretty much everyone's going home tomorrow, so I'm going to try and be awake and ready in time to go eat breakfast with them. I'll see Brennan and Marius again on Sunday or Monday though, because they're doing summer session as well. Tomorrow afternoon will entail lots of packing. LOTS of packing....
  25. Probably someone that had the wrong room... otherwise, if it was one of your friends they would have identified themselves, don't you think? Nah, it's possible that they didn't hear me if they were talking. One of them sounded like Dave though... Would he mention it to you? Mention what? Oh well. I'm going to go take a shower, and then figure out what everyone's up to. It was probably just someone wanting to know if I wanted to go do something. That was kind of what I was thinking. What I was asking was if he would say something like: "I stopped by, but you were out." Anyway, have a great day and I hope you find out who it was. Still haven't found out who it was... lol yeah. So, today was so boring that around 11ish Lindsay and Steph and I called Brennan (who's at home now), and we met him at a diner near his house (at least a half hour away). Yeah. That seems like a great idea. I hope that picked things up for the day. *loves diners* It was fun. I got chocolate chip pancakes, Brennan did his usual tobasco sauce shot, and we all sat around talking about random stuff. It was fun. Today should be fairly quiet until Ian comes over, I might get my lab report done so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Sometime tomorrow Marius and Brennan are coming back, because like me, they both have an exam Monday morning. After the exam on Monday, I need to pack up ALL my stuff, and then Tuesday I go home. It seems like this year has traveled at warp speed. I remember when you were just going away. If you are packing up your stuff to leave, do you have to repack it to come back for summer school? How does all that happen? I know! I can't believe college is 1/4 over already. The packing thing is really stupid. I need to get all my stuff off campus for less than a week. I move back in a week from tomorrow. :wacko: I wonder who's bright idea that is. LOL I dunno. It's pretty dumb. Oh well. Lindsay, Steph, and I made dinner in the kitchen: pork roll and peiroghies. Desert was freezie pops and doughnuts. We were later joined by Derek and Lara. A little later, Christina and I might play some DDR, which will be fun. And then Ian's supposed to come over. Oh, and I went to wal-mart today, and I got shorts. So at least things are a little more interesting that yesterday.
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