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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. You got a motorcycle? That's AWESOME! Yup! One that looks just like that one. That's pretty sweet, I must say. My mom wanted to get a motorcycle for awhile, but it never happened.
  2. Wow you're up late. And I did post. New poem. So there. Great! You haven't stopped up at my topic to see what I have been up to... you just might be surprised. Oh really? And where is this topic again? HampsterDance Talk. A motorcycle? Awesome.
  3. I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant. It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this. Hahaha *any
  4. Wow you're up late. And I did post. New poem. So there. Great! You haven't stopped up at my topic to see what I have been up to... you just might be surprised. Oh really? And where is this topic again?
  5. Wow you're up late. And I did post. New poem. So there.
  6. You're probably expecting this one. It's called "Loophole" If I had ant musical skills, I'd make it into a song. Missing you, I'm so tired. A glimmer of hope and my heart's on fire. Praying hard, holding out, I think I found something and want to shout! Could it be, what I need? The one way for my heart to be free? I think I've finally found what I'm looking for, The smile on your face makes life worth living more. Oh, can it be? The loophole that sets my heart free. Just hang on, one minute, People are gonna disagree with it. Am I right? Am I wrong? Am I fully justified in writing this song? Will it work, me and him? Please tell me that our future isn't grim. I think I've finally found what I'm looking for, The smile on your face makes life worth living more. Oh, can it be? The loophole that sets my heart free.
  7. Yeah, pretty much. I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave. She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move. Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask? I would think there is a like minded roomie out there for you. lol one can hope. So, new idea on my mind: in the Bible, there's that verse that's generally held to mean you're not supposed to date/marry outside of your faith. However, in the same book of the Bible, it also says that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. I haven't quite made a decision on it yet, I'm still thinking it over and praying about it. You already know my point of view. lol
  8. Yeah, pretty much. I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave. She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move. Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask? I would think there is a like minded roomie out there for you. lol one can hope. So, new idea on my mind: in the Bible, there's that verse that's generally held to mean you're not supposed to date/marry outside of your faith. However, in the same book of the Bible, it also says that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. I haven't quite made a decision on it yet, I'm still thinking it over and praying about it.
  9. Yeah, pretty much. I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave. She sounds so very self-centered and inconsiderate. I hope you get to move. Me too. Moving into the other building would be so nice. All I need is a roomie that can be quiet and not turn lights on when I'm sleeping, is that so much to ask?
  10. Yeah, pretty much. I talked to an RA today, and she said to try to work things out with my roomie (yeah right, even if we did, our lifestyles are so different, it wouldn't be good for either of us). She also said I couldn't move anywhere within the building (unless I switched with someone), so I'll have to talk to the residence life lady Monday morning, and if I can move, it'll probably be into the other building (which would be great, because then I'd be in a normal double room instead of a suite, and it's the same building as Marius and Brennan). Right now my roomie is in the room, with the tv on loud, with one of her guy friends. I would like to leave to call Ian, but I'm afraid that if I leave, coming back into the room might be akward. So I'm only going to hope they get tired of my being here and leave.
  11. I thought Ian was on your mind. lol Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well. I am so sorry to hear about his father. I will keep his father in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Yeah, apparently he's going through a bit of depression. His mom (thus Ian's grandmother) died last year, and it's coming up on the one year anniversary. And Ian's dad I guess hasn't really dealt with the grief yet, and I guess it's catching up to him. And Marissa (Ian's little sister) just turned 13. Oh, and I'm going to see about switching my room. Today we had a fire drill at 9am. After they let us back in, I came back in the room and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, my roomie came back, and turned on the TV. Being half asleep, I grumbled, "Hey, can we not have the TV on when I'm sleeping?" and then something about my being sensitive to sounds. (There are three things that can really aggrivate me: Lack of food, lack of sleep, and sounds. She's covered two of those so far.) Instead of turning the TV off, she asked if she could just turn it down, which I let her do, grudgingly (note that I'm awake now, and not sleeping like I should be). So yeah, I'm going to see about switching my room later today. Mine is lack of sleep (BIG)!!!!! For sounds I always use ear plugs. Switching sounds like a must. This girl has no idea of consideration for others. You don't need that aggravation. Good luck. As for Ian's father, this is tough. I hope he deals with everything this time to start to put it behind him. Some things take much longer than others. Yeah. Right now, I'm sitting her with my headphones on. And what does my roomie do? Start playing some rather loud and obnoxious music. Seriously now, does she like, not have a brain? And Ian's dad seems like a very strong person. I'm sure he'll be okay in time.
  12. I thought Ian was on your mind. lol Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well. I am so sorry to hear about his father. I will keep his father in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Yeah, apparently he's going through a bit of depression. His mom (thus Ian's grandmother) died last year, and it's coming up on the one year anniversary. And Ian's dad I guess hasn't really dealt with the grief yet, and I guess it's catching up to him. And Marissa (Ian's little sister) just turned 13. Oh, and I'm going to see about switching my room. Today we had a fire drill at 9am. After they let us back in, I came back in the room and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, my roomie came back, and turned on the TV. Being half asleep, I grumbled, "Hey, can we not have the TV on when I'm sleeping?" and then something about my being sensitive to sounds. (There are three things that can really aggrivate me: Lack of food, lack of sleep, and sounds. She's covered two of those so far.) Instead of turning the TV off, she asked if she could just turn it down, which I let her do, grudgingly (note that I'm awake now, and not sleeping like I should be). So yeah, I'm going to see about switching my room later today.
  13. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind? LOL LOL Some of them might have been. I thought so. Hahaha I even think I might know who. O rly? Three letters, starts with a vowel... am I close? Maaaaaybe....
  14. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind? LOL LOL Some of them might have been. I thought so. Hahaha I even think I might know who. O rly?
  15. I thought Ian was on your mind. lol Yeah, he's usually on my mind, but he has been more so than usual lately. I'm actually chatting with him online now. Apparently his dad isn't doing too well.
  16. So, I've been wondering about some stuff lately: Derek keeps making jokes about Ian, and when he does, he gets really akward about it. And mom noticed how "he always has something nice to say" when he coments on things on a certain networking site. And when the picture of me went missing from my marker board awhile ago, a couple of my friends suggested that he was the one that took it. So it would seem that he likes me. But he has a girlfriend. Weird huh? For the record, I'm not interested in him at all. Marius and Christina have been spending lots of time together the past couple of days. But wait! There's more! Awhile ago, I told him I thought him and Christina would make a cute couple, but we both agreed that it would be super akward because her and Kevin had broken up, and, yeah. BUT Kevin isn't exactly Mr. Popular right now, because he's apparently been going out with Jackie (Brennan's very recent ex, and mutual friend), since last Tuesday. So it's possible that everyone's pretty much done with Kevin now, which would give Marius more liberty to pursue Christina (especially since he knows it's not going to work out with Priscilla). Ian's been especially cute on the phone lately. This is what the voicemail he sent me said: "Hello my love! This is Ian. Um, I'm in princeton right now, but unfortunately my little sister's really, really, really sick, and we have to get home right away, so I'm going to have to cancel today. I will see you soon though! I love you! Muah! I'll see you later." Yeah. And I was talking to my friend Ruby the other day online, and told her about the voicemail thing, and she said, "so you two still not saying that you like each other?" So that's what's been on my mind lately. And I'm really really bored, and kinda lonely, so that only amplifies the effect.
  17. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind? Some of them might have been. I thought so. Hahaha
  18. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today. Were these written with a special someone in mind? Some of them might have been.
  19. I see the training is working. *evil laugh is heard* Hahaha
  20. I'm proud of Ian today. He was supposed to come over today, but couldn't because his sister was really sick, and I guess he had to go with his mom to get her or something like that. And instead of just not showing up and telling me tomorrow, like he normally does, he actually called and left a voicemail (which, by the way, was really adorable ).
  21. These two are wonderful!!!! I really appreciate your poetry. Thanks. Aw, thank you and you're welcome Both of them were written in class today.
  22. How Long? How long can I sit here? My brain is failing me. How long can I sit here? Boredom is killing me. How long will he stand there? Just talking on and on. How long will he stand there? Saying what's right and wrong. How long will this time last? Patience is wearing thin. How long will this time last? We'll only start again.
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