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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. Yep! Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class). Yeah!!!! Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping...
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Ah. Then you have a fear that can only be cured by safe exposure (both roller coasters and bugs). In other words, the best way to get over your fears is to go on roller coasters more often, and start playing with bugs that are more or less harmless (like ladybugs, worms, fireflies, etc.). You'll be scared at first, but the more you do it, the more your fear will subside. Who knows? You might even learn to enjoy the things you were once afraid of. I used to hae a fear of heights when I was younger. And then I decided it was stupid, so in middle school I kept doing the zip line over and over. And the first few times, I moved really slowly and was all shaky and nervous. But after awhile, it was no more scary than climbing a flight of stairs. (in retrospect, climbing a flight of stairs is more dangerous than riding a roller coaster).
  3. Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. Yep! Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class).
  4. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset. Centrifugal force. And I say, hamsters don't like roller coasters. Watch from the ground. Yep. Or centripetal force. Wimp.
  5. New roomie FTW! The res. life lady gave me the names and room numbers of three roomie-less girls in the other building and left it up to me to deal with the rest. So I looked up the first one, and saw that she was a Christian like me, and she seemed pretty nice, so I sent her a message explaining my situation, and she messaged me back. I'm switching rooms on Tuesday. So I just need to hold out for the rest of the week. (And I'm not going to be around this weekend anyways, going to camp). So just a few more days.
  6. Now you're talking. Hahaha. Nah, I'm not going to do anything extreme...yet...I'm going to find out about switching my room today.
  7. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Awesome! My advice about the amusement park is to go with a bunch of roller coaster junkies and conquer your fear of big rides. I went to sea world with one person who loves roller coasters and two friends who were terrified of them. We made them go on the kraken (a pretty big roller coaster that goes upside down and all that), and after that, they wanted to go again. And again. And again. We must have gone at least 4 times in a row. Anyways, my trick is to use logic. When you go through loops, you won't fall out of your seat. Not only are you securely strapped in, but the force of the roller coaster going in a loop actually pushes you into your seat. It's like being on a swingset.
  8. Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. Beer pong? That's a new one. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful). Alcohol always makes people get louder. Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud. I know. And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. I actually slept! After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all. Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with. *slaps forehead* I had forgotten about her. *lends Jesusfreak my sledgehammer for the corner of the room* Yeah. I'm working on part one of irritation education by example right now. I've got Brennan in the room. I've got a lab report to do, and he's researching nerf gun modifications. And of course, my roomie has the TV on slightly louder than necesary. You need to disable the television. *thinks... lose the remote* lol really.
  9. Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. Beer pong? That's a new one. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful). Alcohol always makes people get louder. Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud. I know And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. I actually slept! After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all. Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with. *slaps forehead* I had forgotten about her. *lends Jesusfreak my sledgehammer for the corner of the room* Yeah. I'm working on part one of irritation education by example right now. I've got Brennan in the room. I've got a lab report to do, and he's researching nerf gun modifications. And of course, my roomie has the TV on slightly louder than necesary.
  10. Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. Beer pong? That's a new one. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful). Alcohol always makes people get louder. Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud. I know And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. I actually slept! After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice. Very nice. Maybe this will work out after all. Maybe, but I still have my roomie to contend with.
  11. lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom. Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions. Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together. I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though. True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know. Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows? You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome. I would be interested to know his point of view. Let me know what he says. Yeah. It'll probably be awhile before I talk to him though, what with my being a good 300 miles away and all. If I talk to him, it'll be during VBS week over the summer. And yeah, I'm interested to see what he thinks on it too, although I already have a good idea of what it is, and it wouldn't be in my favor. That was my gut feeling, but I am hoping for the best. Me too.
  12. Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. Beer pong? That's a new one. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful). Alcohol always makes people get louder. Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud. I know And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bed bugs bite. I actually slept! After a little while, they kicked their drunk friends out of the suite and things settled down. At least once I heard, "Ssssshhhh! She's sleeping!" And this morning (by which I mean about 10 minutes ago) they said to just tell them when I'm going to sleep from now on so they can take measures to quiet down, which I thought was really nice.
  13. lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom. Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions. Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together. I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though. True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know. Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows? You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome. I would be interested to know his point of view. Let me know what he says. Yeah. It'll probably be awhile before I talk to him though, what with my being a good 300 miles away and all. If I talk to him, it'll be during VBS week over the summer. And yeah, I'm interested to see what he thinks on it too, although I already have a good idea of what it is, and it wouldn't be in my favor.
  14. Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. Beer pong? That's a new one. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful). Alcohol always makes people get louder. Hopefully they will move their game elsewhere before they get loud. I know And I doubt they'll leave. Oh well, I should probably get to sleep before they get too far out of control. If I fall into a deep enough sleep before they get really loud, they won't wake me up. Good night Horatio.
  15. lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom. Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions. Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together. I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though. True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know. Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows? You mother sounds pretty intuitive. It would be nice if she were right. Oh, it would be far far beyond nice. It would be on the level of a movie or fairy tale or something. I'm actually kinda curious to know what my pastor thinks about my little loophole. Because if he has a problem with it, he wouldn't perform the wedding, and that would make me rather sad, because my pastor is awesome.
  16. Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong. It is like people in hotels. We go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning on some occasions and this is when people are checking out, or going to breakfast. They let the door slam, because they are up, and then walk down the hall talking. Usually flight attendants are the worst. When you just got to sleep, and are awoken, it is hard to get back to sleep. Hence the ear plugs for me. Beer pong? That's a new one. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. And beer pong is pretty common, although I'm not exactly sure how it's played. It's your typical drinking game. They were nice about being quiet when I asked them, so we'll see if they actually do it (which, if they're drunk, is doubtful).
  17. lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom. Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions. Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together. I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though. True. But you don't know that yet. He might learn more about your faith when you two are married and decide to convert. Or, there might be a God who is called different names, but all those who are religious, no matter the faith, go to the same eternity. You never know. Eh, the Bible makes it pretty clear that there's only one way, and Ian and I have discussed religion super-in-depth a few times. I can only hope and pray for his salvation. I think it's quite possible that he will change his mind (if he can get past his pride), but I can't by any means be foolish enough to expect him to be saved. My mom's pretty convinced that he'll be saved eventually though. So who knows?
  18. Good luck. People who let doors slam need more than signs... a sledge hammer might do the trick. *lends Jesusfreak my sledge hammer* Hahaha nah, they're not really slamming the door on purpose, they're letting it swing closed by itself, and when you do that, it slams. It's really easy to forget, and I've done it myself a few times. So I figured a sign taped to each door would be a good reminder for all of us. And I also just knocked on their door and requested that they keep the noise down so I can go to sleep. I'm pretty sure they're playing beer pong.
  19. lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom. Your mother would be a good place to start. I think you could have a wonderful marriage and still both have your religions. Ian sounds like such a nice, considerate and thoughtful person. These type guys do not come along everyday. I think the religion part could be worked out and you never know, he might surprise you after you both are together. I know. It would still be realy sad knowing that we won't be together for eternity though.
  20. And now I'm going to go make a couple of signs reminding everyone to close the suite door gently instead of letting it slam.
  21. lol a lot of people think that. Actually, I don't think I know anyone that doesn't think that. I dunno. Like I said, it's going to require a lot of prayer and thinking, and ultimately talking over with some people, including but not limited to my mom.
  22. You got a motorcycle? That's AWESOME! Yup! One that looks just like that one. That's pretty sweet, I must say. My mom wanted to get a motorcycle for awhile, but it never happened. You need to tell her to check out the BMW F650GS. They have a lower seat and the bike is pretty light. Not too much power, so you don't scare yourself like the crotch rockets. Sounds cool.
  23. I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant. It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this. Hahaha *any You can get Mushroom_king's band to play your song! Hm...maybe...We should have a contest and see how writes the best music to it. Or even give them the option of putting music to any of my poems. It might be interesting. Now that is a great idea! Jesse had a short bit of music posted a while back. I bet that would work. I was thinking of trying to see if I could post a short video clip. I remember that. And if I recall correctly, it was actually really good. I wonder what you can upload here...
  24. I answered this question before you posted it, in your topic. And it is probably good you don't have the musical skills of an ant. It might turn out more like a march. Anyway, I like this. Hahaha *any You can get Mushroom_king's band to play your song! Hm...maybe...We should have a contest and see how writes the best music to it. Or even give them the option of putting music to any of my poems. It might be interesting.
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