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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am) This is a great match. If you two get along really well and she returns in the fall, would you be able to be roommates if you wanted? I'm already planning on rooming with my friend Christina. I was supposed to room with her for the summer too, remember? But she ended up doing some work program that housed her elsewhere, and I made the mistake of telling residence life she wasn't going to be here. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. o.O
  2. So do I! Especially since you are almost in second place. Yaaay second. XD Second for what? Does that help clarify second??? Hahaha wow, Sheena's still in second. How long has it been since she last posted? I miss her, she was awesome. Sorry, I don't know when her last post was. I only know when people appear last. Ah, then when did she last appear? February I believe. I saw her come on and within about two minutes, leave again. No post, nothing. Wow. Did she ever say why she left? Yes. Do you care to tell us this reason, or is that confidential?
  3. So do I! Especially since you are almost in second place. Yaaay second. XD Second for what? Does that help clarify second??? Hahaha wow, Sheena's still in second. How long has it been since she last posted? I miss her, she was awesome. Sorry, I don't know when her last post was. I only know when people appear last. Ah, then when did she last appear? February I believe. I saw her come on and within about two minutes, leave again. No post, nothing. Wow. Did she ever say why she left?
  4. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow... And sleep in peace, comfort and know you have a considerate room who will not blast the tele. Yup! And it gets better: she normally goes to be early, and doesn't mind sleeping with my desk light on (which was good when I was doing my lab until 2am)
  5. So do I! Especially since you are almost in second place. Yaaay second. XD Second for what? Does that help clarify second??? Hahaha wow, Sheena's still in second. How long has it been since she last posted? I miss her, she was awesome. Sorry, I don't know when her last post was. I only know when people appear last. Ah, then when did she last appear?
  6. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner! Life is good!!!!!!!! Now, not only do you have access to your building, you will have a very cool room to relax in. Yup! And I get to sleep in tomorrow...
  7. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later. It sounds like this move worked out even better than you imagined! lol I got my card fixed today. During lunchtime I went down to residence life, and all it took was some guy pulling up my ID card info, unchecking one box, and checking another, and I now have access to my own building. And it did work out better than I imagined: my roomie has an air conditioner!
  8. You have been profiled as a terrorist. Hahaha Nah, I think what happened was, before everyone's ID cards worked on every residence building, including the ones we're not supposed to be in. But yesterday, they changed it so it only works on your own building. Yesterday is when I moved, and it wasn't in the paperwork that I moved until after they changed it. So now my ID card works in my old building but not the new one. I'll have to go harass the residence life people tomorrow afternoon. And now Brennan, who I'm talking to on AIM about Scrunchy (the mascot for Shop-Rite's cereals), is telling me to go up to his room to join him and Marius, so I I'll be back later.
  9. So do I! Especially since you are almost in second place. Yaaay second. XD Second for what? Does that help clarify second??? Hahaha wow, Sheena's still in second. How long has it been since she last posted? I miss her, she was awesome.
  10. And now I need to see about why my ID card doesn't let me swipe into the building...
  11. I'm back! I was actually back yesterday, but I didn't have time to get on here because of the whole moving and classes thing. I'm all moved in now, and my roomie seems really nice, and I'm right downstairs from Marius and Brennan (when they're actually on campus) and it's awesome. And my friends helped me move, which was also awesome, especially when moving the giant fridge down three flights of stairs. My weekend at camp was mostly construction work (for me, in the form of hauling heavy stuff like rolled up carpet, dressers, desks, etc. down the hill, and helping dad get it into the dressser), except for the one part where I was so tired I actually broke down crying and left to take a four hour nap. Our new cabin needs a lot of work, but once it's done, it's going to be awesome because it's like twice the size of our old one. And now my arms feel really funny...
  12. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    The other ensembles in the competition were all from middle schools. Yes, it will be great to go to college. This trip has given me a heads up about dorm life (headphones = a miracle worker!) I see... they brought in your band to show everyone else the standards to strive for!!! Jesusfreak's soon-to-be-old roommate should have a pair. You are really going to like college. I absolutely guarantee you will. Hahaha yes, she does. She wasn't using them yesterday, but she doesn't have awful taste in "music" either, so it was okay. (quotation marks because what my former roomie listened to doesn't count as music)
  13. :wacko: Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. Have lots of fun. I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go... Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning. When you do get to go... have a great weekend! Hahaha we finally got everything straightened out. Ian couldn't go ultimately because it's his dad's birthday. So mom's going to be here in a little bit, and I'll be gone until Monday or Tuesday. You have a great weekend too!
  14. :wacko: Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. Have lots of fun. I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go... Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning. When you do get to go... have a great weekend! And it gets more complicated. *At the moment* mom's going to get me tomorrow around noon. What car she takes will depend on if Ian still wants to go (now that he doesn't have to drive)
  15. :wacko: Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. Have lots of fun. I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go... Sometimes I wonder how the easiest things can become so very complicated. Oh, I know. It just keeps getting more complicated. Right now, I'm waiting for Ian to call me to say if he can go so I can call and tell dad if he has to come get me or not. And it's looking like I'll be leaving (if it's my dad that brings me, at least) either tomorrow night or Saturday morning.
  16. :wacko: Everyone is going away this weekend... it will be very quiet. Have lots of fun. I know! Of course, this will be if/when my parents and/or Ian get their act together. Because it's getting more and more complicated as we go...
  17. Yay 3 hour naps! ^_^I'll be going to camp this weekend either today or tomorrow, so if you don't see me around, that's why.
  18. I didn't know that. Only mechanism for changing notes is how your lips vibrate. I learnded that in scouts! =D That's really cool. Wait... you have vibrating lips? Learnded, yes. And vibrating lips is the basis of all brass instrument... *wonders what the girls think of vibrating lips* LOL I can only imagine what you are thinking about. That when you try and carry on a conversation, you sound like... BBBBBBBBBellooooooBBBBBBBBowareyouBBBBBBBBB... Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. So, today after dinner, Marius, Brennan and I set off on a quest for two things: the newest season of Scrubs, and scrunchies crunchies (the Shop-Rite version of Cap'n Crunch). Somehow, we also ended up going to Kohls, Blockbuster, Target, the Shop-Rite a half hour away, and Brennan's house. Now, about that chem homework...
  19. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, I know how that is from chorus.
  20. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces* *has the willies just thinking about them* And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula! They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider. But they're cute and fuzzy! It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you. You don't know these spiders... they are definitely out to get hamsters. It is written in the Code of Hamster Living... beware of spiders. lol I still think it's easier to safely get rid of a spider if you don't freak out about it. Like a few weeks ago, Ian and I were outside. And he said to me, "Terry, you have a spider on your lapel." And I looked at my jacket, and sure enough, there was a spider. Now, while I'm not afraid of spiders, I'm not a huge fan of them crawling on me. So I said, "Oh, well would you look at that." And, with Ian's help, got the spider off of me (after it made a run for my hair), and safely onto the ground. And it didn't bite me or anything.
  21. Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. Yep! Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class). Yeah!!!! Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping... Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. Maybe...and again with the talking on the cel phone when I'm sleeping this morning. When I get a phone call, I go outside, especially if my roomie's sleeping. *sends Jesusfreak a bugler to play reveille* *evil laugh is heard* You get yourself up around 05H00, then let the bugler begin about one foot from the head of her bed. ROFOCLH...oh yeah!!! I don't want to get up the early, and I'm not even sure what time that means.
  22. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    *thinks of these really BIG really HAIRY, really FAST, grove spiders that can squeeze their big fat hairy bodies through the smallest of spaces* *has the willies just thinking about them* And they are bigger, hairier, jump higher and run much faster than any tarantula! They like moisture and will hang out in the bathroom. They are cousins to "WOLF" spider. But they're cute and fuzzy! It just takes a change or perspective. That, and they're not out to get you. They're scared of you. And the less you scare them, the less likely they are to freak out and bite you.
  23. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Just don't get yourself worked up over it. And remember Phillipians 4:13.
  24. Stellar!!! Sounds fantastic. You will definitely have a smile on your face next week. Yep! Things are finally looking up. In about 20 minutes, I'm going over to Marius and Brennan's room to watch heros (Brennan records it because we both have night class). Yeah!!!! Heros was was an interesting one. (it was the season finale). And of course I came back to my roomie sleeping with the tv on full blast. :glare: Or at least I think she's sleeping... Perhaps she has a hearing problem. Maybe she should get that checked. Maybe...and again with the talking on the cel phone when I'm sleeping this morning. When I get a phone call, I go outside, especially if my roomie's sleeping.
  25. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    I play with lady bugs, and think they are wonderful, but this does not make me like spiders! Spiders it's good to have a healthy fear of, as in, yes they bite. However, when you see a spider it's not necesary to go, "OHMYGOSHITSASPIDERGETITAWAYGETITAWAYEWEWEWEWEWEW!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" (One's on purpose) Because screaming at a spider won't make it any less likely to bite you.
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