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Everything posted by Jesusfreak

  1. It's on its way out, but I still have the annoying cough. I took a walk today, it's SO nice out! Now hopefully they'll fix my hot water so I can take a shower without becoming hypothermic.
  2. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Ah, that makes sense then. Still, don't go too crazy. GPA is important, but not *that* important, at least not for most jobs.
  3. Ah, I see. This is the stuff they should be teaching us in grade school.
  4. Sun does help your body...something with vitamin D.
  5. Wow, there's a name I haven't heard in forever! Happy birthday!
  6. Ah yes, the Owl, I remember that coming up in my searches when I was checking a format, good website. I still like things like Easybib and Noodlebib for my citations though, because I'm lazy.
  7. It's so cool to see the pictures of actual plant cells and compare them to what I learned in my own biology courses. Our diagrams of plant cells were always squared, and the vacuole, though large, never took up almost the whole cell. Maybe you could write a textbook about what the cells actually look like.
  8. Wow, that's pretty cool! I always thought chloroplasts were very much smaller than the nucleus.
  9. The weather mostly just helps my mood, which is still definitely a good thing.
  10. I didn't have to pay for it, but that might be because of my university. I remember using something different in high school, but I can't remember what it was called. *googles it* Easybib. Does roughly the same thing.
  11. I made it through school today, so I'm alright. The weather today is gorgeous! Sunny and in the 60's, a nice improvement from the rain we've had lately.
  12. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    B's are still pretty good, don't stress too much. Also, at my school at least, 3.75 and above is summa #### laude, so that's something to think about. (My gpa is like 3.69 or something like that)
  13. I had a wonderful weekend though now I'm sick. I drove Shane home and spent the weekend with him and his family, which was fun. His family is really nice. We saw Alice in Wonderland yesterday, which was pretty good. The whole being sick thing is lame though. It stated on Thursday with a sore throat and slight nausea, and by Friday my voice wasn't quite right. Shane insisted on kissing me anyways, and now he's sick too lol. On Saturday my voice was completely gone, and the whole congestion thing started up (along with the usual runny nose, coughing, etc.). Yesterday and today my voice is still messed up, and today I took the day off to rest and go to the health center. They did a strep test (which was my guess since one of my kids had a sore throat on Thursday too, and he had a sibling with strep), but the quick one came up negative. They gave me a thermometer and a note saying to stay home (which I was doing anyways, but it's good to have in case anyone questions it). It's also spring break week here, so my roomies are all gone, which is nice. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
  14. Jesusfreak

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse's radio show is spiffy.
  15. Happy birthday Jesse! (for the third time, I think) Also birthday song by the beetles ftw
  16. Oh, that's not so hard. Chances are it's times new roman, 12pt font, 1 inch margins, I forget if they want it double spaced, but you can look it up online. I also strongly suggest using Noodlebib for your works cited. It formats everything for you, you just have to fill in the blanks.
  17. Huh, it only seems to be returning more recent posts from your topic.
  18. I would have just typed owl into the regular search box and hit enter.
  19. I went searching back in this topic... whoa it is looooooongggggggggg, because I thought I had posted pictures of the last owl babies. But, I am only up to page 175. Ugh. Just have to wait for the new pictures to arrive. Might I make a suggestion?
  20. Today I trimmed my 400+ person buddy list on facebook down to 80-something, after realizing that I don't consider most of them to be my friends at all. This realization was triggered by my roommates shattering that last teeny bit of hope that they were still technically friends. Apparently they all went to UBall this weekend, which I would have liked to go to if I knew anyone else that was going. It required you to purchase tickets in advance too, so it's not like it was a spur-of-the-moment thing where I happened to not be around. So, that hurt, and I realized that my feelings way back in the beginning of the year are true: I am a stranger in my own apartment. With that, my roommates were deleted in my friends list purge.
  21. He is a sweetheart. He has gorgeous eyes too, which you usually can't see in pictures because he's always smiling.
  22. I can put my applications up now, but I am technically not certified until after I finish student teaching and pay the fees for certification. Most states require a minimum score on certain Praxis tests (like the SATs for teachers), as well as things like a background check. I already took my elementary ed Praxis tests, and I think I have to take one for science as well. Different states have different requirements, though the only one I'm really familiar with is NJ.
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