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  2. This move sounds fantastic. I am happy to hear that you are all doing well. Walking to work is terrific. Not only because of the lack of expense with gas, but because it is so good for you. It helps start the day with a nice stroll to work. Walking MacKenzie to school is also a big plus. This is a wonderful way to enjoy your town. I lived in a town where, after I returned from a week or to away at work, we parked the car and walked everywhere for everything. It was so very nice. The snowman is so much fun! I really like seeing you all have a little bit of fun in your life. That is great. Congratulations to Maddie for the promotion. I am excited for her. May she continue to excel in her work environment. Talk to you soon.
  3. Update a full year later: We're still in maryland! No longer living in my mom's house. I was fired from the job I came up here with just before Halloween. Thankfully Maddie had just gotten a promotion at work and made just enough that I didn't even really have to work. It was like less than 50 dollars short of covering every expense. So I took a month off to recover and then got a job at the toy store next door to our downtown apartment. We've had a friendly relationship with the owner since we moved here and I like all of my coworkers. And i hardly ever have to do the retail part, since my job is doing all the physical jobs in preparation for a new play area opening up in the back. It's so fun! I built a fence all by myself! I make a little less, but the lack of a commute means we save more than the difference in gas! Maddie is still thriving here, and other than one jerk on Facebook, she's had zero negative experiences from people around here. (Other than the usual rude people, but nothing regarding her personally) We started a LGBTQ group (like PFLAG but not associated with the organization) in town but had to stop bc we got overwhelmed at work. Now that our stress is reduced, I'm hoping we can get it started back up again! MacKenzie is doing good in school. Better than last year, still has some room to improve. It's definitely helpful that I'm home every night at 5 so she has a reliable evening routine. So much better than when I was working big box at all hours. We have friends in town we can see more often. The town is so small we can walk to school even on cold days and not be too bad. Kiddo got a scooter for Christmas so on REALLY cold days we can scooter to school and get there faster! It's been a crazy year and I'm so happy we came here. It snowed on Monday and we got to play outside a little. I made a tiny snowman! I will try to be more active here again. I miss this place. I would love to hear how your year was too!
  4. Lexxscrapham, If you stop by, would you please let us know how you are, and what is happening with you these days? We hope all is well with you.
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