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Storytellers: Search for Taynio

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A few things before I start. The name of the story/book is Storytellers: Search for Taynio. I won't tell you what it is about but I will tell you that there is an older, less appealing version on the board. The relationship between my name, Taynio, and the title of the book is I got the name from my writings.


If you have read the old version or wish to look at the old version, you can visit it here. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=2502


I have updated the old, adding more to the original pieces, changing words and plots, and etc. I HIGHLY recommend you read the entire thing, even if you remember the older version. I am aware that my talent in writing stories is not the same as it is for my poetry and etc. But please, bear with me.





New Version



Storytellers: Search for Taynio


Chapter one: Embracement


Large crowds of people swarmed the city of Mestfan. Noble, rich, poor, it did not matter whom you were here. All that mattered was that tennels were being used. Mestfan was a trade city, more like a kingdom twice the size of Nefrati. It lived and thrived on the water that surrounded it, Most of it having a ship at its edges. The city leaders would pay the Empire hefty amounts of tennels so that they can do whatever they pleased. Indeed, Mestfan was not the most placid place known in the human world, but it wasn't the most reckless.


Humans were known for their recklessness compared to the other races. Humans would take control over other races’ beautiful cities and raze them and act like they wanted it to still exist. They were the most hated of all the races. But not even this would stop the Dwarven race to barter with humans. Money is everything nowadays.


Stories of ancient races filled every street corner of Mestfan. Each day it would be a new one that can only been witnessed or heard by from the Storytellers. The storytellers were a group of “people†who were lead by a man named Aero. They never told anyone to pay for the stories but people always donated so that they can keep hearing the wonderful instead of realizing that their lives are pathetique. At the end of the day, the storytellers would put all of the money collected in a bucket and would vote on a person to receive the most money. They did this so everyone can have a little extra every week. There were only 7 of them, so it worked out perfectly. Once a winner was chosen he would receive his money and not be able to be picked again until 7 days later.


Only two of the storytellers were known by the public. These men were Aero and Aquan. Aero was a tall man with long, silver hair and was obviously the oldest. His skin, voice, and posture never once made him look old, however. His skin and eyes were more of a blue colour. Obviously he was not a human. But there were no records of any race ever containing his characteristics. This added to the mysticism to his stories and appearance. His house was full of books. Books upon books were always lying on the floor of his shack. His friends would jokingly call him a bibliophile. Their actual mind of it was always in a state of amazement for they never once found the same book again.


The second oldest was strangely called Aquan. Before his father died, he was told that he was chosen to be called Aquan because he was found as a newborn, swimming the waters of the Black Craeg. Aquan was surely the man in the group with the most mystery about him. He never expressed emotions with his face but always conveyed everything somehow in the way he talked and told his stories. He wasn't a very tall person, but he was tough. His muscles from his youth had never faded away leaving him with a bulk to no one could match. Of course these were only seen when his robe was taken off to reenact scenes of he stories. His skin was of a partial tan colour but was wrinkled from age. His hair was extremely long and would always drag on the ground. Occasionally he would have it tied up. Strangely enough, it never seemed to become dirty or get anything tangled in it.



As for the other 5 storytellers, not much is known about them. No one knew who they were, what they were, how they got to Mestfan or anything except that they were awesome storytellers. However, Aquan and Aero knew their names. They were Mikchift, Canisft, Inyan, Biris, and Horaq.


Strange and queer happenings.


A cart fell over in the street and woke Aero from his sleep. He rarely ever slept. And as usual, he was grumpy. His stomach started to hurt and felt like it was twisting and screaming out in agony. He quickly realized that he was hungry. He undressed from his sleeping apparel and put on his daily wears. Before exiting from his shack, he retrieved his small bag of tennels. He started to walk to the local tavern, which served its so-called breakfast at the hour of day.


He walked into the tavern and the Keeper asked what he wanted. Aero said with full remorse "Give me ale with a sherm slab". "Cumin' rih' uh." replied the seemingly unintelligent Keeper. Aero walked to a table nearest to a shadow and sat down. He pulled out a bag that was made out of black leather, a rare thing to see even at Zatrinox, the capital of the Empire. He cupped the bag with his hands and uttered something that could not be heard even if there was someone that sat next to him. Then he took the leather bag and released the contents out onto the table. The contents were odd shaped and almost as if they were bones. He looked at the objects for a while as if reading them. He quickly gathered them up as the Keeper came with his food and ale. Aero ate it as if he hadn't eaten in forever. He left to go find an area to set up.


Twas high noon before he found a pleasant place to begin telling stories of old. People followed him, waiting for him to stop and choose a place. They walked silently, patiently. He carefully chose a place in the middle of town, and stood high where all could see. Once the crowd was good enough of a number he began.


"Over 600 years ago, in the land now known as the Empire, there lived a boy with a mysterious gift. This was not uncommon in the lands of the unknown, for they were across the sea and no one dared venture to them. The only thing that came from the sea was a race of magickal beings known now simply as Elves. But back then they were regarded as the Gir'ank, their name in Dwarven. The Gir'ank firstly came in search of a human looking creature with a mysterious gift, but they did not think him to actually portray the looks of a human." "The boy was tall for his age. He stood 6'8'' at the age of 17. To the Dwarfs, he was a titan. The land was full of Dwarfs and humans, who scowered every piece of land they could. The humans would take the open, flat lands and the Dwarfs took the hills, secluded areas, and the mountains. The Gir'ank took to the trees. The strange boy was finally found and confronted by the Elves. They-"


"Cuvarikx!" shouted a man running from fear in the street. Aero saw his face and the horror that his eyes held. He knew what was going happen next, but queerly enough he always knew things shortly before they happened. Suddenly the streets and buildings began to rumble. A single building fell from the south end of the street where Aero was located. When the smoke cleared, a huge human-like creature appeared from the cloud of dust. Its eyes were as red as the flames of Densgyr, its body like that of a Minotaur. It let out a ghastly shriek that brought it to everyone's attention. This was a creature of myth and fairy tales that Aero once told. This creature was known as Hephin Crux, the devourer of magic. It was conjured into being by the original Persbyam summoners. It killed its summoners and stole their magick. Now it hunts for a greater magick than its own so it may become stronger.


"Vanquinz Con Abragou!" A ball of light was sent flying into Hephin Crux. The ball was so bright that it blinded Aero and Aquan while causing the monster to fly into the air. The energy of the blast hung in the air, frozen by Hephin Crux. The humongous monster flailed his arm at the ball and hurled it back at Aero. He immediately conjured barriers of Old and threw up his hands to the air. The ball of light grew as it spun towards the old man. It finally stopped as a translucent wave was sent thrusting into the attack repelled by the Hephin Crux. Ears all over the city went deaf. The collision of the wave and ball of light exploded in the air, sweeping light flowing through the city.


When the light faded, Aquan looked to the place where Aero was standing, his face pale and his body trembling. What he saw was not the friend he once knew. Both Aero and the Hephin Crux had vanished. Aquan looked around, trying to find evidence of his friend and the monster but found nothing. The rubble of the city was also non-existent. The once destroyed buildings were whole again. The dwellers of the city were also stunned in amazement. Many rubbed their eyes in disbelief. They stood for what seemed forever in silence. After a few more moments of silence, rumours started in the crowd. Many people ran up to Aquan and begged him for answers of what happened. But Aquan didn't know what happened. He didn't even know what the creature that attacked was. There were no records of any occurrences of the day that he knew of. Aquan gathered his information from Aero's books when he was a young man. But nothing could be accounted for. Aero and Aquan never spoke of each other's past to the other. He was only 107 years old and had spent 80 years with his friend, but never knew even Aero's age. And since Aero never showed signs of aging, it made it even harder to tell.


Immediately Aquan went in search of his other companions Mikchift, Canisft, Inyan, Biris, and Horaq. He asked around, seeing if anyone saw them. But the only reply he received was that they just vanished instantly. Torn, bewildered, and alone he went to the local Kamu Sage cottage. As he turned the corner he saw the old Kamu Sage woman kneeling infront of her destroyed home. It seemed as if the only place not restored from the Hephin Crux was her's. He walked up to her and reached out to rest his hand on her shoulder but was frozen and could not move. The old woman spoke softly in a young woman's voice "You will not find any of your friends here young Lord. You will not find them anywhere in this world. Old Aero had used a power that is forbidden to perform in the times of now." Astonished and baffled, Aquan attempts to ask what she means but fails. However, the Kamu Sage replies "He is not human or of any race that ever existed. Surely as a storyteller you must know the tale? Oh, but perhaps you haven't been told."



I am finished for right now. I don't like that much. I never really liked it though. That would be because it isn't perfect I guess. So...tell me what you think of the new version. Hope you all like it better than I do.

I will try to write another piece Monday when I find time...or inspiration. I have "it" tonight but I am very tired.Bye bye.

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Check first post to find out where I started from!


“Aero never told anyone of his past or of what he knew. Kept it with him to the end he did. Ah, but perchance I know of the story, eh? Tell me young Lord, would you like to hear it? Oh...it is a fascinating story, sad, but rather interesting.†Again Aquan attempted to move and this time succeeded. His body trembled and shook as he fell to the ground on his knees. He lowered his head, resting his body, and allowing his hands to lay on the ground. After a few minutes of resting he looked up and found the Kamu Sage directly in his face, staring into his eyes. Her eyes seem to have held a story for everything, they screamed out in horror of what they know. The eyes of the old woman were an Abyss that was never-ending. Slowly he felt as is his soul and body were being drawn into her, and then he blacked out, falling to his right. The Sage stood up and looked over him. She held her hands out above him as a faint white aura started to emit from her and Aquan’s boy and chanted the words “Necta Sun Kamuoish.â€

* * * * *

What have I done? I...I killed a man. How could I? I... I don’t understand. I don’t remember doing it. Or, at least, I don’t think I do. A figure slowly appears from the shadows of the balcony of the keep looking out onto the battlefield. He is a young man with shoulder-length, wind-braided, blonde hair that glows ever so vaguely. He rests his hands on the railing and grips them tight. The sun slowly rises over the horizon, light revealing the specter’s body. His hands were soft and young, healthy looking, covered with blood. His face is stern, pale, and frightened of the events. His nose is rather pointed as are his ears. His apparel seemed to be of a soldier’s or of a prince of a kingdom. Around his neck was worn a necklace with a peculiar symbol that was an eye with a book resting in the pupil. The stranger turns around quickly, startled, scared, and nervous as knocks on the wooden door to the room were being pounded with a booming voice calling him to open up. The guards finally break down the door and see him standing out on the balcony. He quickly turns around and jumps on the edge, glancing back for a second, and then jumping out into the sky. The guards rush to the side and try to see where he landed but see a dark, shrouded figure flying like a hawk into the sky. One guard becomes enraged and throws his sword at the figure trying to hit it but misses.

* * * * *

Aquan awakens in a cave lighten by millions of candles inside of skulls. The old woman turns around from the table she is working at and smiles faintly and gently saying “Good morning young Lord. Sleep well did you? Ah, I see you are interested in the skulls. Oh, do not be alarmed. They are skulls, yes, but they are not what they seem. These are the skulls of the Heroes and Heroines of the worlds. Magickal candles are placed inside of the heads. The candles will never burn out until the body and spirit is called back from the underworld for the heroes to save the world once again. A rather good system from the Old in my opinion. Don’t you think?†He rubs his head with his hand, looking around once more, but replying with “Where am I? What did you do to me? And who are you?†The Kamu Sage smiles and laughs slightly but then straightens up, walking over to Aquan and sits next to him on the ground. She whispers softly “You are in the Hall of the Old races. Each hero and heroine is from a different race. Thousands of skulls and thousands of races. Many died out.

“But you see those 6 right there?†as she pointed to the shrine like part of the cavern with pearl white, shining skulls that resembled no other skull, “Those skulls are of 7 special people who haven’t died since the beginning of the worlds. They were like Guardians, Angels, or so called Gods with extraordinary powers, wisdom, knowledge, and strength. But that came at a price, as does all. There were many things they could not use or face the consequences of the mystery of magick. Do you see the one that is in the middle, that is the creator of many things. He was and still is their leader. Every time a hero was chosen, every time a world needed to be saved or helped, they were behind it all like the parts of a clock that makes it work. His name has been translated to many things with one being Amundoshanti. Other names were Rapshyn, Ki’tok, and the more legendary one being Aero. But all of these were from the new races who never cared much for history. Yes, indeed, but his real and true name was Taynio, Master of the Light. Huh? Yes, Master. Why? Well...I don’t rightfully know why he was. Perhaps because light is being used as all of existence. Well, yes you may be correct. It could be just that; light.



Okay...okay. I am done for now. I ment to post this two days ago but I had things to do. If you find any errors or anything please point them out. And before you point out the 6 and 7 skull thing, that is not a mistake lol. Okay...well....I am off to go on a car cruise. lol Later. MUCH LOVE!

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Aquan looked bafflingly at the skulls “so you’re saying Aero is Taynio? Oh, sorry. I just assumed. But you also said seven skulls. Where is the seventh?†The Kamu Sage looked at him hard, without blinking. She sighed and spoke in a low, gentle whisper “That is one of the unfortunate things to befall the guardians. You see, there are extremes and consequences of using their powers. I already told you that, yes, but I didn’t tell you what kind of powers and the consequences. The guardians are not allowed to heal people, wage wars, or use destructive magick against those they were not instructed to by Taynio. Taynio was never really a guardian par say. He was the leader and always was connected with the Worlds. He was the walking, talking, breathing form of the Worlds in other words. But he still was subject to the powers and such.†“Hmm? Yes, the healing. They were not allowed to heal anyone because that would be interfering with nature’s course. But if they did in fact heal anyone, it would be cause it was needed to save existence from the evil. But it is time for you to eat. You are tired and hungry. Don’t act like you aren’t. I am not as stupid as you think. Hehehe.†Aquan and the Kamu Sage stand up. He thinks to ask her name but she looks back at him and says “ Gaelinfal.â€









Chapter Two: Moribund


Captain of the Guard, Jensil, and the other officers walk down the castle hall into the throne room in a triangle rank march. Jensil unsheathes his sword and kneels in front of Queen Brah “Your Highness, the King was murdered in his noon sleep. The intruder was on the balcony when we finally broke the door down. He left off and flew off into the sky. We were not able to capture him.†The Queen stares at her Captain as tears start to stream down her face “Do you know who it was that killed my husband?†“Uh... no My Queen. We could not identify him. I will personally conduct the search for the killer.†he replied. He bowed his head and stood up, walking out of the throne room with his officers following.


When they reached the barracks, Second in Command Kuora pulled Jensil to the side whispered “What do think you are doing! You know who killed him! How dare you not tell her that her own son killed his father!†He stared in the eyes of Kuora and lashed out verbally “How dare I? She does not need to know who killed him! She already lost her husband. Telling her that he did it would devastate her!†Jensil calmed down, collecting himself and resting his hand on the other’s shoulders, “You are like a little brother to me, Kuora. You always came to me for counsel. You trusted me before so trust me now.†He took his arms off and turned around, walking towards his room in the barracks. Kuora leaned against a wall and slide down it, sitting on the ground.




Not much inspiration lately. Sorry. Just tell me what you think. Bye.

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